Crossing the Equator

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One rite of passage associated with the Navy is associated with crossing the equator and becoming a Shell back. Passengers on board a cruise liner, often undergo a similar initiation and become members of the 'Equator Crossing Club'.

Nexus: Recife, Brazil
The following articles are related to "Recife, Brazil" as their nexus

See also [ Nexus ]

Shell Back Initiation 'cast'

The Royal Court
is comprised of King Neptune; who had sex with a mermaid; and who gave birth to the "Royal Baby".
King Neptune
Usually the oldest and most senior of the Shell Backs. He would be dressed up (to the best of the ships crews' abilities) to have the appearance of Neptune.
The Mermaid
One of the crew who is dressed as "The Mermaid"
The Royal Baby
Usually the fattest Shell Back aboard, he wears a diaper and has his tummy smeared with a combination of mustard, honey, Tabasco and diesel oil (and anything else that could be found in the Galley) to make a messy goo. Pollywogs must then kiss the Royal Baby's belly button. (it should be noted that the Baby LOVES his belly button kissed, so he will usually hold the head of the pollywog to his belly.
The Royal Master at Arms
A "Master of Ceremonies" of sorts --

"The Initiation"

All pollywogs are assembled (usually in the galley) and called into the presence of Neptune. Pollywogs are then placed into a single line, crawling on all fours since pollywogs don't have legs to stand up straight. They are spanked with short pieces of a fire hose cut into two foot lengths to "keep them in line". We then crawled through a tunnel of sorts, made of canvas, and filled with diesel oil and sea water. Upon exiting the tunnel, we were quickly washed with a sea water shower with a fire hose. (I guess this is to connote the polluted waters of the northern hemisphere compared to the deep, clear, blue waters of the southern hemisphere.

The Master at Arms introduces each pollywog in turn (giving the merits [and demerits] of each, to Neptune and the Mermaid. To enter the "Real of Neptune", pollywogs are introduced by "The Master of Arms" to Neptune, who decides who should and should not be allowed to enter the Southern Hemisphere.

To enter the Realm, the pollywog begs Neptune to enter the "Realm of Neptune" (the southern hemisphere) and swears an oath of fidelity to Neptune. "Good guy pollywogs" are allowed to kiss the belly of the Royal Baby. "Bad Guy Pollywogs" can be held in a cage while Neptune ponders their fate. The problem with "having your fate pondered" is that more and more of the crew complete their initiation, who are now allowed to partake in the initiation of remaining pollywogs.

"Kissing the Royal Belly" or "Royal Baby", calls for initiates to kneel before a senior member of the crew, who wears a mock diaper. This "Baby" usually has a huge stomach covered with greasy materials ranging from cooking oil to mustard, shaving cream, eggs, and oysters. Junior sailors must lick the Baby's navel area, while the "baby" grabs and shakes their head to better smear the goo onto their faces.

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