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Alphabetic List of entries in The Private Case by Patrick J Kearney

Book SizesList of used book conditionsList of booksellers' abbreviations‎‎
Information on this page @1981 by Patrick J. Kearney and used with his permission


1384. PAINFUL PLEASURES". Translated out of the French and adapted from original English sources" by Walter J. Meusal, with a foreword by the Editor. Ten half-tones by E. Remsen. New York: Privately Printed by the Gargoyle Press. (c. 1935.) 8vo. pp. 279. Frontispiece and 9 plates. Original cloth backed vellum boards, gilt. One of 1500 unnumbered copies. P.C. 15.df.9.

  • PALLAVICINO, (Ferrante). 1616-1644.

1385. (La Rettorica delle puttane.) "THE WHORES RHETORICK," calculated to the Meridian of London and confirmed to the Rules of Art. In Two Dialogues. London: George Shell, 1683. 12mo. pp. (30), 222. (3 June 1853.) P.C. 23.a.10.

1386. (Another edition.) "The Whore's Rhetorick," 1683. Reprinted at Edinburgh: 1836. 4to. pp. xx, (30), 222. Engraved vignette on the titlepage and 3 plates, with a facsimile of the title of the edition of 1683. This edition was edited with an Introduction by James Maidment. P.C. 20.b.4. (Orig. 1077134

Page 272 PAN-PAN

1387. (Another copy.) "The Whore's Reetorick," 1683. Reprinted at Edinburgh: 1836. 4to. pp. xx, (30), 222. Vignette on title, 3 plates and a facsimile. P. C. 31.1.18.

A copy of a reprint of "The Whore's Rhetoric", clone at London by the Holland Press in 1960, is shelved in the BL at Cup.

1388. (La Rettorica delle puttanc.) "La Rhétorique des putains," composée conformément aux préceptes de Cipriano ... traduite pour la première fois de l'italien en français par A. P'* ' , et précédée d'une notice bio-bibliographique. À Villefranche: 1871. (Brussels, 1880.) 12mo. pp. 175. Frontispiece, in two states, unsigned. Limited to 300 copies, of which this is out of sequence of 120 'in-i8 sur papier vergé'. P.C. 30.d.35.

For editions of a work written in imitation of Pallavicino and using the saine title, see entries post for La Rhétorique des putains.

  • PAN-PAN. see MOMAS, (Alphonse).

1389. PANANTI, (Filippo). "Novellette cd epigrammi del celebre Pananti," con la Civetta, poemetto del Medesimo, cd altri rare e galanti poesic d'amore composte da diversi insigni autori. Calè: anno xi. (1802). 12111.0. pp. 144. Frontispiece. (3 March 1891.) P.C. 29.a.4.

1390. (Another edition.) "Novellette ed epigramini," etc. Calè: anno xi. (1802). 12mo. pp. (vi) + 144. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbce. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 30.k.13.

1391. "PANIER AUX ORDURES" (Le), suivi de quelques chansons. Libreville: a la Société pour la propagation des livres de l'Enfer, 1866. (Brussels: Gay.) 8vo. pp. vi. 154. Limited to I06 copies, of which this is no. 65 of 100 on Hollande. Le Panier aux ordures is a collection of exceedingly licentious songs and poems by Armand Gouffé, Bruneau, Brazier, Antignac etc., taken from a Ms preserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. An English collector, Richard Monckton Milnes had a copy of this taken and in 1865 caused a small edition to be published at London in facsimile of his manuscript. This edition was presumably that issued by J. C. Hotten (see Ashbee, vol. I, p. 12). It is possible that the following two entries are for the collector's manuscript copy and an exemplar of Hotten's published edition respectively. In the present edition, pp. (41) 150 contain a supplement of additional material. P.C. 31.g.4

1392. (Another edition.) "Panier aux ordures par Armand Gouffé et autres." n.p., n.d. (Paris? c. 1865.) 8vo. pp. 36. A calligraphic manuscript, the text decorated with erotic vignettes. The volume interleaved throughout. P.C. 29.a.52.

1393. (Another edition; a lithographed facsimile of the preceding.) "Panier aux ordures par Armand Gouffé et autres". n.p., n.d. (London? c. 1865.) 8vo. pp. 36. P.C. 31.l.19.

There is another copy of this very rare edition, formerly in the


splendid library of Pierre Loups, in the collection of M. Bottin of the Librairie Niçoise, at Nice.

1394. (Another edition.) "Le Panier aux ordures, suivi de quelques chansons." Canton: W. Field et Tching-Kong. Librairie Brahmique et Bouddhique. (Brussels? 1875.) 8vo. pp. vi. 151. Wood-cut vignette on tidepage. This edition has the same supplement as that with the 'Libreville' impress. (to May 1882.) P.C. 17.b.9.

1395. "PANTINS DES BOULEVARDS (Les)," ou Bordels de Thalie. Confessions paillardes des tribades et catins des tréteaux du boulevard, recueillies par le compère Mathieu ... Paris: de l'imprimerie de Nicodème, dans la lune, 1791. (Brussels: Poulet Malassis, 1869.) 12mo. Two vols. in one. pp. iii. 104, 112. Two frontispieces, 5 plates and 6 engraved titles. Limited to 206 copies of which this is out of sequence of 200 on Hollande. Imperfect; wanting one of the plates. (ii October 1947.) P.C. 15.b.5.

1396. (Another copy.) "Les Pantins des boulevards," etc. Paris: Nicodème, 1791. (Brussels: Poulet-Malassis, 1869.) 12mo. Two vols. iii. .104, 79 ( 9) pp. iii. 112. Limited to 206 copies, of which this is out of sequence of 200 on Hollande. Imperfect; wanting the plates and one of the engraved titles. The last engraved title to vol. 2 is before the letter. The recto of the rear endpaper to vol. 2 has the embossed stamp of Edward Avery, a London bookseller and publisher of pornography between c. 1875-1900. (7 November 1885.) P.C. 27.a.6.

1397. "PANTSCHATANTRA." Fabeln aus dem indischen Liebesleben. Lithographien von R. Janthur. Berlin: Verlag Fritz Gurlitt, (1919). Folio. pp. 47. Ten plates. Vellum-backed pink silk boards, gilt. Vellum and ivory ties. No. 26 of 700 copies. Part of the series Der Venuswagen. (14 April 1923.) P.C. 30.1.2/3.

1398. "PARADIESÄPFEL" vom Baume der Erkenntnis, gesammelt von Edgar Bundi. Philadelphia: 1863. 16mo. pp. 85. Original printed yellow wrappers preserved. P.C. 29.b.46.

1399. PARKINSON, G. Hume), pseud. "A Gallery of Nudes." Paris: The Olympia Press, (1957). 8vo. pp. 191. Original green printed wrappers preserved. No. 41 in the Traveller's Companion series. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.g.11.

1400. "PARNASSE SATYRIQUE," XVIIIe siècle. Pièces trop libres échappées dans des débauches d'esprit â quelques gens de lettres connus et inconnus. À Neuchâtel: imprimé par les presses de la Société des bibliophiles cosmopolites, 1874. (San Remo? Gay.) 12mo. pp. viii. 117. Original patterned wrappers preserved. Limited to 200 copies, of which this is no. 47 of 148 in-12 on Hollande. Uniform with the series Bibliothèque libre. (ii February 1875.) P.C. 27.b.52/22.


1401. "PARNASSE SATYRIQUE (Le)" du dix-neuvième siècle. Recueil de vers piquants et gaillards de MM. dc Béranger, V. Hugo, E. Deschamps, A. Barbier, A. dc Musset, Barthélemy, Protat, G. Nadaud, dc Barville, Baudelaire, Monselet, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. Tome Premier (- Second). Rome: â l'enseigne des sept péchés capitaux. (Brussels: Auguste Poulet-Malassis, 1866.) 12mo. TWO volumes in one. pp. 239, 250. Copy on China paper. Frontispiece in 3 states by Rops. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 27.b.8/I.

1402. (Another copy.) "Le Parnasse satyrique," etc. Tome Premier. Rome: â l'enseigne des sept péchés capitaux. (Brussels: Poulct-Malassis, 1866.) 12mo. pp. 239. Frontispiece in 2 states by Rops. Imperfect; wanting volume 2. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 31.1.29.

1403. "(Le Parnasse satyrique. Supplément.)" Le Nouveau Parnasse Satyrique du dix-neuvième siècle suivi d'un appendice au Parnasse satyrique. Eleritheropolis: aux devantures des libraires, ailleurs dans leurs arrière-boutiques, 1866. (Brussels, Poulet-Malassis.) 12mo. pp. ii. 273. Imperfect; wanting the frontispiece by Félicien Rops. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 31.i.29a.

1404. (Another copy, on China paper.) "Le Nouveau Parnasse satyrique," etc. Eleutheripolis: 1866. (Brussels, Poulet-Malassis.) 12mo. pp. ii. 273. Frontispiece in two states by Félicien Rops. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 27.b.8/2.

1405. "Parnasse satyrique (Le)" du dix-neuvième siècle ... augmenté du Nouveau Parnasse. Tome Premier (- Second). Oxford: Imprimé pour la coterie des amoureux, 1878. (Brussels: Gay.) 12m0. Two volumes. pp. vi. 359, 372. Two frontispieces, each in two states. Limited to 305 copies, of which this is one of 28o on Hollande. Volume 1 has an additional titlepage reading: 'Pièces contemporaines en vers pour servir a l'histoire de ce temps. Recueilles par E. J. K. Londres: Imprimerie de John King, 185o.' Imperfect; wanting the additional titlepage to volume 2. (9 October 1878.) P.C. 17.a.5.

1406. (Another issue.) "Le Parnasse satyrique" ... augmenté du Nouveau Parnasse. Oxford: 1878. (Brussels: Gay et Doucé.) 12mO. Two vols. pp. vi. 359, 372. Limited to 305 copies, of which this is one of 280 on Hollande. In this copy, the alternative titlepage to vol. 1 reads: 'Recueil de pièces contemporaines tirées du Cabinet d'un curieux pour servir à l'Histoire de temps présent. Vienne: chez William Fisher, imprimeur, 1868.' The alternative titlepage to vol. 2 is a duplicate of the preceding. Imperfect; wanting the frontispieces. This edition carries a Ms note by H. S. Ashbee reading: 'Date is correct. Pubd. at Brussels. Recd. from Gay at Doucé, May 1878.' (10 November 1900.) P.C. 25.b.9.

1407. (Another edition.) Édition augmentée et completée. "Le Parnasse satyrique" du dix-neuvième siècle.

Page 275 PEARL

Recueil de pièces facétieuses, scatologiques, piquants, pantagruéliques, gaillards et satyriques, des meilleurs auteurs contemporaines, poètes, romanciers, journalistes etc. Suivi du Nouveau Parnasse satyrique. À Bruxelles: sous le manteau (Kistemaeckers), 1881. 8vo. Three volumes. pp. 231, 226, 284. Limited to 175 copies. From the Ashbee collection. Vol. 3, comprising Le Nozievau Parnasse, has the impress 'A Bruxelles: avec l'autorisation des compromis, 1881. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 31.k.i.

1408. "PASSE-TEMS DU BOUDOIR (Les)," ou Recueil nouveau de contes en vers. A Galipoly: chez la veuve Turban, 1785. 12in0. pp. 149 + (5) of Table des contes. P.C. 31.a.17.

1409. "PATENOSTRE DES VEROLLEZ" (La), avec Une Complaincte contre les médecins. Suivant la copie imprimée, M.C.xl. À Berne: chez l'Orso. (Brussels: Gay, 1877.) 32mo. pp. 8. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 29.a.66.

  • PEACHUM, (Thomas). see OXMAN, (Philip).

1410. "PEARL (The)." A Journal of Facetiæ Voluptuous Reading (sic). Vol. I (- 2, - 3). London: Printed for the Society of Vice, 1879. (Amsterdam: Brancart, c. 1890.) 8vo. 3 vols. all with pp. 192; 31 (of 36) coloured plates. Dawes Bequest. The original edition appeared in 18 parts (London: Lazenby), monthly during 1879-1880. This present edition of The Pearl was used as the basis of an American reprint of the 1930's, which was in turn re-issued in 1967 by Brandon House in California. Subsequent reprints were done by Grove Press of New York and Collectors' Publications, also of California. (13 June 1964.) P.C. .

1411. (Another edition.) "The Pearl." A Journal of Facetiæ Voluptuous Reading (sic). Vol. I (- ii, - iii). London-Paris: Printed for the Society of Vice. (Rotterdam: Bergé, c. 1910.) 8vo. 3 vols. pp. 235, 236, 236. P.C. 31.f.16.

1412. (Another edition. Selections.) "The Pearl."'"" A Journal of Facetiæ and Voluptuous Reading. Selections from volumes (sic) I-18, July 1879 - December 1880. (London:) Mentor/New English Library/Times Mirror (1970). 8vo. pp. 283 + (ii) of advertisements. (2 March 1970.) P.C. 15.df.21.

1413. "(The Pearl. Supplements.)" "SWIVIA; or, The Briefless Barrister." The Extra-Special number of The Pearl, containing a variety of complete Tales, with five illustrations, Poetry, Facetiæ, &c. Christmas, 1879. (London.) 8vo. pp. 64. Dawes Bequest. Imperfect; wanting the plates and pp. 19-22 of the text, which have been replaced with a MS copy, inserted. (13 June 1964.) P.C.

1414. "(The Pearl. Supplements.)" THE HAUNTED HOUSE, or, The Revelations of Theresa Terence ... Being the Christmas number of "The Pearl."

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