Artemis - About me
I first fell in love at 13, it was love at first sight. He was one of my best friend’s brothers and we couldn’t stop staring at each other. He was a rebel in a leather jacket and smoked Marlboro reds. The boyfriend/girlfriend thing happened, and the smell of his leather never left me. He was about five inches taller than I was, and when we would kiss I would strain on my tiptoes to reach him, so I started wearing high heels and shorter skirts. Since we went to the same junior high, we would make out between classes. My feet usually ached from the heels, but it was worth it! Every time I smell leather it triggers my first experiences with love. So do heels and cigarettes.
He wasn’t a virgin, but I was, and I sort of looked up to him and hoped he would be my first. We came close many times when he would wrestle me down and feel me up, but he always remained clothed. All I got to do was feel a giant bulge in his pants. He kind of fell in with the wrong people and ended up running away from home. I became the go-between for him and his parents, but I had a lot of trouble with his new group of friends so we stopped seeing each other. I started flirting with another guy in a leather jacket and he took my virginity. I wasn't in love with him but he was more aggressive. The first time sucked!
My first bondage experience was when I was 14. My boyfriend tied me to his mother’s bed, spread eagle, with some of his dad’s ties and sashes. I'm pretty sure I could have gotten away, but it was too much fun getting groped and fondled.
In my teens I wanted to get tattooed. My mother expressed her dismay, telling me that my body was my temple, so after that I couldn’t make up my mind. I decided to wait and it never happened. I am glad of it now, but I enjoy looking at other people’s tattoos. (When I was 19 I got my nose pierced against my mother’s wishes and I wore a tiny ruby there for about six months. I don’t have any piercings.)
When I was eighteen I entered the Scene as a dominant, a protégé of my mother, Jennifer Antone. She taught me the fundamentals of dominating males. At the time I was learning everything I could from her and others, I worked day and night, sometimes falling asleep in the dungeon.
During the next three years, money came too easily. I was young, naive and I went to a lot of parties and acted irresponsibly. Despite the fact that I was dishing out discipline, I had none. After a few more years I became totally bored with my work and my clients (no offense to any of you who may be reading this). After five years of being a professional dominatrix, I felt as if I'd seen and experienced enough. Everything I was doing seemed to be a repeat of the previous day. I have spoken to other pro Dommes who feel that at “burn out” periods it's essential to take a break. I took plenty. I traveled here and there, took some courses, and became a massage therapist. However, when it came time for me to return, I became disgruntled. My reality was, I did enjoy my work, but I never really had the chance to play out my own fantasies, or even figure out what they were. I wasn’t personally involved in the Scene; I was its consort. I needed to find myself.
Artemis Antone, photo by LegWorldA lot happened during the next three years, I did some different videos, along with a little directing and writing. I finally ended up stripping. Many of my friends seemed to adopt a “poor Artemis” attitude. That was o.k. with me, I was having a great time and I have always been a music and dance lover. I bonded with some really cool girls and got to wear heels all the time. The first two years were incredible. It was freedom. My third year I began to feel as I did when I was a pro Domme, same shit different day. Dancing on stage never really lost its spark for me; if I could've just done that, it would've been great. Once again I was suffering from burn out. No matter where I went or what I did, it was always dreadful going back. At the time I was confused about what to do, so I did nothing.
Fate didn’t allow me to dawdle for long. I got into a head-on collision in my 300zx with a Santa Monica bus. At first, I thought I was dead, but then I saw stars, then a spinning world of cracked windshields and sirens materialized. Amazed I was alive, I tried to move but it was too painful, I had a nasty burn going across my chest from the seat belt, (luckily I was wearing one!) burns on my hips from the lap belt and severely damaged muscles in my neck and back. On my way to the emergency room I asked the ambulance attendant if I was going to be able to make it to work by midnight. She laughed and asked me what I did, so I told her I was a stripper. She let me know that it would be some time before I would be at work. She was right. Six months would pass before I saw the inside of a club.
Since I had so much time on my hands, I started my first fetish website. It was neat, but still lacked the excitement of something new. I kind of wanted to see if I could still dance on stage. I went back briefly, but the damaged muscles in my neck and back had created cervical vertigo making me dizzy when I tossed my head. It was quitting time anyway, so stripping was put to rest.
The site became my sole focus for the next few years. It took me a while to warm up to computers, and in the beginning, every time I'd sit down at one I would compulsively click and end up crashing. My first site was cool for the face sitting and smoking fetish guys, and it featured my photo layouts from Leg World and Taboo. But I've moved on from that...
This site is based on exactly what I want ~ Bondage!!! For years I've had latent fantasies of being captured, bound, and gagged. Without the confines and stress of having to live up to my dominant character, I'm looking forward to exploring bondage.
- The things that turn me on most about bondage are
- being completely helpless to the touch of a lover or intruder,
- not having control over what happens next,
- not being able to get away,
- having my jaws pried open by a ball-gag (I'm a serious drooler),
- sex while in bondage,
- being tied in positions that display my sexual vulnerability.
- The things that turn me off are
- degradation,
- pointless S&M (I prefer fantasy scenarios),
- people who ignore or don’t know the basic rules of safety (being in the hands of an experienced rope-master or mistress makes me feel secure), and
- doing the same things over and over again (I like spontaneity and change).
People asking for sessions! I no longer do them as a dominatrix or as a submissive, and I have no interest. Please don't ask. If you're looking for a dominant or submissive in the Los Angeles area, try Lady Laura's Dominion
I'm really excited about being tied up and put on display for serious bondage connoisseurs. I have a streak of exhibitionism! ~~
This information (c)2009 October 2001

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