PrivCase D

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Alphabetic List of entries in The Private Case by Patrick J Kearney

Book SizesList of used book conditionsList of booksellers' abbreviations‎‎
Information on this page @1981 by Patrick J. Kearney and used with his permission

  • D., E. See, DUMOULIN, (Edmund).
  • DAIMLER, (Harriet). See, OWENS, (Iris).

530. DANDINI, (Carlo), pseud. Die Verschwôrung in Berlin. Nachtliche Eroberungen in der preussischen Residenzstadt ... 3. Auflage. Boston: Reginald Chesterjield. (?Altona: Verlagsbureau, c. 1870.) Is you is or walking in and you. pp. 336. (7 May 1892.) P.C. 29.a.20.

There is another edition of this in the BL with the pressmark The details are identical, except for the supposed date, which is given as 1880, and the format, which is i2mo.

531. (Another édition.) Die Verschwôrung in Berlin. Leipzig: Privât- drucky 1908. 8vo. pp. 316. No. 541 of 550 copies. P.C. 15.a.20. DANSDORF, (Chryssilla von). See, SANDFORD, (Christopher). D AVENPORT (John). 1789-1877.

532. Aphrodisiacs and Anti-Aphrodisiacs: Three Essays on the Powers of Reproduction; with some account of the Judicial “Congress" as practised in France during the seventeenth century. London: Privately Printed, 1869. (J. C. Hotten, 1873.) 4to. pp. xii, 154. Frontispiece and 7 plates. P.C. 3i.k.22.

533. (Another copy; with an A.L.S. from the author to H. S. Ashbee.) Aphrodisiacs and Anti-Aphrodisiacs, etc. London: Privately Printedy 1869. (Hotten, 1873.) 4to. pp. xii, 154. Frontispiece and 7 plates, P.C. I9.a.3.

534. (Another édition.) Aphrodisiacs and Anti-Aphrodisiacs, etc. London: Privately Printed, 1869. (Edward Avery, 1887.) 4to. pp. xii, 154. Frontis. and 7 plates. P.C. 31X4.

535. CURIOSITATES EROTICÆ PHYSIOLOGIÆ; or, Tabooed Subjects Freely Treated. In six Essays, viz.: 1. Génération. 2. Chastity and Modcsty. 3. Marriage. 4. Circumcision. 5. Eunuchism. 6. Hermaphrodism, and


followed by a closing Essay on Death. London: Privately Printed, 1875. 4to. pp. xviii, 216. (2 May 1876.) P.C. iç.a.i.

This work was issued serially with the first édition of Aphrodisiacs and Anti-Aphrodisiacs.

536. (Another copy; annotated throughout in ink and with an A.L.S. from the author, inserted.) Curiositates Eroticæ Physiologiæ, etc. London: Privately Printed, 1875. 4to. pp. xviii, 216. P.C. 31.£2.

537. (Another copy.) Curiositates Eroticæ Physiologiæ, etc. London: Privately Printed, 1875. 4to. pp. xviii, 216. Ex-libris Edward Phelips. (1950.) P.C. 25^.46.

538. (Another copy.) Curiositates Eroticæ Physiologiæ, etc. London: Privately Printed, 1875. 4to. pp. xviii, 216. P.C. 3i.k.23.

539. ESOTERIC PHYSIOLOGY. SEXAGYMA. A Digest of the works of John Davenport .. . with a bio-bibliographical memoir of the author. (London:) Privately Printed for Subscribers, 1888. 4to. pp. xiv, 100. Frontispiece. Original cream wrappers preserved. An A.L.S. from the editor, Robert H. Fryer, has been inserted. A facsimile reprint of Veneres et Priapi, a work generally ascribed to P. F. Hugues d’Han- carville, issued to illustrate the présent work will be found in this catalogue under the author’s entry, post. P.C. 3i.f 3/1.

540. DEBAUCHE au pensionnat. Par Lamothe Phyne. [Le. la motte; pine.] Brussels: 1959. 8vo. pp. 230. Twelve plates, unsigned, inserted at the conclusion of the text. Original wrappers preserved. The place and date of publication are taken from the front wrapper. (30 January 1964.) P.C.

541. DEBUSSY, (Roy), & Cleo Dorene. Fountain of Youth. New York: Brookwood Publishing Corporation, 1958. 8vo. pp. 184. Publisher’s red cloth. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14^.5.

542. DECRETS des sens sanctionnés par la volupté. Ouvrage nouveau, enrichi de gravures anglaises. A Rome (Paris?) : De l'imprimerie du Saint Père, 1793. 8vo. pp. 228 (i.e. 128; the last two pages are misnumbered). Frontispiece and 1 plate, and 6 fine half-page vignettes. The illus¬trations were reproduced c. 1925 by Gustav Gugitz. P.C. 30.c.9.

543. DEGOUTS DU PLAISIR (Les): frivolité. Lampsaque: 1755. (Brussels? c. 1850.) 8vo. pp. 48. (31 August 1954.) P.C. I7.b.22.

544. DEGRE DES AGES DU PLAISIR (Le), ou Jouissances voluptueuses de deux personnes de sexes différens, aux différentes époques de la vie. Rcuueillis (sic) sur des mémoires véridiques, par Mirabeau, ami des plaisirs. Ornés de gravures et de chansons, avec le portrait de chaques âges (sic). A Paphos: de l'imprimerie de la mère des Amours, 1793. i2mo. pp. 144. Frontispiece and 7 plates. The work is not by Mirabeau, but more probably by Crébillon. P.C. 30.b.32.


545. DELEPIERRE, Qoseph Octave). 1802-1879. Un point curieux des mœurs privées de la Grèce. Paris: J. Gay, 1861. 8vo. pp. 29. Original grey wrappers, printed in black, preserved. No. 144 of 245 copies on Hollande. Dawes Bequest; ex-libris C. R. Dawes. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13.11.12/2.

546. DELICES DE COBLENTZ (Les), ou Anecdotes libertines des émigrés français. Imprimé à Coblentz: 1792. i2mo. pp. 66. (i.e., 72; the last page is misnumbered). Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 30.i.4.

547. DELICES DU CLOITRE (Les), ou la None (sic) éclairée. Avec un dis¬ cours préliminaire. A Paris: 1757. i2mo. pp. xxvi, 56. (i.e., 57; the last leaf is mutilated). (30 October i960.) P.C. 2i.aa.i.

548. (Another édition.) Les Délices du cloître, etc. (?The Hague:) 1761. i2mo. pp. 48. P.C. 30.b.3i.

549. (Les Délices du cloître, etc.) La Religieuse en chemise, ou la Nonne éclairée. Avec un discours préliminaire. (?Paris:) 1763. i2mo. pp. xxv. 56. P.C. 31.c.12.

Les Délices du cloître is a toned-down imitation of Vénus dans le cloître, ou la Religieuse en chemise, a work generally ascribed to Jean Barrin, copies of which will be found under his name in this handlist. Other texts of Les Délices du cloître will be located in some éditions of a work entitled Les Lauriers ecclésiastiques, copies of which will be found entered in this handlist under the author’s name, Rochette de la Morlière, (Charles J. L. A.) Another text will be found printed together with Barrin’s original work in an édition dated 1775 (c. 1880), noted ante in this catalogue with the other éditions of Barrin’s work.

550. DENERVILLYANI, (A.). Six nouvelles amoureuses . . . Paris: Au Palais Royal chez la petite Lolo9 1888. i6mo. pp. 63. Original printed front wrapper preserved. No. 58 of 120 on Hollande. (13 December 1947.) P.C. 15.2.29.

This édition is not in Perceau, who notes only an édition dated 1871 in which the word ‘Lolo’ on the titlepage is printed ‘Lolotte,’ and in which the fifth story is entitled Le Lit d'une jeune fille (as opposed to Diane de Salvy in the présent édition). (See: Perceau, 43.) A copy of the édition under notice is, however, included in the catalogue of the Bemhard Stem-Szana collection (no. 180), and in Rose, who reproduces the imprint as in Perceau (Rose 4300).

551. Six nouvelles amoureuses. Translated from the French . . .With a firontispiece specially designed for this édition. Athens: Imprinted by the Erotika Biblion Society for Private Distribution Only, 1891. (London, Leonard Smithers.) 8vo. pp. 85. No. 78 of 105 copies on handmade paper. Imperfect: wanting the frontispiece. The text proper concludes


at p. 76; pp. (77)-üS are taken up with advertisements, in the course of which the pseudonym ‘Neaniskos’ (i.e., Smithers) is given as the translator of this work. This volume is no. vii of the publications of the Erotika Biblion Society and also vol. iv in the sériés Bibliothèque française. (13 October 1934.) P.C. 27.3.41.

  • DENON, (Dominique Vivant), Baron. 1747-1825.

552. (Point de lendemain.) La Nuit merveilleuse, ou le Nec plus ultra du plaisir. Avec des figures analogues. Par-tout et nulle-part. (Paris, 1800.) i2mo. pp. 122. Frontispiece and 5 plates. The plates are reproduced from a different work entitlcd La Belle libertine. P.C. 30.a.2i/1.

553. POINT de lendemain . . . Suivie de la Nuit merveilleuse. Paris: 1777¬ 1867. (Brussels: Auguste Poulet-Malassis.) i2mo. pp. vii+ 123. Frontispiece by Rops, in two States, on China. Limited to 261 copies, of which this is one of 15 on Large Paper. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. (20 November 1900.) P.C. 25.a.68. (Orig. 012330^.40.)

554. (Point de lendemain.) The Voluptuous Night or The Non Plus Ultra of Pleasure by Mary Wilson. With: The Whore’s Catechism. London: Printed by Sarah Brown, 1830. (Paris? c. 1910.) 8vo. pp. 94. The Whore*s Catechism, published originally as Catéchisme libertin, has its own titlepage. Between pp. 93-(95) is a piece of verse entitled The Frozeti Limb. An édition of Catéchisme libertin is noted in this catalogue under that title, ante. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.3.3.

555. (An Album containing 27 etchings by Denon, including 20 of those in the following set.) (n.p., c. 1850.) Folio, half dark maroon leather, gilt. On the spine is printed in gilt: “Patin de la Fizelière. L’Oeuvre de Denon. Planches 248. 269. 270. 273 274. 286-288. 290-301. 305-308. 310-312. Paris. 1873." (12 February 1874.) P.C. i6.m.i.

556. L’ŒUVRE PRIAPIQUE de Dominique Vivant Baron Denon. 23 planche (sic), (n.p., c. 1850.) Fol. An Album containing 23 etchings, including the frontispiece. Dark blue buckram, gilt, a.e.g. The titlepage is in MS. P.C. 31.1.1.

557. DESERG Y, (René-Michel), pseud. Sévère éducation. Paris: Collection des “Orties Blanches" (Jean Fort), 1928. 8vo. pp. 273. Frontispiece and 15 plates. Original printed wrappers preserved. (6 October 1951.) P.C. 15.b.27.

  • DESMOND, (Robert).

558. Iniquity. Paris: Ophelia Press, (c. 1958.) 8vo. pp. 221. Original printed wrappers preserved. The Ophelia Press was a subsidiary of The Olympia Press of Maurice Girodias. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.h.31.

559. The Libertine. Paris: The Olympia Press, (1955). 8vo. pp. 249. The front wrapper has been removed from the book, trimmed rather vigorously and laid down on the front cover of the boards used to bind


it. No. 4 in The Traveller's Companioti Sériés. (30 January 1964.) P.C. I4.g.2.

560. Professional Charmer. Paris: Ophir Press, (1961). 8vo. pp. 203. Original printed wrappers preserved. Ophir Books was another subsidiary of The Olympia Press; the présent volume is no. 4 in the sériés. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14^.23.

561. Without Violence. Paris: Othello Books, (1962). 8vo. pp. 210. Original pictorial wrappers preserved. Othello Books was yet another of the Olympia Press subsidiaries; the présent volume is no. 114 of the sériés, which ran to only 5 titles the first being numbered ni. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.h.38.

Other titles by Robert Desmond published by the Olympia Press and its subsidiaries include the following: An Adult’s Story. - The Sweetest Fruit. - Heaven, Hell and the Whore. - Seeds of the Rainbow.
  • DES VIGNONS, (Max), pseud.

562. Betty libertine. Orné de quatre eaux-fortes originales de G. Smit. Paris: Librairie Artistique, 1923. 8vo. pp. 197. Four etched plates. Original pictorial wrappers preserved. (12 April 1947.) P.C. 15.b.i.

563. Betty passionée. Orné de quatre eaux-fortes originales de G. Smit. Paris: Librairie Artistique, 1923. 8vo. pp. 199. Four etched plates. Original pictorial wrappers preserved. (12 April 1947.) P.C. I5.b.2.

$64. Fredi à l’école. Le Roman d’un inverti. Paris: Librairie Artistique, 1929. 8vo. pp. 215. 13 plates, 3 of which are etched. Original pictorial wrappers preserved. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964). P.C. 13^.27.

565. Fredi en ménage. Paris: Librairie Artistique, 1930. 8vo. pp. 207. 14 plates, 4 of which are etched. Original pictorial wrappers preserved. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13^.29.

566. Fredi s’amuse. Paris: Librairie Artistique, 1929. 8vo. pp. 215. 14 plates, 4 of which are etched. Original pictorial wrappers preserved. Dawes Bequest (13 June 1964.) P.C. I3.g.28.

567. (Another copy.) Fredi s’amuse. Paris: Librairie Artistique, 1929. 8vo. pp. 215. Etched frontispiece and 10 plates. Imperfect; wanting 3 of the etched plates. (28 February 1954.) P.C. 19^.23.

568. Pensionnat de demoiselles. Paris: Librairie Artistique, (1923). 8vo. pp. 180. Four plates. Original pictorial wrappers preserved. At the conclusion of the text are 12pp. of advertisements. (12 April 1947.) P.C. 15.a.2ô.

Other works by “Max Des Vignons" include:
Plaisirs troublants.
Betty petite fille.
Miss Dean.
Voluptueuse souffrance
Le Pacha sanguin¬aire
Inépuisable volupté
Le Joug séducteur.
Une petite femme à la page.
Triomphe du fouet.

569. DEUX SŒURS (Les), ou Quatre ans de libertinage. Amsterdam et Paris:

Page 162 DEVEREUX, C.

aux dépens de la compagnie, 1892. 8vo. pp. iv+ 187. P.C. 30.c.2.

570. (Les Deux sœurs, etc.) Classiques latines. Virgile Enéide, (sic.) Paris- Rome: Librairie Bontemps. (1928.) 8vo. pp. viii -j- 159. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C.

  • DEVEREUX, (c.), Captain. pseud.

571. VENUS IN INDIA, or Love Adventures in Hindustan. ... ist Sérié (sic) (2nd Sériés). Brussels: 1889. (Amsterdam, AugusteBrancart?) 8vo. Two volumes, pp. 183, 322. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C.

572. (Another édition.) Venus in India by Captain C. Devereaux (sic). Paris: 1898. 8vo. Two volumes in one. pp. 302, pagination continuous. Illustrated with 6 photographs, measuring 54 x 80 mm., of erotic drawings. This édition has an additional titlepage, reading: Venus in India/Complete in this Volume./iLLUSTRATED/Printed for Private Circulation/Paris and London. (30 June 1968.) P.C. 26.c.17.

573. (Venus in India.) Venus dans l’Inde, ou Aventures d’amour dans l’Hindoustan. Par le capt. C. Devereux (sic), de l’Etat-Major. Première traduction complète en français par un Paria de Pondichéry. À Bombay (Paris) : Imprimerie des Bibliophiles (Briffaut?), 1914. 8vo. pp. 322. From the Girard collection; donated to the BL by E. J. Dingwall. (9 April 1949.) P.C. 15.c.25.

Venus in India was credited to “Dan Harding" in a reprint published at Paris in 1959 by the Océanie Press. (8vo. pp. 271.)

574. DIEUX SONT SATISFAITS (Les). (Par) Yanni-Yantès. Roman réaliste. (PParis:) 1932. 8vo. pp. 126. Original pattemed silver wrappers pre- served. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13 -g-3 3.

575. DIRES, (Mickey), pseud. Saraband for a Bitch. Paris: The Olympia Press, (1956). 8vo. pp. 207. Original printed green wrappers preserved. No. 28 in The Traveller s Companion Sériés. (30 January 1964.) P.C. I4.g.9.

576. DINIZ DA CRUZ E SILVA, (Antonio). Le Goupillon, n.p., 1761. 4to. Unpaged, but pp. 8, including title. Ex-libris G.A.D. W. The translation of this Portugese work into French was done by Boissonade. P.C. 30.d.7.

577. DISCIPLINE IN THE HOME. Text Book. (n.p., c. i960.) Obi. 8vo. ff. 72. Reproduced from typewriting; the text printed on the rectos only. (31 May 1967.) P.C. 13.h.28.

578. DISCOURS sur la nudité des mamelles des femmes, par un révérend père capucin, publié pour la première fois d’après un manuscrit du 18e siècle, avec une préface et une bibliographie par Ch. D. (i.e., Charles Duquesne.) Gand: Librairie ancienne et moderne de Duquesne, 1857. 8vo. pp. 42. Printed on tinted paper; one of eight thus produced. (20 September 1889.) P.C. 28.b.4/2

Page 163 DORVAL, J. L. C. T.

579. DISSEN, (Walter), pseud. Extase de la chair. Roman. Paris: Editions Fleuve-Noir. (c. 1950.) 8vo. pp. 188. (3oJanuary 1964.) P.C. 14.h.52.

580. DOM-BOUGRE aux états-généraux, ou Doléances du Portier des Chartreux. Par Fauteur de la Foutromanie. À Foutropolis: chez Braque- marty libraire, rue Tire-vit, à la couille d'or. Avec permission des supérieurs. (1789.) 8vo. pp. 16. (1 September 1954.) P.C. 20.b.20.

581. (Another édition; a photographie facsimile.) Dom-Bougre aux états-généraux, etc. À Foutropolis: chez Braquemart. (1789?) 8vo. pp. 16. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13.h.15/3.

582. (Another édition.) Dom-Bougre aux états-généraux, attribué à Réstif de la Bretonne. Paris: 1789-1868. (Brussels, c. 1890.) 8vo. pp. iv + 31. Limited to 70 copies, of which this is no. 11 of 60 on Hollande. Pseudonym taken from Histoire de Dom B.y no. 798. P.C. 30.c.3.

Apart from Restif de la Bretonne, Dom-Bougre aux états-généraux has also, and more likely, been ascribed to Gabriel Sénac de Meilhan.

583. DOMINA, (Hertha). pseud. Die Grossfuerstin und ihr Kellner. Maso- chistische Novelle nach dem gleichnamigen Adolphe Menjou Film der Métro Goldwyn. Berlin: Im Selbstverlag als Privatmanuskripty 1927. 8vo. ff. 97. Reproduced from typewriting; the text printed on the rectos only. (13 December 1947.) P.C. 15.c.7.

584. [DOPPET, François Amadée.] Aphrodisiaque externe, ou Traité du fouet, et de ses effets sur le physique de l’amour. Ouvrage médico- philosophique, suivi d’une dissertation sur tous les moyens capables d’exciter aux plaisirs de l’amour. Par D****médecin. (Paris:) 1788. i2mo. pp. 158. Frontispiece “gravé par un flagellé" (i.e., Antoine Borel). (15 August 1967.) P.C. 29.b.87.

585. (Aphrodisiaque externe, etc.) Traité du fouet et de ses effets sur le physique de l’amour. Ouvrage priapi-médico-philosophique. Par D * * *, médecin. Réimpression textuelle sur l’édition originale A Genève, 1788. Augmentée de notes bibliographique. Londres: 1885. (Amsterdam: Auguste Brancart.) i2mo. pp. 70+ (ii) of advertisements. Original dark green cloth. No. 30 of 500 copies on van Gelder. P.C. 30.c.17.

586. [DORAT, Claude Joseph.] 1734-1780. Les Dévirgineurs ou les Trois frères, et Combabus. Contes en vers, précédés par des Réflexions sur le conte, et suivis de Floricourt, histoire françoise. A Amsterdam (Paris) : 1765. 8vo. pp. 68. (20 September 1889.) P.C. 28^4/4.

  • DORENE, (Cleo), pseud. See the entry for DEBUSSY, (Roy), ante.
  • DORMIENNE, (Louise). See DUNAN, (Renée).

587. [DORVAL, Jean Louis Claude Taupin.] Le Jésuite Misopogon Séraphique, ou l’Ennemi de la barbe des capucins, par l’alguasil dom Diego Balayas y Caramuera. A Naples (Paris?): 1762. i2mo. pp. 72. P.C. 30.b.27.


588. DOUGLAS, (Norman). Some Limericks. Collected for the use of Students, & ensplendour’d with Introduction, Geographical Index, and with Notes Explanatory and Critical. Privately Printed (Florence) 11928. Large 8vo. pp. 97. Gold rough linen boards, with the title - ‘Some Limericks* - lettered in red across the front cover. Edges uncut. Edition limited to no copies, numbered and signed by the author, nos. 1-10 being on spécial paper at iogns and nos. n-no at 5gns. The présent copy is one of the 5gn issue with the limitation number obliterated and without the author’s signature. (28 February 1953.) P.C. i5.h.3.

589. (Another édition.) Some Limericks, etc. Boston: Nicholson and Whitney, 1942. (Paris? c. 1951.) 8vo. pp. 117. Original buff wrappers preserved. No. 123 of 1,000 copies. The text of this édition is a page-for-page reprint of that published at Paris in 1939 by the Obelisk Press. (15 December i960.) P.C. 20.b.22.

590. DOUGLAS, (Sacha), pseud. Le Voyage de Paméla Moore. Paris- Montmartre-Editions (Geneva): i960. 8vo. pp. 204. Original printed wrappers preserved. The title is given on the wrapper and the running- head as Les Vacances de Paméla Moore. (30 January 1964.) P.C. H.g.58.

591. DUBBII AMOROSI, altri dubbii, e sonetti lussuriosi di Pietro Aretino. Nella Stamperia del Fomo> ail Corona de’Cazzi. (Paris, c. 1757.) i6mo. pp. 82. The ascription of the Dubbii amorosi to Aretino is false. This édition was published by Grangé for Corbie, the undersecretary to the duc de Choiseuil and P. Moet, the royal sub-librarian at Versailles. Italian text. P.C. 23^.14.

592. (Dubbii amorosi.) Doutes amoureux, ou Cas de conscience et points de droit, avec leurs solutions, à l’usage des Confesseurs et des Magistrats. Texte italien et traduction en regard. Paris: Isidore Liseux, 1883. 8vo. pp. xi+ 87. Original wrappers preserved. No. 79 of 150 copies on Hollande. The translation is by Alice Bonneau. (27 May 1884.) P.C. 26.a.3.

593. DU BOULEAU, M. le Comte, pseud. The Petticoat Dominant, or, Woman’s revenge. The autobiography of a young nobleman, as a pendant to Gynecocracy. Paris and New-York: 1898. 8vo. pp. 171. Original front wrapper only preserved. P.C. 30.k.22.

594. Du Bouleau, M. le Comte. The Yellow Room, or, Alice Darvell’s subjection. A taie of the birch ... London (Paris?): Privately Printed, 1891. 8vo. pp. 152. Original wrappers preserved. From the Pinkus collection; donated to the BL by E. J. Dingwall. (31 December 1959.) P.C. I7.b.26.

Another édition of The Yellow Room was in the Private Case up until about 1947, during which ycar it was reported missing. It had

the same imprint and publication date as the présent édition, but was a i2mo. of pp. 169. (See: Rose 1439.) The pressmark was P.C. 31T.34.

595. DU BRAQUEMART, (Olga), pseud. Les Aventures de Pinedebois. Oslo. (Paris? c. i960.) 8vo. pp. 174. Six plates. (30 January 1964.) P.C.

596 DUCHESS or PORTSMOUTH’S GARLAND, (The). (From a MS in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates.) 1837. 4to. pp. xvi. Half morocco, gilt, t.e.g. Part of an édition of 25 copies. This small collection of bawdy I7th century verses was published by James Maidment at Edinburgh. The manuscript referred to is now lost. (6 October 1857 ?). P.C. 20.b.5.

597. DU COMMUN, (Jean Pierre Nicholas). Éloge du sein des femmes. Ouvrage curieux. Dans lequel on examine s’il doit être découvert, s’il est permis de la toucher, quelles sont ses vertus, sa forme, son langage, son éloquence, les pays où il est plus beau, et les moyens le plus sûrs de la conserver, par Mercier de Compiègne. Quatrième édition, revue, annotée et considérablement augmentée. Paris: A. Barraui, 1873. 8vo. pp. 158. 3 Fronts.; one, which is unsigned, is in two States, on China; the second, also in two States, is by Chauvet; the third is a drawing signed by the artist, H. Mauvet. With 7 other drawings, and an A.L.S., by Mauvet, inserted. Mottled calf, extra gilt, t.e.g., uncut. Original lilac wrappers bound in. No. 143 of 150 copies on carré papier vélin. Ex-libris H. S. Ashbee. This work is a reprint, with augmentations by Claude F. X. Mercier de Compiègne, of the third part of Du Commun’s Les Yeux, le nez et les tétons. (10 November 1900.) P.C. 31.h.9.

598. [DU COUDRAY, Alexandre Jacques Louis.] La Confédération de la Nature, ou l’Art de se reproduire. Avec figures. A Londres: 1790. i2mo. pp. 48. Front, and 3 plates. P.C. 30.g.22.

599. DUEREN, (Jef), pseud. Récréation. Roman. Paris: Diffumond, (i960). 8vo. pp. 191. (Original?) green boards, decorated in gilt. (30 January 1964) P.C. I4.g.i.

600. (Another copy.) Récréation. Roman. Paris: Diffumond, (i960). 8vo. pp. 191. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.

  • DUMARCHEY, (Pierre). 1882-1970.

601. AVENTURES AMOUREUSES de Mlle de Sommerange, ou les Aventures libertines d’une demoiselle de qualité sous la Terreur. (Par) P. de Bourdel. Québec (Paris?): Sweetgras, 1910. 8vo. pp. 153. Dawes Bequest. Perceau, in noticing this édition, calls for a frontispiece and 7 plates which are wanting from this copy. (See: Perceau, 285.) This author is usually known under his pseudonym of ‘Pierre MacOrlan.’ (13 June 1964.) P.C. i3.b.10.

602. BABY DOUCE FILLE. Roman. Suivi de lettres concernant la flagellation


des femmes et des filles. (Par) Sadie Blackeyes. Paris: Collection des “Orties Blanches" (Jean Fort, 1933.) 8vo. pp. 238. 10 plates, by Louis Malteste. Original pictorial wrappers preserved. (30 June 1968.) P.C. 26.c.8.

603. GEORGES, par le chevalier X ... (The titlepage heaieà: Femmes du monde et sang bleu. ire partie.) (Paris:) Hors commerce. Tire à un très petit nombre pour les amis dTsidore Liseux, 1908. 8vo. pp. 175. Original printed wrappers preserved. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13-g-3 5¬

604. (LOVELY LISETTE by Sadie Blackeyes.) (Paris: Drouin, c. 1930.) 8vo. pp. 192. English text. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage. The title and imprint taken from the spine of the outer wrapper, which is preserved. P.C. 25.a.8o.

605. MADEMOISELLE DE MUSTELLE ET SES AMIES. Roman pervers d’une fillette élégante et vicieuse. (Par) P. du Bourdel. Québec (Paris?): Sweetgras, 1913. 8vo. pp. 164. From the Girard collection; donated to the BL by E. J. Dingwall. (9 April 1949.) P.C. 15.aa.37.

606. PETITE DACTYLO. Roman, suivi de: les Belles clientes de M. Brozen et du maître d’école, avec un choix de lettres concernant les faits curieux touchant la flagellation des misses et des femmes. (Par) Sadie Blackeyes. Paris: Jean Fort. (c. 1930.) 8vo. pp. 299. Etched frontispiece by Louis Malteste, and 4 plates signed G. Smit, inserted. The text is illustrated throughout by Smit. Original pictorial wrappers preserved. The author’s pseudonym is taken from the front wrapper. P.C. 20.b.30.

607. (Another édition.) Petite Dactylo, etc. Paris: Collection des “Orties Blanches." (Jean Fort, 1933.) 8vo. pp. 286. Eight plates, signed G. Smit. Original printed wrappers preserved. (30 June 1968.) P.C. 26.c.7.

608. PETITES COUSINES ... par Sadinet. n.p., n.d. (Paris? 1919.) 8vo. pp. 105. Limited to 800 copies, of which this out of sequence of 620 on vergé. Original wrappers preserved. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C.

  • DUMOULIN, (Edmond).

609. CALLIPYGES, (Les), ou les Délices de la verge par E. D., auteur de Jupes troussées. Tome 1. Paris: chez la petite Lolotte, Galéries du Palais Royal, 1889. i2mo. pp. ix+ 141* Original green cloth, lettered in black. Imperfect; wanting vol. 2. A MS note in pencil by H. S. Ashbee States that the volume was “Received from Amsterdam, Oct. 28 *89," which suggests that it was published by Auguste Brancart. P.C. 3i.i.17.

610. (Another édition.) Les Callipyges, etc. Paris: aux dépens de la com¬pagnie, 1892. 8vo. Two vols, in one. pp. 160, 175. From the Girard collection; donated to the BL by E. J. Dingwall. (9 April 1949.) P.C. 15.aa.28.


611 (Les Callipyges, etc) Die Kallipygen von E. D. Zum erstenmal ins Deutsche übertragen von Dr Rolf, (n.p.:) Privatdruck: 1906. 8vo. pp. 374. Blue-grey silk boards. Top edge stained red, others uncut. No. 278 of 500 copies. (Acquisition date stamp illegible.) P.C. 30.I.9.

612. COMTESSE DE LESBOS (La), ou la Nouvelle Gamiani par E. D., auteur de “Mes Amours avec Victoire." Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie. (c. 1905.) 8vo. pp. 186. (31 December 1955.) P.C. i9.a.26.

La Comtesse de Lesbos has been translated as Lustful Acts, and was published about 1905 with imprint “Rotterdam - Paris." A reprint, published in 1972 at New York by Grove Press has the authorship credited to “Phillipe Durer," but I hâve not been able to discover whether this pseudonym was employed on the original édition.

613. DEFILE DE FESSES NUES. Recueil de lettres érotiques par E. D., auteur de Mes étapes amoureuses. Paris: chez la petite Lolotte Galeries du Palais, 1890. (Amsterdam, Aug. Brancart.) i2mo. pp. 210. Original printed wrappers preserved. P.C. 31.c.33.

614. (Another édition.) Défilé de fesses nues, etc. Paris: chez la petite Lolotte Galeries du Palais Royal, 1891. 8vo. pp. 190. From the Girard collection; donated to the BL by E. J. Dingwall. (9 April 1949.) P.C. 15.aa.27.

615. EXPLOITS D’UN GALANT PRECOCE par E. D., auteur de L’Odyssée d’un pantalon. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1899. i2mo. pp. 184. From the Girard collection; donated to the BL by E. J. Dingwall. (9 April 1949.) P.C. 15.aa.32.

616. LESBIA, maîtresse d’école par E. D., auteur des Callipyges. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1891. 8vo. pp. 164. (30 January 1964.) P.C. 14.I1.15.

617. (Another édition.) Lesbia, maîtresse d’école par E. D. Montréal (Canada): G. Lebaucher. (Paris? 1907.) 8vo. pp. 153. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C.

618. LEVRES DE VELOURS. Suite de la Comtesse de Lesbos par E. D., auteur de Jupes retroussées (sic). Paris: sous les galeries du Palais Royal chez la petite Lolotte, 1889. (Amsterdam, Brancart.) 8vo. pp. 158. Cloth- backed boards, with original printed wrappers laid down. Edges uncut. On the front wrapper, the title is given as: Lèvres de velours ... par E. D., auteur de Jupes troussées. P.C. 30.g.4.

619. LA MAISON DE VERRE, défilé de Tableaux Vivants par E. D. auteur de “Mes étapes amoureuses." Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1891. 8vo. pp. 132. Six watercolour drawings, one designed as a frontispiece, inserted. Morocco, extra gilt, t.e.g., uncut. Doublures decorated in gilt. Dawes Bequest. The earliest édition of this work noted by Perceau is dated 1894. (Perceau 143:1.) (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13.I1.8.


620. MES AMOURS AVEC VICTOIRE par E. D., auteur des Rondeaux et Sonnets galants. Amsterdam: aux dépens de la compagnie, (Brancart,) 1888. 8vo. pp. 140. P.C. 30.g.3.

621. (Another édition.) Mes Amours avec Victoire, petit roman d’amour extra-galant par E. D. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1889. (Amsterdam, Brancart.) 8vo. pp. 188. Cloth-backed boards, with original printed wrappers laid down. Edges uncut. Mes Amours avec Victoire was the fixst novel pub- lished by E. D. P.C. 30.g.2.

622. (Another édition.) Mes Amours avec Victoire ... Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1892. 8vo. pp. 174. (31 December 1955.) P.C. 19.2.29.

623. MES ETAPES AMOUREUSES par E. D., auteur de l’Odyssée d’un pantalon. Tome 11. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1890. (Amsterdam, Brancart.) 8vo. pp. 224. Cloth-backed boards, with original printed wrappers laid down. Edges uncut. Imperfect; wanting volume 1. P.C. 3i.i.16.

624. ODOR Di FEMINA. Amours naturalistes par E. D., auteur de Mes Amours avec Victoire. Londres: imprimerie de la société Cosmopolite, 1890. iômo. pp. 172+ (iii) of advertisements. (4 May 1892.) P.C. 29.2.17.

625. (Another édition.) Odor di femina, etc. Londres: imprimerie de la société Cosmopolite, 1891. 8vo. pp. 198. (31 December 1955.) P.C. 19.2.27.

626. (Another édition.) Odor di femina ... par E. D., auteur de “Jupes troussées." Montréal (Canada): G. Lebaucher. (Paris: 1919.) 8vo. pp. 171. Original printed wrappers preserved. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C.

627. (Another copy.) Odor di femina, etc. Montréal (Canada): G. Lebaucher. 8vo. pp. 171. Original printed wrappers preserved. Ex-libris Edward Phelips. (22 July 1950.) P.C. 15.b.15.

628. ODYSSÉE D’UN PANTALON (L’) par E. D., auteur de Mes étapes amoureuses. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1889. (Amsterdam, Brancart.) 8vo. pp. 188. P.C. 30.c.18.

629. (Another édition.) L’Odyssée d’un pantalon, etc. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1889. (Amsterdam? 1900.) 8vo. pp. 155. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13.h.7.

630. RONDEAUX ET SONNETS GALANTS par E. D. Paris: chez la petite Lolotte au Palais Royal, 1887. (Amsterdam, Brancart.) i2mo. pp. 204. Cloth-backed boards with original printed wrappers laid down. Edges uncut. No. 6 of 120 copies. This volume has a MS. inscription by Ashbee: “Received from A. Brancart of Amsterdam Dec. 1887. 10 francs. Author Edmond Dumoulin, St. Seurin de Cadoume, Medoc, Gironde, France." P.C. 30.g.8.


631. MES AMOURS AVEC VICTOIRE par E. D., auteur des Rondeaux et Sonnets galants. Amsterdam: aux dépens de la compagnie, (Brancart,) 1888. 8vo. pp. 140. P.C. 30.g.3.

"632. (Another édition.)" Mes Amours avec Victoire, petit roman d’amour extra-galant par E. D. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1889. (Amsterdam, Brancart.) 8vo. pp. 188. Cloth-backed boards, with original printed wrappers laid down. Edges uncut. Mes Amours avec Victoire was the fixst novel pub- lished by E. D. P.C. 30.g.2.

633. (Another édition.) Mes Amours avec Victoire ... Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1892. 8vo. pp. 174. (31 December 1955.) P.C. 19.2.29.

634. MES ETAPES AMOUREUSES par E. D., auteur de l’Odyssée d’un pantalon. Tome 11. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1890. (Amsterdam, Brancart.) 8vo. pp. 224. Cloth-backed boards, with original printed wrappers laid down. Edges uncut. Imperfect; wanting volume 1. P.C. 3i.i. 16.

635. ODOR Di FEMINA. Amours naturalistes par E. D., auteur de Mes Amours avec Victoire. Londres: imprimerie de la société Cosmopolite, 1890. iômo. pp. 172+ (iii) of advertisements. (4 May 1892.) P.C. 29.2.17.

636. (Another édition.) Odor di femina, etc. Londres: imprimerie de la société Cosmopolite, 1891. 8vo. pp. 198. (31 December 1955.) P.C. 19.2.27.

637. (Another édition.) Odor di femina ... par E. D., auteur de “Jupes troussées." Montréal (Canada): G. Lebaucher. (Paris: 1919.) 8vo. pp. 171. Original printed wrappers preserved. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C.

638. (Another copy.) Odor di femina, etc. Montréal (Canada): G. Lebaucher. 8vo. pp. 171. Original printed wrappers preserved. Ex-libris Edward Phelips. (22 July 1950.) P.C. 15.b.15.

639. ODYSSÉE D’UN PANTALON (L’) par E. D., auteur de Mes étapes amoureuses. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1889. (Amsterdam, Brancart.) 8vo. pp. 188. P.C. 30.c.18.

640. (Another édition.) L’Odyssée d’un pantalon, etc. Paris: aux dépens de la compagnie, 1889. (Amsterdam? 1900.) 8vo. pp. 155. Dawes Bequest. (13 June 1964.) P.C. 13.h.7.

641. RONDEAUX ET SONNETS GALANTS par E. D. Paris: chez la petite Lolotte au Palais Royal, 1887. (Amsterdam, Brancart.) i2mo. pp. 204. Cloth-backed boards with original printed wrappers laid down. Edges uncut. No. 6 of 120 copies. This volume has a MS. inscription by Ashbee: “Received from A. Brancart of Amsterdam Dec. 1887. 10 francs. Author Edmond Dumoulin, St. Seurin de Cadoume, Medoc, Gironde, France." P.C. 30.g.8.

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