Diaper discipline

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"Children require a degree of protection from the world. Much rebelliousness is defensive. To curb this, substitute protection is provided; that protection is a diaper."
Diaper Discipline Site

Diaper discipline, also called diaper punishment, is a type of psychological punishment that involves humiliating a person by forcing them to wear diapers like a baby. Diaper discipline is administered by parents to manage the rebellious behavior of children and teenagers. This punishment technique is advocated only by a small group of parents and has no medical evidence whatsoever to support its practice or its effectiveness. In contrast, one child expert has suggested no parent would undertake this practice if they were making an informed choice.

It is similar to diaper domination, which is used as a form of BDSM play rather than legitimate punishment, and it is often very difficult to distinguish AB/DL fiction from those advocating it as an actual parental practice.

Although no evidence is supplied to its effectiveness, its advocates claim diapering functions as a punishment for many reasons; the embarrassment of being dressed as a baby, physical discomfort from the diapers' bulk and heat, and the psychological ramifications of being forced to wet and soil oneself.

The discipline can be carried out in a variety of ways and can be either a short-term punishment or an ongoing arrangement to deter future misbehavior. In most cases the person is kept in diapers day and night and is required to use them for their intended purpose rather than a toilet; this in turn leads to questions regarding how and when the person should have their diapers changed. Diapering is an obscure and controversial form of discipline which some describe as a form of abuse that hinders a child's development. Some practising parents believe it to be a preferable alternative to corporal punishment, with an online community promoting the concept. This type of punishment is not legitimised by any known child-raising authorities and appears to exist only to a small number of websites.



"First when you finally decide to use diapers you can not back down. You must be consistent and unwavering. Diapers go on, no ifs, ands, or buts. Diapers should be worn immediately after school. No pants are to be worn in the house. The child may not cover their diapers up at home. Out in public they need to have pants on but the bathroom is still off limits. Diapers must be used for intended purpose."
-- Diaper Discipline Site

Those who practise Diaper discipline suggested it to be carried out in a variety of ways in response to misbehavior. Often, simply as retaliation to immature behavior with the mindset of "if you're going to act like a baby, then you'll be treated like a baby", while in other cases the thinking behind it is more complicated.

Diaper Discipline Site, the only significant online community of parents who promote the punishment, provides several guidelines detailing how they believe the punishment should be administered. The site, which is not connected to diaper fetishism and will ban AB/DLs from its community, state their goal is to discourage youths from misbehaving, claiming to offer them protection from the world in the form of diapers. According to them, too much of rebellion is defensiveness, and that diapers can provide substitute protection which will curb this behavior in a manner preferable to corporal punishment. However, they admit and highlight the controversy of using diapers, and clarify that it will not always work for every family. The first question parents ask is what the child has to do to deserve being diapered; the site's answer is continued behavioral problems and they claim that the discipline should be administered before the child becomes out of control. They claim that initial reactions such as "crying, anger or depression" are to be expected as the child adjusts to being back diapers, but they should come to accept it in time as they realise it is for their own good. Parents are advised by this website to be consistent when enforcing the punishment; they should not back down after deciding to diaper their child. Describing how children and teenagers respond to the discipline, the site warns parents that the first few weeks are the most difficult.

According to those who practice it, Diaper discipline can be a short-term or long-term arrangement; some children are diapered for only a few weeks at a time while others are kept in diapers on a more permanent basis. Diaper Discipline Site describes it as ongoing, with most adolescents being transitioned out of it after they finish high school. They recommend that diapers are worn at all times and used for their intended purpose, but suggest the use of pull-ups during school hours to allow the child some discretion amongst peers. However, they must be returned to diapers immediately after school and remain diapered all day on weekends and holidays. If the punishment is ongoing, all of the child's normal underwear should be taken from them or even disposed of to help them accept their diapers. The site explains that, while pants and shorts need to be worn in public, diapers must be kept in plain sight at home; the child may not cover them with other clothes. Minor public exposure can be inflicted through household chores such as retrieving the mail or hanging out the laungry. Some parents choose to elaborate on diaper discipine by administering full baby treatment with pacifiers, cribs, baby bottles and food, although this is not always the case.

Diaper use and changing

Whether or not a person being disciplined has to use their diapers should be an informed decision made by their parent or guardian. Some argue children ought be allowed to have their diapers temporarily removed for access to the bathroom, while others may be denied access to a toilet completely and forced to urinate and defecate inside their diapers instead.

The Diaper Discipline Site emphasises the importance of children and teenagers using their diapers for their intended purpose. However No medical or psychological information is provided by this site to allow parents to make an informed choice in this matter. While acknowledging that diapers should be kept hidden under normal clothes in public, the site advocates that the bathroom should be off-limits at all times and children should use pull-ups at school. Responding to questions about any long-term medical problems, the site explains that some people may lose bladder and bowel control as they get used to diapers, but its members claim they can be quickly re-trained after the discipline is over.

They state it is common for teenagers to refuse to use their diapers out of defiance; while they will not be able to avoid wetting their diaper for long, messy diapers are much easier to hold off due to bowel movements being naturally less urgent. Their article Diapering Techniques: Dealing with a Stubborn Teen, which refers to diaper use in disciplinary, medical, and recreational situations, sympathises with teenagers in diapers, pointing out that being forced to wet or soil yourself and then sit in it until you are changed is an unpleasant experience for most people. Nevetheless, it stresses that should not have a choice in the matter, and offers several suggestions for encouraging a dirty diaper. Communication between parent and child is emphasised, with medication such as suppositories and laxatives reccomended as more drastic solutions, however medical advice ought to be sought by parents before exploring these options. Spending time in their soiled diapers will be a traumatic process for the person being disciplined and they will likely be unable to concentrate on anything other than the content of their diaper.

Doctors state that daipers should be changed regularly. Seemingly this is contridicted by advocates of Diaper Discipline. Both parents are encouraged by advocates to take part in this "social and intimate exchange"; fathers who were reluctant to change diapers when their children were babies are advised that participation is "very important". Parents should check diapers regularly since children may not always approach them for a change. Older children will not necessarily need changing after wetting their diapers, but it is important to change them soon after they have a bowel movement for health reasons.


"Parents who diaper their older child as a form of discipline dabble in an extremely controversial psychology-regression therapy-that they obviously know very little about; otherwise, they would never consider, never mind employ, such an insidious practice."
- Child Abuse Effects

Diaper discipline as a parental practice can be controversial. At the website Child Abuse Effects, one user described a situation in which a seventeen-year-old boy had been kept in diapers since age twelve, asking whether this was legal and would be considered abuse. Violence and abuse prevention educator Darlene Barriere responded by saying that forcibly diapering an adolescent as punishment was not illegal as far as she knew. However, she claimed that treating a teenager like a small child would fall under a form of abuse known as "rejecting", describing it as a "humiliating, and cruel and unusual punishment". She speculated that it may also be considered neglect, physical or sexual abuse depending on where, when and how the boy in question is being made to use diapers. Upon being contacted by another reader, who detailed his own experiences with diaper discipline, Barriere once again addressed the issue. She explained that people who administer diaper discipline are experimenting with a controversial psychology known as regression therapy that can be emotionally devastating even when administered professionally, and that parents would not consider the practice were they aware of its consequences. The reader in question, Robert P., offered his own opinions regarding the appearance of diaper discipline versus it's actual effects. He claimed that children being disciplined may appear calm and well-behaved, when in reality this obedience is a result of their self-esteem having been destroyed and their social development severely hindered. Robert concluded that diaper discipline is "the killing of a human soul". In contrast, Diaper Discipline Site described keeping children in diapers as "relatively safe" when compared to other common methods of discipline such as spanking, screaming, and medication such as ritalin.

The fetish website Bedwetting ABDL features several forum discussions regarding diaper discipline, with admin Stanley Thornton a vocal critic of the practice and sites that support it like [DiaperDiscipline.net DiaperDiscipline.net]. He explains diaper discipline as "making [children] wear diapers without pants, they can't change themselves, bathroom is off limits just to name a [few] stipulations. And this can go on sometimes for months all over things like wetting the bed, talking back, bad school grades, fighting with siblings and other similar things." Thornton believes that the punishment is too extreme for the offences it is used for, and that using humiliation as discipline will cause psychological damage. He questions the logic behind the punishment, citing a former Yahoo page whose motto was "Diaper Discipline. All teens should have diaper rash. Thick diapers for you." The page claimed to help parents whose children were out of control, but Thornton asks, "How is getting a B in math out of control? And how is being put in diapers for a month supposed to help? And how is keeping them in a wet/messy diaper until they get diaper rash discipline[?]" To further articulate his argument against diaper discipline, Thornton wonders how adults who support the punishment would feel if it became adult law; for example, instead of somebody getting a ticket for traffic offences, they were forced to wear diapers instead. He explains the theoretical law, "You have to wear diapers 24/7 for the entire sentince.[sic] You are changed by a court appointed "Diaper changer" only. When you are at home you can only wear a diaper and t-shirt and nothing else. And you have to use your diapers for everything until your sentince[sic] is up." Thornton claims that such a situation is exactly the same as what parents who practice diaper discipline do to their children, and asks why it would be acceptable for children but not adults. He also theorises that being punished with diapers can lead to diaper fetishism and infantilism later in life.

It should be noted that putting a child or teenager back in diapers - even against their will - because they wet the bed is not generally considered diaper discipline, but rather a practical solution to a medical condition. Only if the child is actually being punished for the supposed offence of wetting their bed or being forced to remain in soiled diapers, would their diapers be seen as a form of discipline. Issues regarding the child's indepedence, privacy, and dignity usually play a far more vital role in bedwetting cases than they do during diaper discipline, and the diapers themselves are often disguised as regular underwear in order to reduce the child's embarrassment. Whereas diaper discpline is a fairly obscure practice, using diapers to manage bedwetting is relatively common, with mainstream products such as GoodNites and UnderJams marketed specifcally for that purpose.

In popular culture

Diaper discipline is often featured in AB/DL fetish fiction as a plot device to get older children, teenagers, and adults into diapers for the purposes of fantasy. "Poor Little Rich Boy", one of the Diaper Daze series of AB/DL comic books, tells the story of Erik, a seventeen-year-old boy who is put on a "baby discipline programme" by his step-mother after the death of his father. Erik's step-mother decides to blackmail the rebellious teenager by denying him his inheritance unless he agrees to live as her helpless baby. The comic depicts Erik being subjected to various humiliations as he is paraded in front of his amused aunt, who begins to consider baby discipline for her own son.

Diaper discipline is portrayed as a form of child abuse in the independant film Redemption by Michael Bryson. When a girl accidentially causes her father's death in a car accident, her mother-who already resented her daughter for the close relationship she shared with her father-begins punishing her for wetting the bed by making the twelve-year-old wear diapers. The girl has to wear diapers, suck a baby's pacifier, and drink from a baby bottle in plain sight indoors and in the back garden. Eventually she can't take anymore humiliation and kills her mother with a gun. Years later, the girl is now married and feels compelled to relive her mother's punishments by wearing diapers and drinking from a baby bottle.

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