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Alphabetic List of entries in The Private Case by Patrick J Kearney

Book SizesList of used book conditionsList of booksellers' abbreviations‎‎
Information on this page @1981 by Patrick J. Kearney and used with his permission


1384. PAINFUL PLEASURES". Translated out of the French and adapted from original English sources" by Walter J. Meusal, with a foreword by the Editor. Ten half-tones by E. Remsen. New York: Privately Printed by the Gargoyle Press. (c. 1935.) 8vo. pp. 279. Frontispiece and 9 plates. Original cloth backed vellum boards, gilt. One of 1500 unnumbered copies. P.C. 15.df.9.

  • PALLAVICINO, (Ferrante). 1616-1644.

1385. (La Rettorica delle puttane.) "THE WHORES RHETORICK," calculated to the Meridian of London and confirmed to the Rules of Art. In Two Dialogues. London: George Shell, 1683. 12mo. pp. (30), 222. (3 June 1853.) P.C. 23.a.10.

1386. (Another edition.) "The Whore's Rhetorick," 1683. Reprinted at Edinburgh: 1836. 4to. pp. xx, (30), 222. Engraved vignette on the titlepage and 3 plates, with a facsimile of the title of the edition of 1683. This edition was edited with an Introduction by James Maidment. P.C. 20.b.4. (Orig. 1077134

Page 272 PAN-PAN

1387. (Another copy.) "The Whore's Reetorick," 1683. Reprinted at Edinburgh: 1836. 4to. pp. xx, (30), 222. Vignette on title, 3 plates and a facsimile. P. C. 31.1.18.

A copy of a reprint of "The Whore's Rhetoric", clone at London by the Holland Press in 1960, is shelved in the BL at Cup.

1388. (La Rettorica delle puttanc.) "La Rhétorique des putains," composée conformément aux préceptes de Cipriano ... traduite pour la première fois de l'italien en français par A. P'* ' , et précédée d'une notice bio-bibliographique. À Villefranche: 1871. (Brussels, 1880.) 12mo. pp. 175. Frontispiece, in two states, unsigned. Limited to 300 copies, of which this is out of sequence of 120 'in-i8 sur papier vergé'. P.C. 30.d.35.

For editions of a work written in imitation of Pallavicino and using the saine title, see entries post for La Rhétorique des putains.

  • PAN-PAN. see MOMAS, (Alphonse).

1389. PANANTI, (Filippo). "Novellette cd epigrammi del celebre Pananti," con la Civetta, poemetto del Medesimo, cd altri rare e galanti poesic d'amore composte da diversi insigni autori. Calè: anno xi. (1802). 12111.0. pp. 144. Frontispiece. (3 March 1891.) P.C. 29.a.4.

1390. (Another edition.) "Novellette ed epigramini," etc. Calè: anno xi. (1802). 12mo. pp. (vi) + 144. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbce. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 30.k.13.

1391. "PANIER AUX ORDURES" (Le), suivi de quelques chansons. Libreville: a la Société pour la propagation des livres de l'Enfer, 1866. (Brussels: Gay.) 8vo. pp. vi. 154. Limited to I06 copies, of which this is no. 65 of 100 on Hollande. Le Panier aux ordures is a collection of exceedingly licentious songs and poems by Armand Gouffé, Bruneau, Brazier, Antignac etc., taken from a Ms preserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. An English collector, Richard Monckton Milnes had a copy of this taken and in 1865 caused a small edition to be published at London in facsimile of his manuscript. This edition was presumably that issued by J. C. Hotten (see Ashbee, vol. I, p. 12). It is possible that the following two entries are for the collector's manuscript copy and an exemplar of Hotten's published edition respectively. In the present edition, pp. (41) 150 contain a supplement of additional material. P.C. 31.g.4

1392. (Another edition.) "Panier aux ordures par Armand Gouffé et autres." n.p., n.d. (Paris? c. 1865.) 8vo. pp. 36. A calligraphic manuscript, the text decorated with erotic vignettes. The volume interleaved throughout. P.C. 29.a.52.

1393. (Another edition; a lithographed facsimile of the preceding.) "Panier aux ordures par Armand Gouffé et autres". n.p., n.d. (London? c. 1865.) 8vo. pp. 36. P.C. 31.l.19.

There is another copy of this very rare edition, formerly in the


splendid library of Pierre Loups, in the collection of M. Bottin of the Librairie Niçoise, at Nice.

1394. (Another edition.) "Le Panier aux ordures, suivi de quelques chansons." Canton: W. Field et Tching-Kong. Librairie Brahmique et Bouddhique. (Brussels? 1875.) 8vo. pp. vi. 151. Wood-cut vignette on tidepage. This edition has the same supplement as that with the 'Libreville' impress. (to May 1882.) P.C. 17.b.9.

1395. "PANTINS DES BOULEVARDS (Les)," ou Bordels de Thalie. Confessions paillardes des tribades et catins des tréteaux du boulevard, recueillies par le compère Mathieu ... Paris: de l'imprimerie de Nicodème, dans la lune, 1791. (Brussels: Poulet Malassis, 1869.) 12mo. Two vols. in one. pp. iii. 104, 112. Two frontispieces, 5 plates and 6 engraved titles. Limited to 206 copies of which this is out of sequence of 200 on Hollande. Imperfect; wanting one of the plates. (ii October 1947.) P.C. 15.b.5.

1396. (Another copy.) "Les Pantins des boulevards," etc. Paris: Nicodème, 1791. (Brussels: Poulet-Malassis, 1869.) 12mo. Two vols. iii. .104, 79 ( 9) pp. iii. 112. Limited to 206 copies, of which this is out of sequence of 200 on Hollande. Imperfect; wanting the plates and one of the engraved titles. The last engraved title to vol. 2 is before the letter. The recto of the rear endpaper to vol. 2 has the embossed stamp of Edward Avery, a London bookseller and publisher of pornography between c. 1875-1900. (7 November 1885.) P.C. 27.a.6.

1397. "PANTSCHATANTRA." Fabeln aus dem indischen Liebesleben. Lithographien von R. Janthur. Berlin: Verlag Fritz Gurlitt, (1919). Folio. pp. 47. Ten plates. Vellum-backed pink silk boards, gilt. Vellum and ivory ties. No. 26 of 700 copies. Part of the series Der Venuswagen. (14 April 1923.) P.C. 30.1.2/3.

1398. "PARADIESÄPFEL" vom Baume der Erkenntnis, gesammelt von Edgar Bundi. Philadelphia: 1863. 16mo. pp. 85. Original printed yellow wrappers preserved. P.C. 29.b.46.

1399. PARKINSON, G. Hume), pseud. "A Gallery of Nudes." Paris: The Olympia Press, (1957). 8vo. pp. 191. Original green printed wrappers preserved. No. 41 in the Traveller's Companion series. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.g.11.

1400. "PARNASSE SATYRIQUE," XVIIIe siècle. Pièces trop libres échappées dans des débauches d'esprit â quelques gens de lettres connus et inconnus. À Neuchâtel: imprimé par les presses de la Société des bibliophiles cosmopolites, 1874. (San Remo? Gay.) 12mo. pp. viii. 117. Original patterned wrappers preserved. Limited to 200 copies, of which this is no. 47 of 148 in-12 on Hollande. Uniform with the series Bibliothèque libre. (ii February 1875.) P.C. 27.b.52/22.


1401. "PARNASSE SATYRIQUE (Le)" du dix-neuvième siècle. Recueil de vers piquants et gaillards de MM. dc Béranger, V. Hugo, E. Deschamps, A. Barbier, A. dc Musset, Barthélemy, Protat, G. Nadaud, dc Barville, Baudelaire, Monselet, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. Tome Premier (- Second). Rome: â l'enseigne des sept péchés capitaux. (Brussels: Auguste Poulet-Malassis, 1866.) 12mo. TWO volumes in one. pp. 239, 250. Copy on China paper. Frontispiece in 3 states by Rops. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 27.b.8/I.

1402. (Another copy.) "Le Parnasse satyrique," etc. Tome Premier. Rome: â l'enseigne des sept péchés capitaux. (Brussels: Poulct-Malassis, 1866.) 12mo. pp. 239. Frontispiece in 2 states by Rops. Imperfect; wanting volume 2. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 31.1.29.

1403. "(Le Parnasse satyrique. Supplément.)" Le Nouveau Parnasse Satyrique du dix-neuvième siècle suivi d'un appendice au Parnasse satyrique. Eleritheropolis: aux devantures des libraires, ailleurs dans leurs arrière-boutiques, 1866. (Brussels, Poulet-Malassis.) 12mo. pp. ii. 273. Imperfect; wanting the frontispiece by Félicien Rops. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 31.i.29a.

1404. (Another copy, on China paper.) "Le Nouveau Parnasse satyrique," etc. Eleutheripolis: 1866. (Brussels, Poulet-Malassis.) 12mo. pp. ii. 273. Frontispiece in two states by Félicien Rops. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 27.b.8/2.

1405. "Parnasse satyrique (Le)" du dix-neuvième siècle ... augmenté du Nouveau Parnasse. Tome Premier (- Second). Oxford: Imprimé pour la coterie des amoureux, 1878. (Brussels: Gay.) 12m0. Two volumes. pp. vi. 359, 372. Two frontispieces, each in two states. Limited to 305 copies, of which this is one of 28o on Hollande. Volume 1 has an additional titlepage reading: 'Pièces contemporaines en vers pour servir a l'histoire de ce temps. Recueilles par E. J. K. Londres: Imprimerie de John King, 185o.' Imperfect; wanting the additional titlepage to volume 2. (9 October 1878.) P.C. 17.a.5.

1406. (Another issue.) "Le Parnasse satyrique" ... augmenté du Nouveau Parnasse. Oxford: 1878. (Brussels: Gay et Doucé.) 12mO. Two vols. pp. vi. 359, 372. Limited to 305 copies, of which this is one of 280 on Hollande. In this copy, the alternative titlepage to vol. 1 reads: 'Recueil de pièces contemporaines tirées du Cabinet d'un curieux pour servir à l'Histoire de temps présent. Vienne: chez William Fisher, imprimeur, 1868.' The alternative titlepage to vol. 2 is a duplicate of the preceding. Imperfect; wanting the frontispieces. This edition carries a Ms note by H. S. Ashbee reading: 'Date is correct. Pubd. at Brussels. Recd. from Gay at Doucé, May 1878.' (10 November 1900.) P.C. 25.b.9.

1407. (Another edition.) Édition augmentée et completée. "Le Parnasse satyrique" du dix-neuvième siècle.

Page 275 PEARL

Recueil de pièces facétieuses, scatologiques, piquants, pantagruéliques, gaillards et satyriques, des meilleurs auteurs contemporaines, poètes, romanciers, journalistes etc. Suivi du Nouveau Parnasse satyrique. À Bruxelles: sous le manteau (Kistemaeckers), 1881. 8vo. Three volumes. pp. 231, 226, 284. Limited to 175 copies. From the Ashbee collection. Vol. 3, comprising Le Nozievau Parnasse, has the impress 'A Bruxelles: avec l'autorisation des compromis, 1881. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 31.k.i.

1408. "PASSE-TEMS DU BOUDOIR (Les)," ou Recueil nouveau de contes en vers. A Galipoly: chez la veuve Turban, 1785. 12in0. pp. 149 + (5) of Table des contes. P.C. 31.a.17.

1409. "PATENOSTRE DES VEROLLEZ" (La), avec Une Complaincte contre les médecins. Suivant la copie imprimée, M.C.xl. À Berne: chez l'Orso. (Brussels: Gay, 1877.) 32mo. pp. 8. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 29.a.66.

  • PEACHUM, (Thomas). see OXMAN, (Philip).

1410. "PEARL (The)." A Journal of Facetiæ Voluptuous Reading (sic). Vol. I (- 2, - 3). London: Printed for the Society of Vice, 1879. (Amsterdam: Brancart, c. 1890.) 8vo. 3 vols. all with pp. 192; 31 (of 36) coloured plates. Dawes Bequest. The original edition appeared in 18 parts (London: Lazenby), monthly during 1879-1880. This present edition of The Pearl was used as the basis of an American reprint of the 1930's, which was in turn re-issued in 1967 by Brandon House in California. Subsequent reprints were done by Grove Press of New York and Collectors' Publications, also of California. (13 June 1964.) P.C. .

1411. (Another edition.) "The Pearl." A Journal of Facetiæ Voluptuous Reading (sic). Vol. I (- ii, - iii). London-Paris: Printed for the Society of Vice. (Rotterdam: Bergé, c. 1910.) 8vo. 3 vols. pp. 235, 236, 236. P.C. 31.f.16.

1412. (Another edition. Selections.) "The Pearl." A Journal of Facetiæ and Voluptuous Reading. Selections from volumes (sic) I-18, July 1879 - December 1880. (London:) Mentor/New English Library/Times Mirror (1970). 8vo. pp. 283 + (ii) of advertisements. (2 March 1970.) P.C. 15.df.21.

1413. "(The Pearl. Supplements.)" "SWIVIA; or, The Briefless Barrister." The Extra-Special number of The Pearl, containing a variety of complete Tales, with five illustrations, Poetry, Facetiæ, &c. Christmas, 1879. (London.) 8vo. pp. 64. Dawes Bequest. Imperfect; wanting the plates and pp. 19-22 of the text, which have been replaced with a MS copy, inserted. (13 June 1964.) P.C.

1414. "(The Pearl. Supplements.)" THE HAUNTED HOUSE, or, The Revelations of Theresa Terence ... Being the Christmas number of "The Pearl."


Beautifully illustrated with six finely coloured plates. London: Privately Printed, 1880. 8vo. pp. 62. Frontispiece and 5 coloured lithographs. Two extra copies of the frontispiece and a single copy of four of the other plates, all in monchrome, have been inserted at the conclusion of the text. Original red front wrapper, printed in black, preserved. P.C. 30.e.23.

1415. (The Pearl. Supplements.) "THE PEARL CHRISTMAS ANNUAL 1881." Atlanta, Ga.: Pendulum Books (1967). 8vo. pp. 128 + (xvi) of advertisements. Original printed wrappers preserved. The text is preceded by an introduction signed 'Jean Chouart' (i.e., Lydia Fish?) and a note on the original edition extracted from Ashbee. P.C. 27.a.66.

1416. PEARSON, (Angela), pseud. "The Whipping Club." An Account of some of the Activities of a number of lovely Women who have Men in their Power. Paris: Ophelia Press (1958). 8vo. pp. 257. Original printed wrappers preserved. Mr. Peter Fryer incorrectly ascribes the pseudonym 'Angela Pearson' to Diane Bataille. (see Private Case, Public Scandal, p. 1I2.) In fact it is the pseudonym of an Englishman who, at the time he was writing for the Olympia Press, was a teacher at a private school at Athens. Under the same pseudonym he also wrote for the Olympia Press a novel entitled "The Whipping Post" (1959). Using the pseudonym 'Greta X' he wrote two other novels, "There's a Whip in my Valise" (1961) and "Whipsdom" (1962), published by the Olympia Press in their 'Ophir' and 'Othello' series respectively. A copy of "Whipsdom" is entered under its title in this handlist, post. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.g.39.

1417. PEARSON, (Angela), pseud. "Whips Incorporated." Ophelia Press. (Paris, 1960). 8vo. pp. 209. Original printed wrappers preserved. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.h.32.

1418. "PÉDÉRASTIE PASSIVE," ou Mémoires d'un enculé par L. B. (Paris? 1911.) 8vo. pp. 159. Ex-libris C. R. Dawes. Dawes Bequest label. (13 June 1964.) See first part at no. 1516 post. P.C. 13.b.7.

1419. PÉLADAN, (Josephin Aimé). 1859-1918. "Femmes Honnêtes!" Avec un frontispice de Félicien Rops et douze compositions de Bac. Paris: Ed. Monnier & Ce, 1885. 8vo. pp. 108. Frontis. and plates all present, as called for. Cloth-backed boards, with original wrappers laid down. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 30.e.12.

1420. PENONCELLI, ( ) Abbate. "La Merdeide. Cante tre." (Con varie altre poesie analoghe.) In Cacherano: Dalle stampe di Bernado Culati. (Turin: Canfari, 1859.) 8vo. pp. 154. Cloth-backed boards, with original wrappers laid down. P.C. 31.g.11.

1421. PERCIVAL, (Kate). pseud. "The Life and Amours of the beautiful, gay and dashing Kate Percival, the Belle of the Delaware", written by


herself. Volume Two. London-Paris: 1903. 8vo. pp. 140. Original wrappers, printed in black and red, preserved. Imperfect; wanting vol. I. (30 June 1968.) P.C. 26.c.11.

1422. (Another edition.) "The Life and Amours of Kate Percival," written by herself. Two volumes in one. Introduction by Allen D. Warner, Ph.D. North Hollywood, Calif: Brandon House (1967). 8vo. pp. 159• Original wrappers preserved. (28 February 1974.) P.C. 22.aa.12.

1423. PEREGRIN, (P.). pseud. "Ein moderner Sklave." Novelle. Hamburg: M. Jacobson. (c. 1900.) 8vo. pp. 107 + (v) of advertisements. (13 December 1947.) P.C. 15.c.10.

1424. "PERFUMES DE BARCELONA" (LOS). Cancion cantable, que Si oliera el Diablo que la Leyera. Poema en cinco cantos. Palma: Imprenta de A. Gibert, ano 1844. 24mo. pp. 72. Three plates. With an additional titlepage, engraved. P.C. 31.b.4.

1425. (Another edition.) "Los Perfumes de Barcelona" ... Nueva edition aumentada con la defensa del pedo en verso. Madrid: Imprenta Espanola, 1877. 24mo. pp. 6o. Frontispiece. Cloth-backed boards, with original printed wrappers laid down. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. On the front cover, the title of the work is given as La Mierdépolis. Poema Burlesco. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 30.i.6.

  • PERRET, (Paul).

1426. "CONFESSION GALANTE D'UNE FEMME DU MONDE". Illustrée de 6o gravures. Tome I (- n). Au Temple de volupté: l'an des plaisirs. (Brussels: A. Christiaens, 1875.) 8vo. 3 pts. in 2 vols. Vol. I, pp. 56; vol. IT (containing pts. 2 and 3), pp. 87. 48 coloured plates. Original printed wrappers preserved. Imperfect; wanting 12 of the plates. P.C. 30.c.26.

1427. (Another edition.) "LE ROMAN DE MON ALCOVE." Confessions galantes d'une femme du monde. Au Palais Royal (Brussels?) : chez feu la veuve Girouard, très connue, 1879. 12mO. 3 pts. in I vol. pp. 123, pagination continuous. (7 December 1885.) P.C. 27.a.9/I.

1428. (Another edition.) "Le Roman de mon alcove." Confessions galantes d'une femme du monde. Pour servir â l'histoire de nos mceurs. (Brussels, 1882.) 12m0. 3 pts. in one volume. pp. 79. Pagination continuous. Limited to 100 unnumbered copies. A pencil note on the titlepage (by Ashbee?) gives the date as 1882. P.C. 30.g.5.

1429. (Confession galante d'une femme du monde.) The Romance of my Alcove. Athens: Imprinted by the Erotika Biblion Society, 1889. (London, Leonard Smithers.) 8vo. pp. 149 + (iii) containing a list of errata and advertisements for other works issued by the 'Society.' A 'Translator's note' occupies pp. (viii)_x, and is signed 'Athens, November 1889.' This note is, for the most part, extracted from Ashbee. Limited to 250 copies, this being no. 48. (10 February 1890.) P.C. 28.b.(sic).


This translation of Confession galante forms vol. iii in the series Bibliothèque français which Smithers issued. The other volumes were Perret's Tableaux vivants and Opus Sadicum, a dreadful translation of Sade's Justine first published by Liseux at Paris in 1889 and here reissued with a new titlepage. The fact that Smithers limited his advertised edition of Opus Sadicum to only so copies, as opposed to a limitation of 250 copies in the case of the other two books, suggests that he came into possession of a small number of Liseux's remainder stock. A different translation of this work entitled 'Voluptous confessions of a French Lady of fashion,' will be found serialised in the pages of The Boudoir, q.v. ante.

1430. "TABLEAUX VIVANTS (Les)," ou Mes Confessions aux pieds dc la duchesse. Anecdotes véridiques tirées de mes amours avec nos libertines illustrés et nos fouteuses de qualité, par un Redacteur de la R.D.D.M. Amsterdam: 187o. (Brussels, Auguste Poulet-Malassis?) 12mo. pp. 166. Die-stamped onto the lower corner of the recto of rear free endpaper is: 'Sold by E. Avery, London.' Author's name appears nowhere on the book itself, but see G. Legman, "The Horn Book", page 68. (5 January "1886.) P.C. 27.a.17.

1431. Tableaux Vivants." Completely Translated from the original French by a Member of the Council. Annotated. Athens: Imprinted by the Erotika Biblion Society for Private Distribution Only, 1888. (London: L. Smithers.) 8vo. pp. 142. Frontispiece and 17 plates. No. 17 of 250 copies. This volume is part of the Dawes Bequest, although it lacks the customary leather label to this effect. Erotika Biblion Society's publications no. 2; Bibliothèque français no. 1. Imperfect; wanting one of the plates. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13.f.6.

Reprints of the English version of Tableaux vivants were issued by Grove Press, New York, and Brandon House, N. Hollywood, Calif. c. 1967; and earlier mimeographed as The Amusements of a Fortnight.

1432. [PERRY, James.] 1756-1821. "Mimosa: or, The Sensitive Plant;" a Poem, dedicated to Mr. Banks, and addressed to Kitt Frederick, Dutchess (sic) of Queensberry, elect. London: W. Sandwich, 1779. 4to. pp. vii. 17+ (i) of advertisement. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 31.1.16.

1433. PETERS, (Adam), pseud. "Business as usual." Paris: Week End Books (1958). 8vo. pp. 191. Original wrappers, printed in black and red, preserved. (30 May 1964.) P.C. 13.h.20.

1434. (Another edition.) PETERS, (Soliman), pseud. "Business as usual". Paris: Ophelia Press (1958). 8vo. pp. I89. Original printed wrappers preserved. The publishing history of Business as Usual is rather peculiar, the following account of it being given to the present author in a letter


from M. Maurice Girodias dated January 8th, 1979. 'Soliman Peters' sold his Ms to the Olympia Press for a straight fee and was not given a contract since it was the policy of M. Girodias, publisher of the Olympia Press, to issue contracts only to those authors whose books he considered legitimate and defendable and who didn't employ pseudonyms. At the same time the MS was also sold to a rival of M. Girodias, one Bruno Durocher, otherwise known as Kaminsky, who had a small printing business on rue Séguier, Paris. Both editions came out more or less simultaneously but in the case of Kaminsky's edition, which was presumably that issued under the impress of 'Week End Books' above, it was published with a contract thus making it impossible for M. Girodias to take legal action defending his own edition. To save the situation, the book was withdrawn and issued again with a new title and pseudonym and a rewritten opening page of text. This version was entitled "Springtime in Paris" by 'Theobald Lovelace', a copy of which will be found entered under that pseudonym, ante. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.g.38.

1435. "PETIT CABINET DE PRIAPE (Le)." Poésies inédites tirées d'un recueil manuscrit fait vers le commencement du xviie siècle. Neuchâtel: Imprimé par les presses de la Société des Bibliophiles Cosmopolites, 1874. (San Remo? Gay.) 12mo. pp. vii. 74. Cloth-backed boards, with original patterned wrappers laid down. No. 47 of 300 copies on Hollande. Uniform with the series Bibliothèque libre. (II February 1875.) P.C. 27.b.39.

1436. (Another copy.) "Le Petit Cabinet de Priape", etc. Neuchâtel: 1874. (San Remo? Gay.) 12mo. pp. vii. 74. Original patterned wrappers preserved. No. 16 of 30o copies. (24 November 1890.) P.C. 29.b.44.

1437. "PETIT CATECHISME" à l'usage des pères de famille. (The titlepage headed: Nos bons frères ignorantins.) Bruxelles: Ch. Sacré-Duquesne, (1872). 12mo. pp. 16. Original printed wrappers preserved. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 31.e.9.

1438. "PETIT FILS D'HERCULE (Le)." n.p.: 1701. (1781.) 12mo. pp. 165. (8 June 1892.) P.C. 29.a.28.

1439. (Another edition.) "Le Petit fils d'Hercule." n.p.: 1701. (1781.) 12mo. pp. xvi. 194. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 3 o.i.2.

1440. "PETITE PASSIONNiE (Une) par Nibos" ... Prix: vingt Francs. n.p.: 1911. (Paris? 1921.) 8vo. pp. 141. Dawes Bequest. Another novel credited to 'Nibos' will be found entered under the title Une Grande passionnée, q.v. ante. (13 June 1964.) P.C.

1441. "PETITES ALLDES." Roman vécu par Miss Clary F ... New York: Sammy, éditeur. (Paris? 1919.) 8vo. pp. 187. Original printed wrappers


preserved. Dawes Bequest. This work has been attributed to 'Pierre MacOrlan.' (13 June 1964.) P.C.

1442. "PIÉGES ECHAPÉES DU FEU OU la Curiosité, la rareté." Première Sotise (Seconde -.) Imprimé d N .... pour l'année prochaine. (Paris? c. 1750.) 12mo. Two pts. in one, pagination irregular. Pt. 1. pp. (1)-72; 113-128; 81-96; (1)-32; (I)-16. Pt. 2. pp. (1)-96; (I)-22. The sections with the shorter paginations contain individual pieces, each with their own titlepage and signatures. P.C. 30.c.15.

1443. [PIÉYRE DE MANDIARGUES, André.] 1909-. "L'Anglais décrit dans le château fermé" (par) Pierre Morion. Oxford & Cambridge (Paris?) : 1953. 8vo. pp. 145. No. 327 of 350 copies. (15 May 1963.) P.C. 25.b.20.

1444. (Another edition.) "L'Anglais décrit dans le château fermé" (par) Pierre Morion. Paris: La Bibliothèque privée contemporaine (l'Or du Temps, 1969). 8vo. pp. 193. Publisher's simulated leather, gilt. No. 5195 of an unspecified 'limitation.' An edition of L'Anglais décrit ..., revised by the author and with his true name on the titlepage, was published in June 1979 by Gallimard at Paris. Pascal Pia (1978) col. 60-61, details the legal condemnations against this work, but without giving the author's true name. (30 April 1970.) P.C. 14.i.28.

  • PIGAULT-LEBRUN, (Guillaume Charles Antoine). 1753-1835.

1445. "L'ENFANT DU BORDEL." Tome Premier (- Second). À Paris: 1800. 12mo. Two volumes. pp. 152, 132. Six plates. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13.a.15.

1446. (Another edition.) "Les Aventures de Chérubin," "l'Enfant du bordel." Erzeroum: chez Qizmich-Aga, an MM. (Paris? 1912.) 8vo. pp. 192. Original printed wrappers preserved. No. 5 of 150 copies on Arches. Formerly, this volume was housed in the Guildhall Library, London. (22 July 1950.) P.C. 15.b.23.

1447. (Another edition.) "Les Aventures du Chérubin," etc. Cythère: d l'enseigne de la volupté. (Paris: Maurice Duflou, 1924.) 8vo. pp. 183. Six plates. Original lilac wrappers, printed in red and black, preserved. Limited to iso unnumbered copies on 'papier pur fil Lafuma.' (31 December 1955.) P.C. 27.a.47.

1448. (Another copy, on different paper and without plates.) "Les Aventures du Chérubin," etc. Cythère: d l'enseigne de la volupté. (1924). 8vo. pp. 183. From the Girard collection; donated to the BL by E. J. Dingwall. (9 April 1949.) P.C. 15.b.12.

1449. PIKES, (James), pseud. "Madwomen". Translate (sic) from the French. London: Colombia Books. (c. 1960.) 8vo. pp. 155. Original printed wrappers preserved. The half-title gives: "Mad womenn" (sic). (31 May 1967.) P.C. 13.h.27.

  • PINEMOL, (Exupère). see GLATIGNY, (Albert).
  • PIRON, (Alexis). 1689-1773.

"1450. "ŒUVRES BADINES."" Paris: chez les marchands de nouveautés, 1796. 12mo. pp. 144. Frontispiece, hand-coloured. P.C. 31.c.5.

1451. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines." Paris: chez les marchands de nouveautés, 1797. 32mo. pp. 134. Eight plates. P.C. 31.C.4.

1452. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines." Paris: chez les marchands de nouveautés, 1797. 12mo. pp. 144. A Ms note, dated viii/65, states that 9 (or 4?) plates have been torn out. A paper slip between pp. 52/3 indicates where a particularly savage piece of breaking has left a leaf badly torn. P.C. 29.b.81.

1453. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines." Paris: chez les marchands de nouveautés, 1797. 12mo. pp. 144. A ives note concerning this edition and its contents is pasted onto the verso of the leaf facing the half-title. (24 April 1888.) P.C. 27.a.26.

1454. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines." Paris: chez les marchands de nouveautés, 1797. 18mo. pp. 144. Eleven plates, ten of which are coloured and do not belong to this edition. (30 September 1965.) P.C.

1455. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines." (Prix: 30 sous). A Paris: chez tous les marchands de nouveautés, 1804. 12mo. pp. 144. P.C. 30.c.23/2.

1456. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines" ... augmentée du Chapitre général des Cordeliers. A Paris: chez les marchands de nouveautés, 1804. 16mo. pp. 179. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (l0 November 1900.) P.C. 30.a.37. (Orig. 11483.a.46.).

1457. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines," libres et érotiques d'Alexis Piron. Précédées d'une notice sur sa vie et d'un essai sur le plaisir. Seule édition complète. Bruxelles: Imprimerie de Wahlen et comp., 1820. 12mo. pp. 179. Frontispiece and 5 plates. P.C. 31.c.18.

1458. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines." Bruxelles: chez les marchands de nouveautés, 1830. 12mo. pp. 203. Frontispiece and 18 plates, comprising two different sets of 8 and 10 plates each. P.C. 31.c.1.

1459. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines." Paris: chez les marchands de nouveautés, 1834. 32mo. pp. 136. Frontispiece and 12 plates. P.C. 31.c.2.

1460. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines." Edition de luxe. Â Paris: chez les marchands de nouveautes, 1834. 8vo. pp. 78. Eight plates, not obscene. Cloth-backed boards, original wrappers laid down. P.C. 30.d.8.

1461. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines." A Paris: chez tous les marchands de nouveautés, 1848. 12mo. pp. 180. Frontispiece and 13 plates. Woodcut vignette on titlepage. Imperfect; wanting pp. 113/114. P.C. 31.C.3.

1462. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines." A Voluptopolis: chez les marchands d'Amourettes, 1804. (Brussels? c. 1860.) 8vo. pp. 142. 8 plates, one serving as the frontispiece. P.C. 31.c.17.

1463. (Another copy, with a different set of plates.) "Œuvres badines." À


Voluptopolis: 1804. (Brussels? c. 1860.) 8vo. pp. 142. 8 coloured plates. P.C. 31.C.15.

1464. (Another copy, with additional plates, inserted.) "Œuvres badines." A Voluptopolis: 1804. (Brussels? c. 1860.) 8vo. pp. 142. 21 plates: seven of which are coloured. This copy has a paper slip, loosely inserted, on which E. J. Dingwall has written: 'Mutilated. Plate torn out at p. 67. P.C. 31.c.16.

1465. (Another edition.) "ŒUVRES badines" ... précédées d'une notice sur sa vie. Nouvelle édition, ornée de 20 figures en taille-douce. A Neuchâtel: Imprimé par les presses de la Société, 1872. (Nice? Gay.) 8vo. pp. xxxvi. 218. No. 47 of loo copies. Imperfect; wanting the plates. Bibliothèque libre, vol. 8. (25 July 1872.) P.C. 17.a.9.

1466. (Another edition.) "Œuvres badines" ... precédées d'une notice sur sa vie. Nouvelle édition. A Amsterdam: Imprimé par le presses de la Société. (Brussels: Gay, c. 1878.) 8vo. pp. xxxiv, 241, iv. Frontispiece (by Chauvet?). No. 145 of an unspecified limitation. (24 April 1879.) P.C. 26.a.40. (Orig. 11481.i.5.)

1467. "POÉSIES BADINES & FACÉTIEUSES" d'Alexis Piron. A Cythère: chez Cupidon, au Temple de Vénus, 5000800605. (Brussels? c. 1870.) 12mo. pp. 148. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. Imperfect; wanting the plates called for in the Table des matieres. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 30.k.4.

1468. "POÉSIES LIBRES ET JOYEUSES" d'Alexis Piron, précédées d'une notice sur la vie, et de Bons Mots qui peignent le caractère de cet auteur célèbre. En France: chez tous les Iibraires. (Paris? i800?) 12mo. pp. 143. (7 December 1871.) P.C. 30.a.36. (Orig. 11474.aa.34.).

1469. (Another edition.) "Poésies libres et joyeuses d'Alexis Piron", etc. En France: chez tous les librairies, 1810. 12mo. pp. 143. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 30.i.8.

1470. "PITIÉ POUR LES BOURREAUX." (Par) Rita. Paris: Editions du Soleil. (C. 1960.) 8vo. pp. 253. Original green wrappers, printed in black, preserved. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.g.40.

1471. PLAISIRS D'UNE DÉPRAVÉE (Les), ou la Technique secrète du vice. Berlin. (Paris? c. 1960.) 8vo. pp. 200. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.1.4.

1472. PLEASANT GARLAND (Ane) of Sweet Scented Flowers. (Edinburgh) 1835. 4to. pp. 31. One of an unnumbered edition of 6o copies. This small collection of erotic verses, extracted for the most part from 'a Ms volume of misc. papers preserved in the library of the Faculty of Advocates,' was edited and published by James Maidment. The manuscript now has long been missing from the National Library of Scotland. (6 October 1857.) P.C. 20.b.6. (Orig. P.C. 20.a.)

1473. PLEASURE BOUND 'AFLOAT.' The Extraordinary Adventures of a Party of Travellers, et leurs affaires galantes. Told by Flood and Field.


By the author of "Nemesis Hunt." London: Imprinted for members of the 'Chatty' Club, 1908. 16mo. pp. 131 + (iii) of advertisements. No. 3 of 250 copies on Antique wove paper. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13.c.12.

An American roneographed (mimeographed) reprint exists, entitled The Cruise of the New Decameron, (Boston: C. Nile Dix, 1920).

1474. PLEASURE BOUND 'ASHORE.' Being the further Adventures of our Party of Travellers, et leurs affaires galantes. Told by Flood and Field. By the author of "Nemesis Hunt" and "Maudie." London: Imprinted for the members of the 'Chatty' Club, 1909. 16mo. pp. 128 + (ii) of advertisements. One of 300 unnumbered copies on Antique wove paper. Dawes Bequest. Mr. G. Legman suggests that the author of these works may be John S. Fariner, author of Suburban Souls. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13.c.13.

1475. PLEASURE BOUND. Diverse Tales from the Edwardian Underground. With drawings by Viset and Félicien Rops and Photographs from the Period. New York: Grove Pressl (1969). 8vo. pp. 355. Frontispiece, 12 illustrations and 16 photographs. Publisher's cloth-backed boards. J. B. Rund's copy, with his bookplate. According to a Ms note by Mr. Rund, the illustrations by 'Viset' (Luc Lafnet) in this book are taken from an edition of Gautier's Lettres a la Présidente published in 1927. The three novels in. this compendium volume, Pleasure Bound 'Afloat' (1908), Pleasure Bound 'Ashore' (1909) and Maudie (1909), are all in the Private Case and may be found under their respective titles. They have all been acribed to John S. Farmer. (30 June 1973.) P.C. 28.a.55.

1476. PLEASURES THAT PLEASE ON REFLECTION (The). Selected from the Album of Venus. London: Printed for W. Holland, Garrick's Richard, no. So, Oxford Street, 1789. 8vo. pp. so. This small collection of verses comprises The Economy of Love by John Armstrong, here anonymous, with other poems. (15 December 1960.) P.C. 25.b.18.

1477. POETICA EROTICA. A Collection of Rare and Curious amatory Verse. Edited by T. R. Smith. Volume Three. Supplementary poems. New York: Published for Subscribers only by Boni and Liveright, 1922. 8vo. pp. xiii. 278. Original cream card backed boards, gilt, edges uncut. Ex-libris William Alfred Eddy, and with the label of the Kinsey Institute. Imperfect; wanting volumes i and 2. (15 September 1958.) P.C. 16.1.4.

1478. POMMES D'AMOUR. Cueillies par un gourmet pour les amis de la gaieté. Ornées d'un frontispice et de vingt-cinq gravures coloriés à l'aquarelle. Bruxelles: 1891. 8vo. pp. 89. Frontispiece and 25 coloured plates. Original pictorial wrappers preserved. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C.



Pour servir à histoire des moeurs du du (sic) siècle, & principalement de celles de Paris. Seule édition exacte. A Spar: 1783. 12mo. pp. 96. P.C. 30.g.18.

1480. (Le Porte-feuille de madame Gourdan.) Correspondance de madame Gourdan ... avec un recueil de chansons à l'usage des soupers de chez madame Gourdan. Londres: chez Jean Nourse, 1784. 16mo. pp. 204. Frontispiece. This edition, which is the second, contains about twice the number of letters of the first edition, preceding. The present volume is altered and corrected throughout in ink and has additional letters in mss., inserted. A note at the end of the text asserts that this was the copy used for the reprint done at Brussels in 1866 by Auguste Poulet-Malassis. P.C. 30.c.22.

1481. (Another edition.) Correspondance de madame Gourdan, dite la petite Comtesse ... Nouvelle édition augmentée ... suivie de la description de sa maison ... et précédée d'une étude-causerie sur les sérails du xuiiie siècle par Octave Uzanne. A Bruxelles: Henry Kistemaeckers, 1883. 8vo. pp. lviii. 277. Frontispiece. Text encadré. Original printed wrappers preserved. One of 777 copies, unnumbered. (23 May 1884.) P.C. 25.a.38.

Le Porte feuille de madame Gourdan has been ascribed to Alexandrine Ernestine Gourdan and Charles Thévenot de Morande, of whom the latter served as 'ghost-writer' to this famous brothel-madam in this volume of puported correspondence.

1482. PORTEFEUILLE D'UN TALON ROUGE. Réimpression textuelle sur l'édition de 178 suivie d'une note bibliographique. A Neuchâtel: Imprimé par les presses de la Société, 1872. (Turin? J. Gay.) 12mo. pp. 43. Original patterned wrappers preserved. No. 47 of 200 copies. Bibliothèque libre vol. 13. (30 September 1872.) P.C. 27.b.52/11.

1483. POTENT ALLY, (the) : or, Succours from Merryland. With three Essays in praise of the Cloathing of that country; and the Story of Pandora's Box ... To which is added [in Greek characters:] Erotopolis, The Present state of Bettyland. Paris: Printed by direction of the Author, and sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1741. (London, Edmund Curll) 8vo. Two parts in one, pp. (x), 28, 3rd- (iv) of advertisements. (15 May 1973.) P.C. 17.a.41.

1484. (Another edition.) The Potent Ally: or Succours from Merryland .. . and the Story of Pandora's Box ... To which is added [in Grei k characters:] Erotopolis, The Present state of Bettyland. The Second edition. Paris: Printed by direction of the Author, and sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1741. (London, E. Curll.) 8vo. Two parts in one, pp. (vii) + 28, 31. The author of Erotopolis is Charles Cotton. P.C. 20.b.7/2.


1485. (Another copy.) The Potent Ally, etc. Paris: Printed by direction of the Author, 1741. (London, E. Curl) 8vo. Two parts. pp. (x) + 28, 31. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 25.a.67. (Orig. 1340.c.4/4.).

1486. POTOCKI DE MONTALK, (Geoffrey Wladislas Vaile), Count. Here Lies John Penis. Paris: Printed for Private Circulation Only. (London? 1932.) 8vo. Unpaginated. Original plain maroon wrappers. Housed in a BL solander case. MS notes by the author, including an interesting account of the publication of this most curious little pamphlet. It would seem, from Potocki de Montalk's remarks, to be a piracy issued without the author's knowledge or consent while he was awaiting trial for attempting to get it published himself. An account of this celebrated case is given in Alec Craig's The Banned Books of England and Other Countries (1962). (11 January 1936.) P.C. 24. a. 34. (Orig. s.s a. 409.).

1487. POUR LE JOUR DE SAINT-PIERRE. À Londres (Paris, Catin): 1782. 12mo. pp. 5. Engraved frontispiece. P.C. 30.b.20/2.

1488. POUSSAY (le Vidame de). pseud. Précocité. Histoire d'une fillette vicieuse et d'un vertueux ecclésiastique ... divisée en trois parties .. . Montréal (Canada) : G. Lebaucher. (1911) 8vo. Three parts in one volume. pp. 179, pagination continuous. From the Girard collection; donated to the BL by E. J. Dingwall. (9 April 1940 P.C.

1489. POWER OF MESMERISM (The). A Highly erotic narrative of voluptuous facts and fancies. Moscow: Printed for the Nihilists, 1891. (Amsterdam, Auguste Brancart?) 8vo. pp. 118. Text encadré. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13.g.25.

1490. PRÉTs POUR UN RENDU, (Un ...). Pièce en deux actes et d'une moralité douteuse. n.p., n.d. (Paris? 1908.) 8vo. pp. 29. P.C. 20.a.34.

1491. PRIAPBES (Les) . Traduites du Latin par A. T'Serstevens. Cinq planches sur cuivre gravées par Georges Gorvel d'après les modèles antiques. Dessins originaux de M. Bousquet. Paris: Editions du Trianon, 1929. 8vo. pp. 238. Frontispiece and 4 plates. Limited to 565 copies, of which this is no. 102 of 500 on vélin de Rives. Original yellow front wrapper, printed in black, preserved. (27 January 1930.) P.C. 20.a.5.

1492. PRIAPEIA, or The Sportive epigrams of divers poets on Priapus now first completely done into English prose from the original Latin, with Introduction, Notes explanatory and illustrative and Excursus: to which is appended the Latin text. Athens: Imprinted by the Erotika Biblion Society for Private Distribution Only, 1888. (London: L. C. Smithers, 1889.) 8vo. pp. xxxiv. 238. No. 116 of 250 copies. Original paper-backed boards. Paper label, printed in red. Erotika Biblion Society's publications no. I ; Bibliotheca Latina no. 1. (10 February 1900.) P.C. 28.b.31.


1493. (Another edition.) Priapeia, or The Sportive epigrams of divers poets on Priapus: the Latin text now for the first time Englished in verse and prose (the metrical version by 'Outidanos') with Introduction, Notes explanatory and Illustrative and Excursus, by 'Neaniskos.' Cosmopoli: Printed by the Translators: In one volume; 500 copies (numbered): For Private Subscribers Only. (London: L. C. Smithers, 1890.) 4to. pp. xxviii. 187. Frontispiece. No. 392 of soo copies. Neaniskos' is the pseudonym of Leonard C. Smithers; 'Outidanos' is the pseudonym of Sir Richard F. Burton. (6 April 1891.) P.C. 29.a.68.

1494. CARMINA PRIAPEIA. In Nachdichtung von Alexander von Bernus, mit einer kritischen Einführung von Adolf Dannegger. Berlin and Leipzig: Privatdruck des Verlages Schuster & Loeffler, 1905. 8vo. pp. xvi. 91. Original cloth, t.e.g., uncut. No. 7 of 530 copies. (7 April 1906.) P.C. 27.a.20.

1495. PRIVATE INTERVIEW (A), between young William & Sweet Lucy. A Poem distinguished by unusual Affluence of Imagination, exquisite Fancy, depth of Knowledge and finish of Style and is illustrated in an elaborate Manner, being designed as a voluptuous Interpretation of Love's Young Dream. Dedicated to the Votaries of Venus. n.p., n.d. (London? c. 1890.) 8vo. pp. 19. Seven illustrations. Lithographed throughout. This peculiar performance is clearly the fin-de-siècle equivalent of the pornographic typewritten poems distributed among older schoolchildren, and is therefore of great interest and greater rarity as a piece of ephemeral folk-lore. The condition of this particular example is very parlous indeed, and the Library had it laminated before re-binding it in a sturdy buckram casing. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.a.4.

1496. PRIVATE LETTERS PROM PHYLLIS TO MARIE, or (sic) the Art of Child-Love, or The Adventures and Experiences of a little Girl. Showing how pretty little Maidens indulge those secret Passions, alone and with others, which but too often lead to their Seduction at an early age. London and Paris: 1898. 8vo. pp. 199. One of 125 unnumbered copies on 'Dutsh (sic) hand-made paper.' Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C.

1497. (Private Letters from Phyllis to Marie, etc.) Amours précoces. Scènes de la quinzième année. Londres-Paris. (1921.) 8vo. pp. iv, (7)-224. Original printed front-wrapper preserved. From the Girard collection; donated to the BL by E. J. Dingwall. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage. The title and imprint are taken from the wrapper. (9 April 1949.) P.C. 15.aa.26.

1498. PROCEZ ET AMPLES EXAMINATIONS SUR LA VIE DE CARESMEPRENANT ... traduit d'Italien en françois. Paris: 1605. - Traicté de


mariage entre Julian Peoger ... & Jacqueline Papinet ... Â Lyon: 1611. - La Copie d'un bail et ferme faicte par une jeune daine de son Con. À Paris: 1609. - La Raison pourquoy les femmes ne portent barbe au menton aussi bien qu' à la Pénillière ... À Paris: 16or. - La Source du gros fessier des nourrices ... avec la Complainte de monsieur le Cul contre les inventeurs des vertugalles. Rouen: Yves Bomont, n.d. - La Source et origine des cons sauvages et la manière de les aprivoiser, et le moyen de predire toutes choses à advenir par iceux .... À Lyon: chez Jean de la Montagne, 1610. - La Grande et veritable pronostication des cons sauvages ... n.p., n.d. - Sermon joyeux d'un depucelleur de nourrices. n.p., n.d. - Le Dict des pays joyeux ... n.p., n.d. 8vo. Unpaginated. This collection of reprints would seem to have been published at Paris about 1830, possibly by Crapelet or Techener, in an edition of just 30 copies. The volume is from the library of Edward Vernon Utterson, with his bookplate. (6 October 18S7.)

See other edition at no. 1374 ante. P.C. 27.a.52. (Orig. C. 39.a.14.)

1499. PROSPECTUSES. [A large collection of prospectuses, catalogues and advertising material issued by recent publishers of erotic literature, largely unsorted in envelopes, and housed in a buckram-covered card box. Many French publishers are represented including the Librarie Palimugre (J. J. Pauvert), The Olympia Press (Maurice Girodias), Le Terrain Vague (Eric Losfeld), Cercle du Livre Précieux (Claude Tchou), l'Or du Temps (Régine Desforges), Bibliothèque des Curieux (the Briffaut brothers) ; also Irving Klaw, and Lopez Barbadillo of Madrid. The earliest item is a tiny clandestine catalogue dated 1892. Handwritten notes on some of the more recent catalogues suggest that they had been sent to the BL by the publishers in the hope of selling them their books.] P.C. 16.m.18.

1500. [PROTAT, Louis.] Serrefesse. Tragédie-Parodie par Louis Pine-àl'Envers, membre du Caveau mais avoué près la Cour Impériale de Paris. Avec un frontispice fangeux dessiné et gravé par S.P.Q.R. Partout et nulle part: l'an de joie, 1864. (Brussels: Poulet-Malassis.) 8vo. pp. 87. Frontispiece, on China, by Félicien Rops. Limited to 140 copies, of which this is one of Ho on vergé. P.C. 30.b.1.

1501. [PROTAT, Louis.] Les Vacances de M.L.P. (Louis Protat), Avoué près la Cour Impériale de Paris, c'est à savoir Serrefesse, tragédie-parodie, Examen de Mademoiselle Flora, etc., etc. Précédés d'un avertissement sur l'auteur. Au Palais: sous les robes. (Brussels: Poulet Malassis, 1867.) 12mo. pp. iii. 66. Frontispiece by Félicien Rops. P.C. 30.b.2.

1502. PUCELAGES CONQUIS (Les), ou Scènes libres de ce qui se passait dans les couvents d'Italie au moment de leur suppression, en 1808.


Tome Premier (- Deuxième). Paris: chez les marchands de nouveautés. (c. 1875.) 16mo. Two volumes. pp. 146, 119. Perceau (25 :1) dates this volume 1850, but Rund (207) disagrees, claiming that typographical evidence indicates a date of between 20 and 30 years later. The BL General Catalogue entry, which would have been written in consultation with Perceau's Bibliographie, sides with Rund on the issue, suggesting that the date should be 1880. Gay's Bibliographie (3rd ed., vol. 6, p. 148), which was published in 1873, notes only an edition published at Brussels in 1862 with the false imprint 'Florence,' which Perceau states to be the second edition. The present copy has the name of the bookseller and publisher E. Avery stamped onto the free end-paper of vol. 2. (7 November 1885.) P.C. 26.b.34.

1503. PURE VÉRITÉ CACHÉE (La), et autres Mazarinades rares et curieuses. Précédées d'un avant-propos par Philomnestrc junior. (i.e., Gustave Brunet.) Amsterdam: 1867. (Brussels, Jules Gay.) 12mo. pp. xxviii. 155. Limited to 106 copies, of which this is no. 5 of ioo on Hollande. Original lilac wrappers, printed in black, preserved. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (Io November 1900.) P.C. 31.c.12.

1504. PUTAINS CLOÎTRÉES (Les), parodie des Visitandines en deux actes. Ornée de gravures. À Bicêtre et se trouve â Paris, chez tous les marchands de nouveautés, 1796. 12mo. pp. vii, 61. Frontispiece and 3 plates. P.C. 29.b.80/2.

1505. (Another edition.) Les Putains cloîtrées, etc. À Bicêtre et se trouve d Paris: 1797. (Brussels? 1868.) 12mO. pp. so. Three (of four) plates. Limited to 204 copies, of which this is no. 99 of 200 on Hollande. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13.a.16.

  • PUTTANA ERRANTE (La). see FRANCO, (Niccolô).</column>
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