La Flagellation dan Historie

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Table of Contents: Origins of Flagellation.

  • I. Corporal Punishment among Jews, Asians and in Africa.
  • II. The Fustigation among the Romans.
  • III. Flagellation in the Middle Ages.
  • IV. The Fustigation in Modern Times.
  • V. The Whip in Russian Mores.
  • VI. Flagellation of Spain.
  • VII. Corporal Punishment in China.
  • VIII. The Flagellation in London.
  • IX. The Pimps of London.
  • X. Associations of Flagellants.
  • XI. The Religious Flagellation.
  • XII. The Mystical Flagellation.
  • XIII. The Criminal Flagellation of Pimps and Prostitutes.
  • XIV. Flagellation between spouses.
  • XV. Who loves well chatises as well.
  • XVI. Severely punished jealousy.
  • XVII. Flagellation in the family and at school.
  • XVIII. The Whisk educator.
  • XIX. Passionate Flagellation.
  • XX. The Vindictive Spanking.
  • XXI. Nudity appreciated in penance.
  • XXII. The Invigorating Flagellation.
  • XXIII. Flagellant Monomania.
  • XXIV. The Malice of Women.
  • XXV. How in the East one disciplines one's family.
  • XXVI. The Whipper and Whipper Clerk.
  • XXVII. La Coquette Châtiée.
  • XXVIII. A voluptuous husband in spite of himself.
  • XXIX.Jean de Meun .
  • XXX. The Mysterious Spanking.

5 illustrations inset in color, including 1 frontispiece, 4 illustrations inset B&W and several inset, banners, cul-de-lamp. Vignette on the 2nd cover. / 5 color illustrations, 4 B&W illustrations and many head and tail pieces. Illustration on the back cover.

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