Legends of Dominance - 28

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This article is titled
Legends of Dominance  - 28
by Mistress Michelle Peters et al.
and posted with permission
(All information herein is provided by author)

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Also see: Name Cross Reference

Mistress Jessica Payne

Mistress Jessica's Boudoir

Imagine my excitement at the end of my last session with Mistress Jessica when She told me i would next serve Her in Her boudoir! my lowly mind raced, thinking of the possibilities of what She would have in store for me, Her total slave, i knew i would do my very best to please Her through my service to her, no matter what She wanted me for!! The day of my service to Mistress Jessica in Her boudoir finally arrived! i stood before Her door, my mind racing, my heart pounding, my palms sweating. Never before had a session with Mistress Jessica produced such an effect on me! i knew i was in for something special that day! i remember everything as if it happened yesterday, or better yet, as if it were happening again right now!! Mistress Jessica opened Her door and i was enthralled, as always, by Her beauty! Mistress Jessica was wearing chrome-plated stiletto heels (this slave's favorite!) seamed black hose, garter belt, matching black bra and panties, covered with another of my favorites...a sheer, yet very mysterious, black full-length cape! As usual, Mistress Jessica looked more beautiful than any other woman i had ever before seen. i knew i was going to enjoy serving Her more than usual this afternoon. "Follow Me," Mistress Jessica instructed me quickly, i followed right behind Her. i enjoyed following her, watching Her graceful hips sway hypnotically as She climbed the steps to Her boudoir. We entered Her boudoir and She instructed me fo do the following: "Remove your pathetic clothes and kneel at my feet. Be quick about it!!" i followed her instructions as quickly as i could, taking in as much of the surroundings as i could. Mistress Jessica's boudoir was indeed a tribute to Her. It was dominated by Her large, black, four-poster bed covered with a solid black comforter and matching dressers with large mirrors. Heavy chains hung from Her ceiling with various implements of delicious torture strategically hanging from her walls, my mind raced with wonderment as i quickly undressed myself as She had requested.

"Show Me the respect I deserve," Mistress Jessica demanded, i knew it was time for me to perform one of my favorite duties for Hen-worshiping Her lovely feet! I quickly began to kiss and lick Her beautiful shoes. my tongue and lips caressed the black leather in homage to Her. my lips encircled Her heels, Her toes. i worshiped Her left foot first, then watched as She slowly uncrossed Her legs, then recrossed them. Her right foot was next. i worshiped it with the same fervor as i had Her left foot. "Remove My shoe you slut," came Her next instruction. i did as i was instructed as quickly as I could so as not to irritate Mistress Jessica, but not so fast as to cause Her discomfort. "Now worship my stockinged foot," She instructed. i took each of Her beautiful toes in my mouth, one at a time, paying tribute to it properly, but taking enough time to notice that each of Her toenails had been freshly painted and polished. i continued worshiping Mistress Jessica's feet with my pathetic mouth, first Her right foot, then her left one, until She was satisfied with my performance. She then stopped me, and laid back on Her wonderful bed.

"My legs need to be worshiped today, you will start at my feet and work your way up, worshiping My divinity the entire length of each until I am satisfied." i quickly got to work. I'll not reveal how much of Mistress Jessica's beauty i was allowed to worship that day as i have been instructed that that is an honor each slave, lucky enough to serve Her to Her liking, must find out on his own. Once Mistress Jessica was'satisfied with my worship of Her, She ordered me to lie, face up on Her bed. What happened next was an experience i will cherish in my memory for years to come. i cannot go into detail, at the direction of Mistress Jessica, but i am allowed to reveal the fact that the rest of the afternoon included some of the most exciting bondage, discipline, teasing and more that I have ever shared with Her! slaves under Mistress Jessica's direction who have shared the pleasure of serving Her in Her boudoir I'm sure would agree. For the rest of you who wish to work for this honor...

Mistress Jessica Payne seeks all previously trained slaves to undergo reconstructive training to suit HER liking. Calling hours 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday.

More Photos of Mistress Jessica Payne at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DistinguishedDominants

--Compiled by Mistress Michelle

Confession to Mistress Jessica

By -0- ( zero )
Confession to Mistress Jessica

I write this down as I am uncertain as to how to explain verbally. I fear that I must beg for your reprimand today.

You see, I have been having thoughts which I am afraid you might not approve of. I told you long ago, when first you accepted me into your service, that my only previous experience in the arena of sexual domination and submission had occurred with girlfriends. In particular, there was one young lovely with whom I shared sexual role-play games.

We experimented with bondage and discipline and this is what eventually led me into my servitude to you. This young lady recently contacted me and asked me to fulfill a fantasy she had been having in which her husband was useless to assist.

Basically, she wants me to tie her down and use a razor-type strap to punish her bare ass. She also wants me to use some sex toy or butt-plug on her behind as well. Of course I could do this and make her love it. The problem is, I would enjoy it and I am afraid you might take offense at such inappropriate behavior from one of your slaves. She does not live here, so of course I have not done this. My admission to you is that I would like to help her.

I tell you this only so that you are properly informed of your slave's behavior and temptations. For some reason, I feel obligated to confess this to you. As always, I beg for and shall submit to your reprimand if you deem one appropriate. Sincerely, -0- (zero)

Absent... Without Leave
zero learns a lesson

My name is zero, slave zero. I belong to Mistress Jessica Payne. Regular readers of Dominant Mystique may recall that I used to be called slave robert. I wrote once before about a session, my third, with the beautiful Mistress who commands me. It was entitled, "Caught in the Web of Mistress Jessica's Domain". That was before I became an asshole and became known by my current designation as zero. I am now in the position of having to earn back my name through superior servitude to the needs and whims of my divine Mistress Jessica. I fucked up and Mistress Jessica, in her superior wisdom, has graciously agreed to patiently teach me the error of my ways. Already, she has begun my correction and retraining.

As slave robert, I was an eager novice slave. I reveled in my servitude and submission to the unique Mistress Payne. But through a series of unimportant circumstances, I missed class for an extended period and I failed to obtain leave from my adored Mistress. As Mistress Jessica takes a personal and compassionate interest in her student slaves, she became understandably worried about a missing recalcitrant who, by his negligence, really proved himself unworthy of her concerns. In the face of my sincerely expressed pleas, Mistress Jessica mercifully permitted me to present myself one again before her divine feet. That brings us to where we are now. I am back where I belong in abject slavery I to my Mistress. I am very fortunate to have been readmitted to her presence and I offer the following as a lesson to any other slaves with asshole tendencies similar to those I so regretfully displayed.

I knew that I had distressed Mistress Jessica by my unexcused absence. I knew that I would be punished. But I also knew that I deserved any reprimand the wisdom of Mistress Jessica decreed as appropriate for my correction. So it was not with a light heart that I anxiously approached her door.

As always, once admitted to her presence, I was enthralled to her sensual beauty. After a word regarding my foolishness in not having reported to her in so long, I was ordered to remove every stitch of clothing. Mistress Jessica's slaves must always present themselves to her in a state of complete nudity so as to emphasize their surrender and to strip away any false pretense of masculine dignity.

Once naked. Mistress Jessica ordered that I approach as she reclined comfortably upon her leather sofa. Crawling on all fours was another privilege I would have to earn again as I was ordered to approach slithering on my belly, so low had I proved myself to be by my negligence. After my naked slither had at last brought me to her feet, I knelt upright so as to present to my cherished Mistress her reclaimed property.

As always, my body betrayed me. My cock stood out hard and throbbing in proof of my need for Mistress Jessica's tutelage. Abjectly, I lavished oral worship on the leather straps and exposed nylon-covered toes of her open-toe stiletto-heeled shoes.

But even this servitude was an honor a wayward slave would have to pay for. I was to discover this without any further delay. Picking up an evil-looking black leather studded paddle from her coffee table, Mistress ordered that I turn and offer up my bare and unblemished buttocks for her discipline. With full knowledge of my sins there was no hesitation, despite my fear. Immediately, I turned around and buried my nose in the carpet, raising my ass up, vulnerable and naked. There was no warm up. SMACK, THWACK, SMACK, the paddle connected with its mark again and again. Mistress paused and inquired if I knew why I was being punished. "Yes, Mistress Jessica," I replied in a voice straining with effort. "I have neglected my training and I have neglected you. I know that I deserve to be punished for my errors, Thank you Mistress." Again the paddle struck. And again and again. I do not know how many strokes of the fierce black instrument descended upon my unprotected buttocks, but I knew that I was now flaming red from the evil kisses.

CRACK!, SMACK!, WHACK. The room filled with the sounds of leather punishing bare flesh and I struggled to maintain my position. With my face pressed hard into the carpet, I strained to keep my ass presented for the paddle. I knew I needed the paddle. I knew it would correct me even though my toes curled in pain under the stinging strokes of my deserved punishment.

When finally the paddle stopped falling, my ass was aflame. Bright red, I knew it must be as the stinging heat assured me.

Mistress Jessica then commanded her charge to slither into her throne room and present his glowing behind while kneeling with nose buried on the seat of her throne. Buried where it belonged, at the spot where the divine ass of his Mistress held sway. There I was to wait and ponder my position while Mistress decided my fate.

When Mistress Jessica entered, I straightened, still kneeling to await her command. With throbbing cock standing straight at attention I watched Mistress take her throne. Mistress took a cigarette and pointed to where I could fetch her a wooden match. Quickly retrieving the matches, I prepared to strike one when I heard Mistress instruct me to hand her the match. I was told to stand and approach Mistress very closely. Doing so, I watched in mortal fear as Mistress firmly gripped my protruding manhood and proceeded to insert the end of the match very gently just inside the tip of the steely organ. Surprisingly, this caused no great discomfort, but the sight of my exposed cock sporting a match which stuck straight out from its wet eye filled me with trepidation.

I was instructed to manage to light the match from a nearby candle and use it to ignite Mistress' cigarette. Oh no, I thought, a burning match stuck in my penis, my manhood? Please Mistress, have mercy. But I hastened to comply, hoping, through trusting obedience, to survive the trial. On shaky legs I thrust my hips forward and held the match in the candle's flame until it too flamed. Quickly, I again thrust my hips forward and tried to hold steady as Mistress used her slave's hard dick as a torch holder. Once the cigarette was lit, Mistress Jessica calmly watched the flames as the match was consumed and the blistering heat inched closer to my most vulnerable flesh. With consummate skill. Mistress finally and thankfully extinguished the threat just before any harm could come to one of her treasured properties. To serve Mistress Jessica requires complete trust but her slaves know that she is completely worthy.

Once the ordeal by fire had been passed. Mistress resumed her lesson on not being an asshole and taking leave without permission. This began with Mistress' comment that an asshole such as myself really should be strung up by his balls for such lack of consideration as I had shown. As it turned out, she was serious. Ordering me to lie prostrate upon my back, Mistress wound a length of cord around my still erect cock and balls. Once satisfied with my genital bondage, Mistress Jessica then looped the other end of the cord through a pulley hanging from the ceiling of her dungeon. As she pulled gently downward on the cord, I was forced to arch my hips upward so that I might remain attached to my masculinity. Literally, she had me strung up by the balls. I heartily recommend that a slave first obtain leave from Mistress Jessica if he is to miss class for an extended period. Having made another indelible point with me. Mistress mercifully released me from the constrictive bondage of my sex.

But her lessons were not yet complete. Again I knelt naked before my adored Mistress and slavishly worshipped at her precious feet with long swabs of my tongue. Mistress demands a fully extended oral digit whenever a slave is fortunate enough to honor her with this type of devotion. Before long, however, I was instructed to turn around and again show Mistress my naked and reddened ass. As a further lesson on my foolishness, I was required to stroke my cock and finger my own asshole while Mistress watched in amusement. I knew that if I allowed myself to come without her permission, I would be very severely punished. I was forced to endure the stimulation of these sensitive areas while holding strong to the seed which longed to burst forth from my overheated organ.

After several moments, Mistress instructed me to proclaim aloud that indeed I was an asshole for neglecting her.

As I did so, she commented further that I probably needed more physical reinforcement of this issue. I was told to retrieve a small butt-plug and some lubricant from her toy chest. Resuming my lewd and humiliating position, I once again knelt head down, legs spread wide apart, buttocks upraised and parted under her full view. But now, I was told to tell Mistress Jessica what an asshole I had been and that I needed to have my asshole fucked so that I would fully understand. I did so with complete sincerity and a growing need to feel the plug as it taught me the error of my ways.

At length, I received instructions to continue stroking my cock and repeating the fact that I was indeed an asshole. At the same time, I was to apply the lubricant and then insert the plug fully into my tight, twitching anus.

Once I had the plug firmly ensconced in the hot prison of my clutching orifice, I was to again withdraw it. I was commanded to fuck myself in the ass with this rubber invader and to intone that I was fucking my ass for my Mistress because I had been a complete asshole for being so inconsiderate and neglectful. As I abused myself in this manner for Mistress' satisfaction, I was shocked to again feel the strokes of her anger across my bare buttocks. The paddle was exchanged for Mistress' riding crop and then I also felt the none-too-gentle strands of her horse-hair whip. All the while, I continued to plunge the evil plug in and out of my poor anus and maintained a constant stroking of my cock.

Of course I still had to deny climax and this became increasingly difficult under the myriad stimuli. As my attentions focused on the area of my torment, I realized the wisdom of Mistress Jessica's lesson. My asshole and buttocks were severely punished and I knew that I would forever labor to avoid being an asshole again.

When finally my punishment ceased, Mistress again permitted me to show my love and devotion through the strength of my servile tongue. After starting from her heels. Mistress allowed me to slowly adjust my oral attentions upward until at last I found my head between her beautiful legs. I worshiped at the crotch of Mistress Jessica's delicate panties and strove to prove my new commitment to her pleasure by stroking my tongue across the door to her feminine treasures. This was all that I was to be permitted this day.

Mistress noted that my rampantly erect and throbbing cock was oozing copious amounts of pre-cum fluids and I was ordered to wipe this away with my finger and then lick the finger clean of my own discharge. I was told that the lesson was complete, but that I would not be permitted any sexual climax.

Knowing that Mistress Jessica's commands are final, I resigned myself to having to stuff the raging member back into my trousers and depart. The plug which I had still been required to retain in my rectum finally could be removed and I was dismissed.

I left Mistress Jessica's dungeon with a light heart. Serious progress had already been made. When Mistress Jessica informed me that I was to write this letter using the name zero, this became clear to me.

I was back at the very bottom rung of the ladder of ascending servitude, but at least I had a firm grip on it once again. I was no longer simply an asshole as I had been when I arrived. As slave zero, I might not have much status, but it was certainly better than being just was certainly better than being just an asshole.

I left Mistress Jessica in a state of extreme sexual need, I probably enjoyed this punishment session more than any of my previous visits to my beautiful and creative Mistress. To once again feel her discipline upon my naked ass and to endure the anal violation for her pleasure gave me a secret thrill that is only matched on occasions when I am also required to offer extensive oral worship. Despite my love of and need for her discipline, it really hurts sometimes. I am not sure that I could endure if she were encouraged too much.

More photos of Mistress Jessica Payne at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DistinguishedDominants

--Compiled by Mistress Michelle and slave english

Dominant Domain Newspaper

Number 14, 1994

DOMINANT DOMAIN is published by New Esoteric Press, Inc., mailing address: P.O. Box 30689, JFK Station, Jamaica, NY 11430. Copyright © 1994. All rights reserved. Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, and photographs if they are to be returned. No responsibility can be assumed for unsolicited manuscripts, drawings, or photographs. All rights in letters, manuscripts, drawings and photographs sent to New Esoteric Press will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication for copyright purposes and are subject to New Esoteric Press' right to edit and comment editorially. All models are at least eighteen years of age. All photographs are posed for by professional models except as otherwise noted. Neither said photographs, nor the editorial matter, nor quotations which accompany such photographs are to be construed as indicative of that person's sexual orientation, conduct, personality or actual quotations.

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slave to Mistress Jessica


I found Mistress Jessica through an ad She had placed in an adult contact magazine several years ago. I felt very fortunate to find a Dominatrix so close to home. Little did I know how pleasurable my relationship with Miss Jess (She allows Her best slaves to call her Miss Jess) would grow to be through time.

When I met Miss Jessffor my first session 1 was spellbound with Henbeauty and grace. I quickly found out how Dominant Miss Jess was, as She really put me through my paces during my first session. More about Miss Jess' abilities later.

I realized I was submissive quite a few years ago. Since that time I have served several Mistresses only to grow disappointed quickly with their lack of imagination, insight, or ability to give me what I really needed, treatment as a true slave! This certainly has not been the case with Miss Jess and I look forward to each session with the same excitement own more as I did our first meeting. I have been in service to Miss Jess for about six years now and see no end to my submission to Her.

Miss Jess has held my attention, and my interest in serving Her for such a long time. Miss Jess is in a class by Herself when it comes to besng a Dominatrix. Yes, Miss Jess is beautiful but there is so much more to Her than beauty.

Miss Jess possesses the ability to not only bind one s body, but to control their mind as well. Not a day has gone by, since I first met Miss Jess, that my service to Her has not crossed my mind . I`m constantly thinking of ways to please Her. You could say I'm brainwashed. I prefer to think of it as having found what I need...a Dominatrix Supreme to serve and be controlled by in all areas of my life.

What would a typical session with Miss Jess be like?? l wouldn't want to spoil anything for any slave who is serious in his quest to find the best Dominatrix to serve, but I will say that you will be enslaved.. totally!! You will WANT to do everything Miss Jess demands of you! You will find Her discipline something to look forward to. You will want to do your very best to please Miss Jess. You will want to see Miss Jess more than once, for once you have tasted the best you will never be able to get enough, you WILL want to do your best to bring Miss Jess pleasure through your service to Her. You will end your search for the best Dominatrix anywhere!!

I promised to tell you a little about Miss Jess' abilities as a Dominatrix. I have presented Miss Jess with fantasies of ways I would enjoy serving Her and never have I been disappointed!! Far from it!! I've found that Miss Jess' ability to give me what I need as a slave has far outweighed my ability to fantasize my services to Her as a Dominatrix, so I no longer fantasize about what She can do for me as a slave. After all isn't that what being a slave is all about?? I serve Miss Jess in the ways She wishes me to serve Her and I look forward to each service to Her more than the last. Needless to say, Miss Jess' imagination as a Dominatrix Supreme is much greater than my imagination as a slave!

You're probably wondering if Miss Jess is able to fulfill your fantasies. Let me say that not only is Miss Jess very well equipped on the material side (things such as restraint devices, whips, collars, hoods, chastity devices, etc.), most importantly, Miss Jess has an excellent imagination as well as the ability to make you WANT to do as She wishes! Make no mistake, a session with Miss Jess will make you forget about serving any other Dominatrix! you WILL be Her's!! You WILL want to please Her!!

Can you tell I am excited about my position as Miss Jess' slave?? You bet I am!! I consider myself extremely lucky to find a Dominatrix to serve like Miss Jess! What true slave wouldn't??


--Compiled by Mistress Michelle & slave english

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