Carrara Designs

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BenHur's experience of the Carrara Designs male chastity belt

Carrara Designs in Belgium have for a few years produced both male and female chastity belts of several types, that are based on the traditional belted design with a lockable belt going around the waist and a second steel strap passing between the legs that, in the male version, hold the cock cage in place (pic 1). In a lot of aspects this excellent belt, which is made to measure to fit as perfectly as possible, differs from the standard and is more complicated, and therefore is described more extensively below.

The pictures show the most elaborate design Carrara has to offer customers, an extremely heavy high-security chastity belt for men, covering both the testicles and penis of the wearer with a huge protector - a cock tube between two ball cages - forged together with a rigid steel case containing the ingenious locking system (pics 11 and 12). Older more simple models delivered by the same manufacturer restricted themselves to enveloping the penis only, showing the balls openly; compared to the newer one the wearer of this standard type of belt looks rather naked (pic 4).

In the female version of the Carrara, which is nearly as huge as the male belt, instead of the complicated wrapping of the male genitals, the slightly bulging vast frontal plate directly covers with one big curve the whole vaginal area (pic 3).

The belt is made entirely of very thick stainless steel (total weight of the male version: 1.8 kilos!) and closes with only one very well-protected rectangular padlock (with the keyhole underneath) in the upper half of the protector, that holds all parts of the belt immovably together. For extra safety, it comes with two identical special sawn-off keys, which cannot be copied in a standard locksmith's shop.

Because the small stainless steel version of the padlocks, which are needed to prevent rust, were running out, the manufacturer had to develop recently a slightly deviating version of the belt (pic 5), containing a bigger round padlock with the keyhole not underneath both in front; therefore the total upper half of the protector also had to get a different form, whereas the lower half with the penis tube between the ball cages could stay the same. Waistbelt and string hadn't to become altered too.

Becoming belted myself

But before describing the belt and the way it is used and worn, just a short personal remark. Since old times, experienced Masters have agreed that chastity is good for slaves, because it keeps them horny and thus more eager to serve. It is well-known that most slaves lack the capacity for sexual self-control. And when they do cum, they become lazy until the NEED TO ORGASM again becomes paramount.

Like most sex slaves i too failed to upheld my own chastity, whoremongering in gay bars regularly and ejaculating even twice a day. To put an end to all this and to ensure that i didn't have to concern myself with my sexual needs (and neither would He have to), my former Master, therefore, decided i had to learn to wear 24/7 a real stainless-steel chastity belt. It immediately would put an end to all self-masturbation and at the same time make clear to every potential seducer that i was His EXCLUSIVE SEXUAL PROPRIETY. As we didn't live together, belting me would guarantee Him my total chastity also when out of His sight. Thus i got my heavy new unescapable piece of underwear. For me, as a slave, there was no choice. After having only a few weeks to get used to the harsh new feeling of being locked up in unescapable steel by extending the periods of enforced wearing rather speedily, i therefore would have to wear the belt semi-permanently.

To be absolutely sure, the special high-security heavy Carrara belt was chosen, as it is totally tamper-proof due to the special locking system with the thick welded case hiding the padlock. It is, therefore, safe in two respects: NO RISK of a break-out and NO RISK of unauthorized loss of semen. Both my Master, of course, considered very important. So we drove twice from Amsterdam to the manufacturer living near Antwerpen, as the belt has to be tailor-made to fit well - the first time to have my most intimate parts caught unwaveringly and measured securely by the manufacturer to be sure the chastity piece would fit as exact as possible, the second time to get my new belt after some last small adjustments applied to my waist for the first time and thereafter return home locked up (pic 11), my Master, of course, keeping both the keys. Every slave getting a Carrara has to go through all that, including this humiliating procedure of being forced to present your genitals to a stranger (pic 6) and having him fingering your cock and balls in a rather mechanical way (pic 7&8), as if you're just a bull on a cattle-market, as for the best and most comfortable fit the manufacturer has to do that himself.

Desexualisation of the wearer

The belts for men and women from the outside look, at first sight, very similar (pics 2 and 3), the enormous eye-catching protector in front in both cases screening the whole genital zone from curious looks. Thus, by hiding the sex of the wearer, in a way the belt desexualizes the male slave. The visual differences between both belts are less than the similarities, making belted male and female slaves look more alike, which especially in mixed slave company will have a profound psychological effect on the male part. The protector plate of their version of the commonly worn model of chastity belt will be only a little bit wider, as it has to cover the testicles too.

Thus for the wearer, the vital parts of his masculinity are not only totally covered by steel and thus made inaccessible, but even their existence as such is nearly denied in a humiliating way because their distinguishing male extension is reduced to nil. In contrast to a lot of other chastity devices which may strike the eye by their emphasized protruding cock shells, the central penis tube of a Carrara in fact may often be nearly invisible, being not more than just a narrow and slight bulge in the already slightly bent huge continuous genital plate of steel reaching without interruption from navel to crotch. This is especially the case if the wearer has big testicles, and thus the ball cage has to be big too (pic 11).

Total chastity

By using a Carrara for disciplining a slave, his ABSOLUTE chastity will be guaranteed. Perhaps the most restricting and secure male chastity belt up till now, it makes masturbation, orgasm and sexual intercourse (both genital and anal) totally impossible and can be worn permanently. For this reason, hundreds of slaves all over the world now have to wear a Carrara as standard 24/7/365. The belt fits like a second skin of steel around the waist of the wearer, and if applied and locked carefully there is no risk that he can escape his fate. The keyholder can leave him alone with a clear conscience.

In contrast to most other belts, the protector also covers the testicles completely for more security, which explains its extraordinary weight and width. The outward ends of the grated cage-like structures for the balls on both sides of the penis tube reach to the skin of the lower belly of the wearer (no.6 on pics 12 and 13), leaving only a little room for touching the testicles with difficulty from behind, thus making serious sexual stimulation impossible. Also, the bars of both the cages, which looks a little like a squeezer to cut boiled eggs into slices, are so near to each other, that the balls can't get aroused by the wearer with help of his fingers that way.

For the same security reason, the penis is further locked away in a separate and totally closed penis tube inside the protector (see pic 10 and no.5 on pics 12 and 13) between the two ball-cages, which also - in contrast to the older simple model (pic 4) - make the underside of the entrance of the tube inaccessible, preventing any attempt by the wearer to pull the penis out with his fingers. They indeed make it nearly impractical for him to touch even the roots of his penis. The tube itself, moreover, is curved to make even erection, let alone ejaculation, impossible, and thus increases sexual frustration. As it lacks any internal lining, even a little stiffening of the penis, longing for a delivering orgasm, will be severely punished, as the sensitive gland will in that case touch the hard walls of the tube. For that reason, a new wearer, immediately after being belted for the first time, should start to train himself very quickly to become able to avoid all spontaneous erections as they inevitably will be rather painful.

Trying to get that orgasm by 'fucking' the tube to end the enforced chastity, as is sometimes a 'solution' (although rather painful) for horny wearers of other belts who are getting mad at not cumming for a long time, is nearly impossible. The protector is much too big and clumsy for moving it up and down quickly, which of course on behalf of the keyholder increases the desired security of the belt in respect of absolute chastity very much.

Not only will the wearer be unable to fuck himself any longer, thanks to the tight string connecting tube and waist belt along the bottom, but his ass also can't be used for a fuck by somebody else anymore either.

No risk of escape

Because the Carrara is of the traditional Florentine type, with a waistbelt, a big front shield, and a narrow string over the perineum, there is no risk that the slave will escape out of the locked belt, as long as it is applied tightly enough around his body. The steel of the encircling waistbelt is not less than 2mm thick and can't be broken without very strong tools, and it is absolutely impossible for the wearer to push it downwards over the hips to get the protector low enough to pull his penis out of the tube. To finish, the string covering his ass (pic 15), preventing anal penetration, connects the back of the waistband inexorably with the lower end of the protector and thus makes escape inconceivable.

Moreover, the belt possesses an ingenious locking system, which one cannot easily destroy without very crude methods that will not go undetected by the keyholder. This makes the belt very safe. The shackle of the small gold-colored padlock in the front plate is totally covered by the steel case attached to the protector to prevent destruction with bolt cutters (no.2 in pics 12 and 13). Both ends of the waistband are flat strips that fit into a groove on the left and right top corner of the case (no.4 in the pics). On the far end of each of the strips, there is one small knob that can be hooked in the down-direction in 5 different slots inside the steel case for adjustability, to apply the belt to the wearer for maximum security as tight as possible.

Once the right tension is found, another small knob on the upper end of the locking block (no.1 in the pics), just above the built-in padlock, only has to be pushed down to pull the hidden shackle into the visible gold-colored case (no.2) of the padlock and thus lock the system definitively by pushing the walls of the grooves together and thereby pinning both knobs in the chosen slots, after which the key can be taken out of the padlock from the flat recess at its lower side (no.3) and the wearer will stay chaste.

See also the separate chapter 'Locking mechanism' with pics 18-23.


As the Carrara is designed for long-term use, all other normal body functions can be performed by the belted wearer without problems, as it prevents only the sexual ones.

The ass-string which ensures anal chastity allows defecation without problems by pushing it slightly sideways. Just as the front plate of the female belt is pierced in the lower half for that reason, also in the case of the male belt a vertical and two crossing horizontal rows of very tiny holes at the lower end of the tube makes normal urination unproblematic while the belt stays securely locked on, the separate holes of which at the same time are too small to give any access for stimulation (pic 14). Because of this arrangement, the wearer will not be able to use urinals anymore, and will always be forced to sit down and do things very slowly to avoid a mess.

For regular daily hygiene, opening the belt isn't necessary either, so there is no risk of endangering the chastity of the wearer. He can take a shower or a bath while belted, without problems. The padlock is of stainless steel and so water is no problem. Only after one or two weeks is it necessary to unlock the belt for intensive cleaning. But as it is covering a big part of the slave's body, it is important to clean the genital zone every day extensively; the grates of the ball-cage and the holes of the penis tube are helpful for that. Nevertheless, due to the extraordinary size of the protector, in case of long periods of wearing, regular shaving of the pubic hair (i.e. totally clean-shaven every fortnight at least) is very advisable to have sweating reduced as much as possible.


As the belt, which for all these security reasons is not only much heavier but also more severe to wear than most other models and takes the wearer a lot of time to get accustomed to, maybe has to be worn for long uninterrupted periods and thus also at work, it is designed to be invisible under normal clothes. The outward form of the belt follows as nearly as possible the form of the body. There are no bulges on unusual, and thus suspect places, because the padlock - which elsewhere is often protruding - of the Carrara is totally hidden. Even the huge protector itself doesn't show. Apart from that, it is contoured to the area between the legs and does not affect walking and sitting by the wearer too much.

A lot of hinges allow the belt to adjust its position easily to movements of the body, as the separate steel pieces of the waistband can't be bent easily. In contrast to most other chastity belts, the waist belt isn't straight, but curves up and down over the hips, following the contours of the body (pic 16).

The protector shield in the front is placed rather low, to stop it from pushing into the ribs too much while sitting, but the wearer will be always aware of the huge locking block than, as its inflexible upper side will press in his belly a little. The belt is adaptable to changes in body circumference, as it can be secured around the waist in five different positions, but once one is chosen and the belt is locked at that width, of course, no change is possible anymore, and the belt will show itself relentless to the wearer.

For more comfort, the thick steel waistband is lined on the inside with enough neoprene to ensure that the steel will not touch the skin anywhere, apart from the aggravated part including the locking block around the genitals itself. The string covering the anus is for the same reason encased with rubber too. Nevertheless, because of the great weight, the firm grip of the not very flexible steel, and the necessary tight-fitting, the wearer will still be reminded of his locked-up state rather permanently (pic 17).

Locking mechanism

The pictures to the left, by the manufacturer, show the functioning of the above-described special high-security locking mechanism, which makes the Carrara extremely safe, step by step. For a clearer view of the closing procedure of the belt, the steel case that hides the padlock is laid open.

Applying the belt

Staying chaste with help of a Carrara is not as easy as it may seem at first sight. Of course, the high-security device guarantees total and eternal sexual abstinence once accurately locked. But because of its vastness, a slave in a way will have to 'learn' to wear a real Carrara chastity belt little by little to prevent physical problems.

When confronted for the first time with his new tool of discipline, he may become a little scared by its huge size and weight (pic 8). He may often get a spontaneous erection because of his excitement, which will make it impossible to apply the belt to the victim, as his penis has to be very soft and supple to get it well into its predestined tube, without the risk of damaging skin or blood-vessels.

Taking hold of the penis by the keyholder with the purpose to do that, may have this effect. Therefore, after having applied the waistbelt around the slave's belly and taken the protector between the slave's legs to the front (thus covering the slave's perineum with the connecting ass-string), the keyholder will sometimes have to act very quickly as soon as the slave's penis has slackened a little, before stiffening starts again; once it is totally inside the tube, this will not be a problem any more, and the belt should be closed and locked rapidly to avoid further delay by new erections.

Applying the belt to a slave for a Master, in the beginning, will need some exercise, as He will feel being short of hands. The best way to do it is shown in the pictures below by the manufacturer himself, using my body for demonstration. Start with bringing the back of the waistbelt behind the wearer; then take the protector between his legs and push the genitals inside. Thereupon take one end of the waistbelt, to put it in the groove of the protector; then do the same with the other. Choose the right slot, which has to be the same on both sides, push the extension at the upper side of the protector downwards and take the key out (pics 24-30).

Or just have a look at this short film:

Preparation for permanent wear

Once the chastity belt is locked securely around his - preferably at the outset clean-shaven - crotch (pic 32), the slave will, because of the firm grip of the inflexible steel, be immediately aware that he can't escape his fate, although at the initial stage of his enforced chastity he will, as he is irrevocably getting hornier and hornier after being locked up some time, more often make an attempt to do that, by trying to push the belt over his hips or to cum inside through jerking the tube - both always in vain. Only when taking a shower he will be able to excite the gland of his penis a little with help of the jets of water spouting through the small holes at the lower end of the tube, but as he - even when pushing the protector at the same time downwards as much as possible (which isn't very much, perhaps 1 cm if the belt is attached as tight as it should be for maximum security) - because of the curved shape of the tube can stretch his penis at most half-way, this kind of stimulation, in fact, will only result in more sexual frustration, as he will become aware of the fact that he is in no way able to cum evermore, and thus the severe knowledge of his enforced chastity will be imprinted into his mind more than ever.

At the beginning, the Carrara may feel very narrow, too narrow indeed, hurting and squeezing at a lot of places to the still unaccustomed body of the wearer. Thus it is very advisable not to lock up the victim immediately 'forever', but give him time to get used to the permanent pressure, by extending the wearing time more and more. After a few months of training, his body should be adapted enough to the belt to make semi-permanent wear possible, for which this chastity belt is specially intended and thus designed - which, since in the design a lot of provisions has been made for that, makes the Carrara so expensive as well.

Because the steel of the belt will not yield to the flesh of the slave, the flesh of the slave will have to yield to the steel of the belt. As the steel, irrespective of the rubber lining inside is hard and not flexible, to make this confrontation less painful the flesh has to be as soft and flexible as possible. This means:

1. It is, before applying the belt, advisable to grease the waist, the genitals, and especially the always very sensitive gland of the penis with a lot of salve to avoid shaving the skin and - in the case of the penis - to have unintended contact with the unlined inner side of the tube passing off more pliantly.

2. The belt wearer will from now on have to smother directly every beginning erection, because only when the penis is soft can it stand the tube; when hard steel is confronted with hard flesh, the steel will overcome the flesh, and the flesh becomes painful.

Adaptations of the slave's body and behavior

After some time, the soft flesh of the belly will have adapted itself to the belt by receding at the sides; a longtime Carrara chastity slave will also, after unlocking the belt, be recognizable by his narrowed waist between ribs and hips (see also pic 11). Still, although in the end, his body has adapted itself to the feeling of the belt, he will most of the time be aware that he is locked up, as the huge locking-block of the protector, that has to be tight-fitting for absolute safety, is always pressing a little bit against his lower belly (pic 13). Further, he nearly always will feel the iron string cutting into his ass (pic 16) and, since the string for escape-prevention reasons is joined in a very tight way to a special inflexible triangular transverse plate pointing downwards from the center back of the at that place relative high waist-belt (pic 15), moreover will feel it pushing a little onto his tail-bone permanently.

Lying down and sleeping while being belted is the most simple position and the first the wearer will get used to without problems. In the beginning, he might during his sleep still become regularly tormented by spontaneous morning erections, resulting in very painful awakenings and a hopeless agony with his own sexual agitation. The only way out then is to wait patiently at the moment of slackening. But after several weeks, those harassments mostly - as they should to reach the intended internalization of the slave's chastity - will fail to appear, as the penis of the wearer 'knows' there is no space for that anymore and the body of the wearer by then has learned that to prevent punishment it has to suppress all unchaste feelings.

When sitting, a Carrara-belted slave should avoid very soft and very hard chairs, because he will feel the ass-string in that case more. For that reason, when riding a bike often, a special saddle may be advisable.

When standing, he will discover that the fact that the wide waistbelt, for a better hold on his body in the middle of the rear side, is even extra-wide, forces him to bend his back a little bit concave for comfort, and thus at the same time to stretch out both bis buttocks slightly more backward. The ass-string, cutting in between and thus separating both more clearly than otherwise by pushing the flesh side-ways, makes the bulges even more pronounced (pic 15). Normal, non-tight clothes will hide that without any problem, but when naked the slave thus rather automatically presents his posteriors in a rather challenging submissive position.

For walking, to prevent chafing of the inner side of the legs by the protector, a pair of narrow-fitting drawers is advisable. Still, for really running, the belt is an obstacle.

Pissing in the very beginning may be a little difficult, as the penis will touch easily the curved tube by trying to do so, which may cause a physical blockage. The psychical excitement of the very new experience of being belted may strengthen that. The wearer, therefore, has to train himself to sit down relaxed and to concentrate on letting flow away from his fluids very very slowly, also to avoid a mess, trying not to think about his belted state and enforced chastity with which he is confronted than automatically in a more intense way than at most other moments of daily life.

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