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Slave collar

~Subject: My new contract/ any comments ?
~From: <Name removed by editor>
~Date: 1 Sep 1995 16:40:13 -0400


The undersigned slave hereby agrees to the following

Contract is in effect for a period of 30, 24 hour days, from 9 AM Sept. 1. to 9 PM. Oct. 1 during which time slave may not request any modifications of this agreement . At the end of 30 days this agreement may be terminated, modified or automatically renewed untill the end of the year as indicated by continued execution of this agreement for a period of 24 hours beyond Oct.31 th.

Mistress may terminate or modify this contract as desired but slave will comply with all the terms and conditions for the periods stated without recourse or complaint.

slave shall be used by the mistress at any time or place at her discretion 24 hours a day.

  • slave must request permission to leave for social or optional activities.
  • slave shall not be excused from service for minor illness or physical discomfort.
  • slave may be utilized throughout the day and night without regard to his dress, sleep or other considerations.
  • slave may not bathe or care for his body for personal comfort without permission of Mistress or release from duty. This includes dressing.
  • slave is available for inspection and observation at all times.
  • slave is required to be available to perform household chores and tasks at all times. Upon completion slave must request inspection.
  • slave shall follow all Mistress orders immediately; without question or hesitation (unless there is unrealized risk).
  • slave is required to observe proper slave decorum, demeanor and preparation.

slave will be punished for unacceptable behavior including: rudeness (to mistress and others), temper tantrums, insults, etc.

slave may also be punished for failure to perform satisfactorily or follow the rules and agreements of this contract and any addendum.


Sessions are utilized for punishment and as a means of training the slave.

Sessions are used to reinforce the Mistress' dominance and control over the slave and to provide pleasure and amusement to Mistress.

Sessions may involve the binding and gagging of the slave for extended periods of time. The slave will be made to endure fairly extreme discomfort. This is usually from stretching, tying, lack of movement, etc., with the addition of whipping, nipple clips, b.p.'s etc. Mistress will check on the slave often. slave shall endure punishments administered by Mistress without complaint.

A safe word or signal has been established for use by slave for release when it is not possible for him to endure further punishment or the level of pain inflicted. 2 grunts or "YELLOW" mean lighten up, 3 grunts or "RED" means release now.

Sessions will always end with a cuddle and hug and feedback.

Mistress shall from time to time inquire about slave's thoughts, feelings, (both mental & physical) and ask him to describe them. This will not be taken as a means of complaint from the slave, but rather a means for the Mistress to judge the effectiveness of her program. Should slave word his response in a way which may be interpreted as a complaint, the cause of the complaint shall be increased or further extended.

slave shall purchase equipment as requested by Mistress.

Mistress is in total control of the slave's sexual release. Release is not included in sessions unless utilized for cum eating or while trying to satisfy the Mistress.

slave gives himself to his Mistress for her pleasure, service and amusement without any expectation of receiving anything in return other than the satisfaction received from pleasing his Mistress by the performance of his requested duties. But obviously this is predicated by the establishment and existence of a Mistress/ slave relationship. slave feels great satisfaction by being able to serve his mistress and satisfy her demands.

Mistress recognizes that slave has needs as part of relationship and that these needs must be addressed on an ongoing basis. To a great extent the motivation for the slave to dedicate himself to his Mistress is based on the manipulation of these needs by his Mistress. slave recognizes that Mistress is free to tease and torment her slave sexually and encourages her to do so as a means of training. As part of this relationship the ongoing reminder that Mistress is the owner of slave's sexuality is necessary for the proper control and motivation of her slave. slave cannot and will not demand or require relief from his Mistress other than that which is offered by her. slave may beg Mistress politely not more than twice in a 30 day period.

Slave recognizes that it can be frightening for Mistress to be in a position that could possibly be hurtful and realizes that her doing so is not deliberate and will discuss it with her afterward.

Mistress will review current literature, internet news groups, etc. will keep her up to date on current thoughts, techniques, safety information on Femdom & DS. This will enable her growth into and formulation of her own individual style of dominance.

slave shall ask Mistress to speak to her privately when he needs to convey to her his concern over important family matters. Verbal, audible or facial comments will not be allowed and will be severely punished.

we agree to continue this arrangement and to maintain patience and open communication.

At the conclusion of the full 30 day period, slave shall be eligible to have his behavior and performance reviewed by Mistress. If she gives slave a good or better evaluation he shall then be treated accordingly by being granted a greater level of freedom and general autonomy. Routine punishment, discipline and further refresher training shall be at the discretion of the Mistress.

______________________________ Mistress

______________________________ signed on the 1 st. of Sept. 1995 Slave

Re: slave Demeanor, Decorum, Appearance, Schedule and Chores (during 30 days of refresher training)

1. Demeanor

slave will always address and answer Mistress in a respectful manner and tone.

slave will always maintain a respectful and attentive demeanor.

slave must always think of and address himself as a lower case "s".

  • When in Mistress' presence slave will always stand with heels approximately 18 " apart.
  • When told "down" slave will immediately prostrate himself at mistresses feet. Forehead to floor and not move until released with "up."
  • When told" strip" slave will immediately remove all clothing.

2. Decorum

slave will always behave in a slave like manner.

  • slave will ask Mistress' permission prior to doing anything (except breathing) when she is present in the house.
  • slave will always open and hold doors for Mistress (and allow others to pass before proceeding himself).
  • slave will greet Mistress when she returns home and assume a prostrate position, in front of her, not moving until released (she will announce herself with the intercom and let him know if she has company. If she does he will follow "public" protocol.)Whenever they meet at home, he is to follow "greeting" protocol.
  • slave will immediately report to Mistress, when he returns home and assume a prostrate position, in front of her, not moving until released.
  • When in public slave will greet Mistress with a kiss.

3. Appearance

slave will always look available to satisfy Mistress' every whim.

  • slave will be clean shaven at all times.
  • slave will wear silk shorts (he may have jogging shorts and shirt at hand for a cover up) at all times when at home to signify his constant availability. (Exceptions; when exercising, doing chores or when he will

be leaving for a preapproved activity or appointment.) Mistress does not anticipate that weather will be a factor but will take into consideration if need be.

4. Schedule

slave will bring all calendars to Mistress each evening and discuss the next day's schedule with her.

All appointments must be preapproved. Some spur of the moment changes may be allowed, but will be punished for.

BP, nipple clips and parachute will be worn daily. Length of wearing dependent on schedule.

The following is the normal days schedule. Morning activities must be completed before any other are begun (no exceptions.)


  • slave will begin treadmill no later than 8:00 a.m. (after bidding good-bye) slave will complete a course of 2.3 miles.
  • slave will perform personal cleansing within 10 min. of Sat off completion of Treadmill and then insert BP and put on nipple clips and parachute
  • BP will be worn for 3 - 24 Hr. periods per week, Monday, Wednesday & Friday
  • one night per week slave will sleep on the floor, (Wednesday)
  • slave will perform chores as assigned below and/or consult To Do List.
  • slave may then shower when released or completed duties..


  • slave will report to Mistress no later than 9 PM.
  • slave will be prepared to insert BP if requested.
  • Between 9 PM and rising slave is to move only on hands and knees.
  • slave may only rise directly in front of an object he needs to reach & must then resume a kneeling position.
  • slave will urinate during this time from a kneeling position.

5. Chores

slave will perform the following at the stated interval:

  • clear kitchen after dinner - daily
  • clean kitchen after breakfast - daily
  • vacuum, wash and rinse kitchen floor - weekly. Mondays
  • vacuum; upper house , incl. lvg rm furniture, Tasha's corner - twice weekly. Tues & Fri
  • vacuum; lower house - weekly.Tues & Fri
  • clean bathrooms; tub, shower, toilet, sink and counter - weekly.
  • (lower; eliminate tub & shower) Wednesday
  • wash Mistress' car - as needed.
  • carry down laundry - weekly - Mondays.
  • carry in groceries and parcels - as needed.
  • clean catbox - weekly.
  • take out garbage & recycling - weekly.


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