Lee Academy

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Lee Academy is a spanking novel by Gary. It is done in a femdom school spanking story set in a private school co-educational boarding school that cater to grades 7 to 9. The focused of the tale of a house-mother who finds herself on both sides of the school's strict discipline


Parts 1-3
Covers Beth 'warming' welcoming her new section at the beginning of her second year as a house-mother at Lee Academy.
Part 4-6
Covers the First full day of school.
Part 7
Flashback to the first time Beth had spanked boy who wasn't one of her brothers, her neighbor and friend of her brothers, Jimmy Roberson. and end up being spanked herself for an unrelated misdeed by her neighbor's mother.
Part 8
Tells the tale of Bobby's second earned spanking on his first day for being out of bed after lights out.
Part 9
Returns to the flashback dealing with Beth's return home after being spanked by her neighbor to face her own mother.
Part 10-12
After introduce the Headmistress flashes back to the previous year, Beth's first as an house-mother, and big problems and how it was resolved with both her section, and with herself getting spanked;, Her by the headmistress in private then the next morning the boys by her and the headmistress.
Part 13-15
Peter develops a homework issue that gets both himself and Beth into trouble.
Part 16
Shows that running in the hall and being late for class due to being spanked will result in even the older students getting spanked.
Part 17-20
The Twins sneak off campus with out permission getting themselves and the girl working on the reception desk in trouble.
Part 21-24
Beth's plans for a pleasant Thanksgiving holiday first part babysitting for the Headmistress and the later part with her family were derailed when Headmistress Donovan catches her smoking off campus-in violation of her employment contract-Setting in motion a chain reaction of a series of Spankings both public and private. First an on the spot public spanking by the headmistress before being sent to her office to be dealt with more thoroughly. And while waiting for that, Beth gets herself spanked by Mrs. Marshall. Then the Headmistress returns to deal with her and also set her an assignment to write out her 3 previous punishments for smoking, to be given to her the next day when she comes over for the sitting job which was still on. When Beth was finally allowed to return to her room she encounters Ms. Barbara Connolly and the History teacher Mrs. Donovan who gave her a down payment of the displeasure over her smoking and promised her a full dose after the holiday as she bottom was in no shape to do it justice right then.
Part 25
Tells the story of her first punishment for smoking when Beth was 13 while attending a sleepover, with a follow up spanking in front of her brother from both her parents when she got home the next day.
Part 26-28
Tells the story of the second punishment for smoking this time when she was 16 as was walking home with Neale and was spotted by her neighbor. She was spanked by her mother her parents plus her neighbor for lying about it, witnessed by Justin and Jimmy. Then spanked the next day for her next part by her mother, with Neale volunteering to take one along side of her.
Part 29
This is a side story on how Neale's volunteering converted his permissive mother to become a spanking parent, and takes him to the mall to buy a hairbrush, and gets a demo on how to use it.
Part 30-31
Tells the story of the third punishment for smoking. It was when Beth was 17 and was caught at school. Which resulting in spanking from the Headmistress,her Mother and her Dad.
Part 32
Unfortunately for Beth, completing the Reports made her late for the sitting job for Mrs. Donovan, resulting in her charges seeing her get spanked, as well as hearing the contents of her reports. But due to a prior misbehavior, Beth was then required to spank each of her charges before she had even stopped crying from her own.
Part 33-34
While Lee Academy was already on break, the school the Donovan kids went to did not get out till a few days later, and things had goon smoothly until Tim earned himself a detention on the last (half-)day, and his poor attitude with Beth earned him a bare bottom spanking in front of the school, instead of at home, and his continued attitude got him a second public spanking at lunch, and finally an additional spanking at home at bedtime. The next morning Tim's siblings got spanked when they could not stop arguing with each other.
Part 35-36
Beth returns home for the holiday to find both her youngest brother over he mother's lap on the front porch for smoking in school, as well as the fact the news of her own smoking had arrived home before her. After their mutual spankings the are told they are on thin ice and are due another spanking at the end of the holiday, though Beth has a spanking coming to her from her neighbor the next day (Thanksgiving itself) and it was unsure if it was going to be in private before hand or public at dinner itself- she got it in private.
Part 37-38
The Ashleys, plus Jimmy, were out at the mall when Justin and Jimmy start breaking the family rules about teasing Beth about her recent spankings, when Beth went to complain about this, Her mother was disappointed Beth had not just spanked them herself, and gives her a warm-up spanking before she sent Beth off to do the task she should have done in the first place. After completing her task, Beth had to return to her mother for during her warm-up it was discovered she was wearing a forbidden thong. She discovered Mrs. Bowman there with her mother and youngest brother, who was in trouble for being rude so he joined Beth in being further spanked. Only for all four to face a porch paddling from their mothers at home.
Part 39
The last day of the holiday arrives and Beth's mother decided for a light private spanking before the Ashley kids have the traditional Sunday breakfast out with dad. Making Beth promise to her that she would get no more spanking at school before Christmas break. Only to get call from Mrs. Donovan reminding her to wear a skirt for her appointment with Mrs. Marshall on her return, Earning Beth another spanking for lying from both parents. Sending her back to school bottom bared.
Part 40-41
Beth arrived at school, bottom on display, but before she could retrieve her bottoms from the trunk Barbara finds her and give her a quick on the spot spanking for her state of undress and tells her when to report for her spanking for her smoking. But she napped and overslept and missed the appointment so Barbara came and found her. And dragged her back to front of the school and delivered her spanking. during the spankings Barbara had Colleen, who arrived in inappropriate clothes and Margaret Morley join Beth in her spanking, Margaret getting spanked for refusing, at first, to spank Colleen.
Part 42
Beth finally gets her spanking for calling Mrs. Marshall a bitch from her. Partially in private, but some of it in the staff cafeteria.
Part 43-44
Within one day of return from vacation, Chris and Jon leave there dorm an unacceptable mess so Beth makes them an example in front of the rest of her section. Marie has a similar issue with a pair of her girls.
Part 45
Colleen faces her Aunt for a parental turn over the unsuitable attire that had caused her public spanking earlier.
Part 46
Beth apologized for her part in getting Margaret spanked and submitted to a spanking for it.
Part 47
Peter gets a wake-up spanking for over sleeping, and flashes back to Chris and Lauren faking sick to get out of a test.
Part 48-49
Just before Christmas, Lee Academy get a new young science teacher. The Headmistress spanks her during the interview for both a demo and being late. The next day Marylee and Beth meet and get off to bad start and the Headmistress and Marylee end up spanking Beth. Ms. Connolly ends up spanking both Beth and Marylee.
Part 50-51
While Beth was still recovering from the disastrous first encounter with the new teacher, the Headmistress came to inform her that she and her mother had arranged for Marylee to stay with her over the Christmas holiday. When Beth objects the headmistress spanks her. Marylee and Beth take a break from their arguing on the trip home to fulfill a request to discipline a boy for disrespecting community property. But the argument continue when they are back on the way, including Marylee ordering Beth to pull over so she can spank her, and Beth refusing. This continued until the meet up with Mrs. Ashley who promptly gave Beth a front porch spanking for the spanking she has gotten since Thanksgiving. And when she give Beth a break, she quickly deflated Maylee's authority during the stay, which resulting in a tantrum and a spanking for it. She further announced for the duration of the holiday that they were to get along and any punishment one earned they would both both receive equally.
Part 52-55
After sulking for the day, Beth and Marylee were forced to dress in a schoolgirl style as the Ashley's and the Roberson's go out to dinner. While at the restaurant at a neighboring table, Mrs. Cole had enough of her son's degenerating behavior and reinstated a spanking regime. Not heading their mother's warning it started there and then. Mrs. Ashley had the girls go over and offer her hairbrush to Mrs. Cole. When they returned to their own table, Marylee earned both the girls a public spanking of their own because she commented rudely on Mrs. Cole's actions. While Marylee received her bare bottom OTK spanking over Mrs. Ashley's lap-and Beth over Mrs. Roberson's-the hairbrush was returned and Mrs. Ashley collected 'interest' smacks from the boys. The girls' now brush spanking was again interrupted by an approving owner and the giggling waitress, the daughter of the owner of the family operated restaurant; which earned the waitress a promised spanking of her own from her mother. Before the evening was over the owner's son acting as a busboy got his own smacks and promised of a later spanking for swearing when he dropped and broke some dishes. After the patrons left, but not the staff hired from outside the family, the siblings got a bare bottom hand and ruler spanking (plus mouth soaping for Jon). At bedtime at the Ashley house Beth and Marylee, like Jon did early, received their spanking while having the mouths washed out for Marylee's language, but with the paddle for the girls.
Part 56
After days of suppressed tension Beth and Marylee finally snapped in the evening and started bickering with each other. Mrs. Ashley resolved it by first tenderizing Marylee's sitspots then had Marylee sit down on the hard stool and let her vindictively spank Beth until the force left the spanks. Then had both girl do corner time when Beth had regained her composure, then reversed the situation with Beth returning the favor to Marylee, to Marylee's surprise. After a longer corner time for both girls Mrs. Ashley ended it with a sound paddling for both girls and forced them to hug.
Part 57-59
Having their antagonism pierced the girls where more amendable when Mrs. Cole asked them to babysit her boys when she had to go out of town overnight. The boys however misbehaved on the way over so used that as an excuse to have the girls demonstrate their ability to handle the strict discipline she was using on the boys to get them back under control. Once the boys were red bottomed in the corner she give each of girls 5 swats with her hairbrush on their own bared bottom as warning to them if they failed to implement her strict orders for the boys. The girls then took the boys to the beach. where they all had fun until after lunch when despite instructions and warnings not to throw the Frisbee near other people, the boys ended up tripping over some sunbathers, resulting in a wet bottom nude public spanking for both boys and a nude time out on their beach blankets. While the remainder of the day went well, the next day did not. At breakfast time when Beth pointed out the guest room had be left a mess they sassed her back and when sent to clean it, they did a slipshod job, resulting in them losing their pajama bottom for a spanking and were not returned to them until the girls were satisfied with the result. After breakfast they were made to take a bath. Afterwards the boys asked permission to go to the playground instead of the girl's planned activity, it was granted on the condition the returned by noon and stayed clean. When the failed to return by 12:30,the girls set out to find their charges. luckily for the boys they were still at the playground but filthy. They were spared a public spanking in the park but not a nude one on the front pouch followed by being bathed and spanked by the girls afterwards. After lunch the boys spent the afternoon under close supervision until their mother collected them resulting in another hairbrush spanking for the boys, but not for the girls from Mrs. Cole, with a promise of another when she got them home.
Part 60
After Christmas Justin and Jay finally wore out their mother's holiday patience and were just been prepared for their bare bottom punishment when a young saleswoman came to the door to try to sell hairbrushes. When she saw the teen boys bared in the corner she objected insultingly which Mrs. Ashley dealt with on the front pouch with one of her own products. She then had her come inside and help her deliver her boys' spanking. This accomplished, Mrs. Ashley bought the new hairbrush, but not before having to teach the salesgirl about rubbing.
Part 61-67
On new years eve Neale took the girls out to a party, but Mrs. Ashley insisted that the girls had a 1:30 curfew when they broke when Neal return them an hour late-drunk. Mrs. Ashley made Neale stay the night and preceded to give all three a paddling over the back of the couch before sending them to bed. Neale was woken the next morning with the help of his mother's hairbrush and was dragged into the living room to join Beth and Marylee who were over Mrs. Ashley and Mrs. Roberson's lap for a long spanking before being made to shower and all three were dressed by the adults in childish punishment outfits-sans underwear. And after more bare corner time they were taken out to restaurant the girls had previously been spanked in for a meal followed by another spanking at the table. Mrs. Cooper related to the other women the story of her purchase of her first spanking hairbrush. and Mrs. Ashley relates her story of the hairbrush saleswoman. The trio of young adults had to keep the bottom bared as the women took them for a hand-held walk though the mall, with a final destination being the boutique shop that Mrs. Cooper had referenced. The store now also sold spanking services inspired by Neale's visit and which his mother had used a few time since. They discovered Karen was now working there having come to an arrangement with the shop owner. The shop's services were purchased for the three, and while checking out, still bottom bared, Mrs. Ashley noticed a paddle she wanted to give as a gift to Marylee to help her in her new job, but not before it was used on all three, plus a hand spanking from Karen. Keeping the bottoms bared they were taken back to the Ashley home. Once there Neale was spank-marched to his car by his mother than hand spanked until he wall crying again before told to drive home and told him his punishment wasn't over yet. When Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Roberson left, Mrs. Ashley paddled the girl over the porch railing, before being sent to Beth's room for the rest of the day. The girls were left behind when the rest of Ashley family went out that evening, and the Beth set an emergency plan in action. The next morning the girls were told to dress in their punishment outfits before joining the family for breakfast and were given a warm up before they were allowed to sit down. they discover Beth's brothers were in ill favor for attitude the evening before and lack of chores being completed like instructed, and were to be punished as well. After the girls packed their belongings in Beth's car's trunk, all four waited in living room corner until Karen arrived having been asked over by Mrs. Ashley to help her. All four were taken out to the porch for long spankings. Afterwards, the girls were led to Beth's car when Beth's precautions against being sent to school again with nothing below the waist was discovered. Backfiring, it caused not only that event plus an additional paddling.
Part 68-70
Barbara Connolly met them at school and spanked the truth of why they were in their state of undress. Upon finding out the full truth, she gave them a sample of her belt and gave them an appointment for the full dose the next day. Beth, after showering and fixing her clothes helped Marylee move into her apartment, include a quick trip to the store where the witnessed a teen boy get spanked by his mother. The next day they were on time for the appointment to find the Barbara had recruited the school nurse to help and dragged them out in front of the school for another public spanking. When the public display was finished, they were not released by put in the corner of the staff cafeteria then allowed a bare bottom lunch before the Headmistress and her assistant added their own swats on the girls. When released, Marylee left for her apartment and two ninth grade boys literally ran into Beth on her way to her room.. So Beth spanked them hard for breaking the school rules with Colleen witnessing it. Colleen held her peace during the spanking but afterward she complained rudely that the boys were spanked too hard to Beth. Mrs. Donovan witnessed the rudeness and agreed that Beth spanker her niece. Then when Beth admitted there was truth to Colleen's statement she was spanked yet again that day.
Part 71-73
Beth started the second term much like she did the first, with preventive spanking for her boys. but when it came to give the twins theirs she found their mother was already at the task. Mrs. Anderson having finished with one son asked Beth to deal with her daughter while she dealt with her other son. Beth politely decline felling it was not her place. Mrs. Anderson delayed the spanking to 'talk' privately with Beth in her room, where it turns out Mrs. Anderson was one of the witnesses to two of her public spankings and spanked out of Beth the reasons for them. She then blackmailed Beth with revealing to her boys that their housemother is still spanked to get her to consent to spanking her daughter, and possible a nanny job over the summer to whip her into shape. After folding to the twins' mother, Beth planned on delaying the twins spanking from her like she had before. But at dinner Peter untactful asked her when the twins were going to get their's like they had, despite knowing they had just be spanked by their mother. Peter ended up taking the twins' spanking for them there in the dinning room. and remained bare over lap after his spanking though both a 9th grader's spanking and the Headmistress' notices.
Part 74-77
Marylee's first day as a teach began with having to spank one of her ninth grade students to prove she was both serious and capable of upholding the standards of the school with a student who was flaunted them in both behavior and dress. Then later she looked up his housemother and found her as lacking as her student. Once the housemother was dealt with, Marylee takes Jason to get his hair cut. His language when he found he was to have a buzz cut got his mouth washed out and spanked by the hairdresser. Afterwards, Marylee gave him the spanking on the public bench, as she promised him if he misbehaved in the shop, while the hairdresser's daughter gets a spanking inside, and it inspired a mother to give her two a public sample instead of waiting until they got home. Upon returning him to his dorm, Marylee went to inform his housemother of the further misbehavior and found her attitude unimproved, so further adjusted it,leaving the housemother too sore to demonstrate the improvement until next morning at breakfast.
Part 78-79
the ninth grader Scott was caught bullying Jon by Beth in the school corridors between classes. Beth spanking him bare on the spot then hand led the late boy to his English class where due to having to spank a female classmate for laughing at him, Ms. Connolly left him bare in the corner until the end of class, where she spanked him for being late without a valid excuse. After school his housemother sent him to do his homework with a few swats telling him he would be dealt with at the evening meal time. When the time arrived she instructed Scott to change into his pajamas when he objects she strip him bare herself then spanked him naked for disobeying before dressing him and hand leading him to dinner. where he was made to apologize to Jon and thank Beth. After dinner he was spanked in front of his own and adjacent sections and sent to bed early.
Part 80-86
Jason was caught and paddled by Marylee drawing nude pictures of of her in class, and told to report to the headmistress after school. Later that day during her 7th grade class she had to spank Jon for not doing his homework. But as Marylee also knew this was not the first time a member of Beth's section had not done their homework it meant it was not her last spanking of the day and visited her now friend when she had a moment free to get it out of the way. Jason when he arrived at the headmistress' office was instructed to stand in the corner bare while he waited for Miss Donovan. When Jason protested, Miss Marshall gave him a does of her ruler. While that was happening Beth was also giving Jon a taste of his own ruler in the hallway, having moved his study desk there, and made him do his homework only wearing his uniform top without a chance to recover. an hour and a half later, Jon declared his homework down when asked, unfortunately it was not done to a high enough standard to avoid another ruler spanking from his housemother, then he was left bent bare of his desk still in the hall. Meanwhile Jason was being spank-marched to the headmistress' office with her hairbrush underwear-clad bottom hindered by his shorts, once inside the open office he went over the headmistress lap for a long bare spanking and was scolded about how close he came to being suspended or expelled. When finally released Jason found his own housemother waiting for him outside his dorm, but after 5 bare bottomed hand spanks she agreed with Jason's contention he was too sore to be spanked...right then, and put it off till the morning. At breakfast Jason was sent into the staff cafeteria to ask Miss Lewis to warm him up, before his housemother took him over her lap with at his own table for a dose of the hairbrush. Later that afternoon Beth's spanking was brought to the attention during a staff meeting to her embarrassment. After the meeting, her mentor, Ms. Connolly, reinforced the spanking; this time privately. Margaret Morley though figured it out and teased her about it causing her to be late back from the meeting.
Part 87-88
Another day Beth was called at the last minute to supervise her and Marie's section's class when their last period teacher had an family emergency to find them in complete riot. Calling for Marie for an extra hand they proceeded to spank the entire class, their effort took them past last bell. The class work marched back to their dorm in just tops and underwear afterwards. They had to stay dressed like that until after dinner, where both section meet up out side the cafeteria and were lead to their counter parts tables in the boy's and girls parts where they were made to bend over the table and they had the back of their underwear lowered and given a quick warm up before bing sent to collect their dinners without repositioning their underwear. After the meal all 16 of them where split among housemothers of the hight grades of their opposite gender and recent a proper bottom brushing in front of the older students. After ware the class where lead back to their door and given an early bedtime.
Part 89
Beth bends the school rules and lets Neale visit her there at the end of school year after the students have left.
Part 90-92
Neale recounts the parts of the punishment he received for their new years misadventure that Beth did not witness.
Part 93-95
Neale having spend the night at Lee Academy has two more people attend to his Breakfast plan with Beth at the local restaurant, The Headmistress and her Aide. But find out the toast to go with it isn't bread but their backsides, Neale digs them into deeper trouble by trying to claim he's past getting spankings, But it turns out they know exactly who he is. While they "enjoy" their breakfast, Marylee gets an unpleasant visit from Barbara Connolly. Back to the restaurant, Beth and Neale's 'breakfast' is over, but not their troubles, as a surprise awaits them outside the restaurant.
Part 96
While escorted the still in trouble Beth Back to school The Headmistress and her Aide catch Colleen, not only smoking, but smoking in the school's library. Her Aunt gives her an on the spot spanking with her hand and hairbrush. Not wanting Beth to feel left out, Mrs. Marshall keeps Beth's bottom warm.
Part 97
Marylee interrupts Beth's nap to his discuses Barbara's point with her hairbrush, but relents and only uses a ruler instead.
Part 98
The next day Beth and Colleen return to the Headmistress' office for their joint appointment with Ms. Marshall and Miss Lord. They were both hand-spanked, followed by a mouth-soaping. before swapping spankers to receive the ruler before the bars of soap was remove and allowed to rinse. After some cornertime, they were pinned over one knee of there respective spankers for a dose of the hairbrush. After more cornertime Beth alone was bend over the desk to be double teamed with the paddle and strap.
Part 99
Ms. Connolly posted her session with Beth and Marylee till the next day so she could have the Housemothers Vanna and Margaret help the pair a bare bottom spanking and a dose of the hairbrush in front of the school. When Vanna could not leave her vindictive torment of Marylee alone, she joined the pair in getting Ms. Connolly's strap.
Part 100-101
Having delayed her trip home as much as she dared Beth with Marylee once against her holiday guest. Lulled into letting their guard down by a cordial greeting, not even being summoned when Beth's brother were sent to bed sore from breaking curfew. Beth and Marylee found out the next morning the Mrs. Ashley knew about the trouble with Neale at school when they joined Beth's brothers in their morning session on the porch with hairbrush and paddle. Beth's did not end until she agree to take the summer job nannying for the Andersons, he other knowing full well this would mean probably regular spankings for her young adult daughter. That evening Beth finally risked trying to call Neale on his cell phone only to have Mrs. Cooper answer her son's cell with a cool greeting for Beth with Neale currently across her lap. Beth found out the condition for her continual acquaintance with Neale with his mother's blessing would require her to turn wearing an approved skirt the next morning. The Day ended with a bedtime spanking spanking for the girl from Mrs. Ashley.
Part 102
The next morning while Beth gets ready to go to the Coopers, Marylee goes next door to the Roberson's to keep the promise to key an eye on Jimmy, only to find him bare bottomed in the corner with a note stuck to his back.


The chapters of this story are not named, but only numbered. Though some of the chapters have alternative versions of them.


Major Character
  • Elizabeth "Beth" Ann Ashley, 21 year-old house-mother to a seventh grade (age 13) boys section.
  • Beth's Section:
    • Christopher "Chris".
    • Jon Davis.
    • Bobby Anderson (Billy's twin).
    • Billy Anderson (Bobby's twin).
    • Peter
    • Paul
    • Neil
    • Richard
  • Mrs. Donovan homeroom & history teacher for Beth's and Marie's sections.
  • Mrs. Ashley Beth's mother.
  • Mrs. Mary Donovan Headmistress of Lee Academy (and no known relation to the History teacher)
  • Ms. Barbara Connolly, 26 year-old English teacher and Beth's mentor.
  • Neale Cooper, a childhood friend of Beth's
  • Justin Ashley, Beth's brother who is 4 years younger than her( Currently 17).
  • Jay Ashley, Beth's brother who is 6 years younger than her (Currently 15).
  • Miss Marylee Lewis, 22 year-old science teacher for Beth's and Marie's section.
Side characters
  • Mrs. Anderson, the twins strict mother.
  • Melanie Anderson, the twin's 17 year-old sister.
  • Marie, a seventh grade house-mother in the girls wing whose section shares a homeroom.
  • Marie's section:
    • Lauren
    • Janice
    • Cindy
    • Robin
    • Michelle
  • Mrs. Janice "Betty" Robertson, Beth's neighbor growing up
  • James 'Jimmy' Roberson, a 17 year-old neighbor (4 years younger then Beth) and friends with her brothers.
  • Colleen Donovan, the 16 year-old niece of the headmistress and an after-school helper at Lee Academy.
  • Tim Donovan, the older son of the headmistress.
  • Sean Donovan, the younger son of the headmistress.
  • Mrs. Brenda Marshall, the headmistress' Administrative Assistant.
  • Mrs. Bowman, Beth's High school headmistress.
Other named characters
  • Neil, a boy from Beth's first section and now as eighth grader.
  • Richard "Rich", a boy from Beth's first section and now as eighth grader.
  • Marty, a boy in Mrs. Donovan 9th grade history class.
  • Miss Margaret Morley, the house-mother of the boys section adjacent to Beth's.
  • Judy a childhood friend of Beth's
  • Lisa a childhood friend of Beth's
  • Mrs. Beverly Cooper, Neale's mother.
  • Kyle, Beth's boyfriend in high school
  • Miss Veronica Lord, Lee Academy's school nurse.
  • Brad, a boy in the park.
  • Mrs. Cole, single mother of two boys in Beth's hometown.
  • Michael Cole, a teenage boy in Beth's hometown.
  • Jack Cole, a teenage boy in Beth's hometown.
  • Jennifer, a waitress in a family operated restaurant.
  • Jon, a busboy in a family operated restaurant and Jennifer's younger brother.
  • Karen Lewis, a young woman about Beth's age who was a door-to-door salesperson for Fuller Brush Company. (and no known relation to the Science teacher)
  • Mrs. Helen Corcoran, boutique shop who also provided spanking services in Beth's hometown.
  • Michael Burke, a 9th grader at Lee Academy.
  • Miss Vanna McKay, the housemother for the boys' section of Marylee's 9th grade homeroom.
  • Maria, 17 year-old daughter of the hairdresser across the street from Lee Academy.
  • Robin Jones, a girl in Ms. Connelly's ninth grade English class.
  • Miss Julia Jameson, a housemother in the boys wing for the ninth grade
  • James Parker, ninth grade student in Marylee's ninth grade science class
  • Mrs. Diane Ahern, a neighbor of Neale Cooper
  • Melissa Ahern, the 16 year old daughter of Neale's next door neighbor.
  • Julia's section:
    • Brian, a ninth grade boy.
    • Scott Crosby, a boy in Ms. Connelly's ninth grade English class.
    • Jason Walters
    • Jason White

External links

    • Stories/Lee Academy
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