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This article is titled
Legends of Dominance  - 30
by Mistress Michelle Peters et al.
and posted with permission
(All information herein is provided by author)

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Mistress Domino

Lifestyle Mistress Interview presents...
Photo and interview from Attitude Magazine, No. 3, 1993

After living the lifestyle as a Mistress and then deciding to become a professional and understand more about scene ethics, I traveled across the country meeting with different ladies who lived and worked in the scene.

Some were a disappointment to me. They projected a false power that in fact was the facade for a very insecure and weak persona.

Domino was one lady I was not disappointed in. Her power was natural, seductive and alluring. Her beauty is captivating, her intelligence is overwhelming. As a professional she is considered one of the top dominatrix's in the world. As a person she is charming and genuine.

There are few people I respect that reflect the positive aspects of female domination....

Domino is definitely one of them. --The Goddess Dianna Vesta

I have been aware of my dominant nature for as long as I can remember. Even as a child, I was always the ring-leader and all my friends always looked up to me. I was always admired by my friends and I many times felt that they were in awe of me, sometimes even a little afraid of me. Even when it came to sports I was always very competitive, aggressive and always ended up being team captain. It has always been very natural for me to be in commanding positions.

When I started dating, it was always I who was the "boss" in the relationship. I am not saying that I forced anyone to do things that they didn't want to do, but I guess people have always had the tendency to want to please me and I sort of got used to it. My past experiences have only paved the way for what I have become today.

One of my first overt experiences occurred when I was about 14 years old. My brother's friend was over one day and he came into my room to hang out with me. He was about 4 years older than me, but we had this strange attraction for each other. Anyway, being alone with him in my room probably made me a little nervous because he was looking at me differently and being perhaps, shall we say, too affectionate.

Since I've been into horses my whole life, I happened to have a riding crop hanging on my doorknob, so of course I reached for it and started giving him orders, pointing it in his face. To my amazement, he did everything that I said! He had been lying on the bed trying to get me next to him and I pointed the crop at him and told him to get down on the floor. Then I told him to get back on the bed. Then back on the floor and then back again. It happened all so quickly, but he jumped!

Then I said to him, "No, seriously, I want to ride you like a pony." After giving me a look like I was crazy, he got down on all fours and let me ride him across the room. I even prodded him with the crop. Needless to say, I felt extremely powerful and I had totally turned the tables on a situation I probably wasn't ready for. I also think my brother's friend enjoyed being told what to do by me.

I couldn't even begin to describe a typical day. Everyday is different. I have so many things going on from day to day that there is no typical day. My favorite kind of day might be one in which I'll spend the day out in the stable with my horse. Riding him, grooming him and just being with him is so important to me, especially because I am so busy all the time. I have to see him no matter how stressed out, upset, angry or even depressed I may be. He is my escape, my sanity, and the love of my life.

At times, I will bring a stable slave with me who will prepare my tack for me and assist in all my needs there.

This slave will know exactly what saddle pad or leg wraps to bring me by the colors I am wearing. He's well trained!

Many days I am in the mood to be chauffeured around to do all my chores or sometimes I'll just send one of my slaves out with a list. It all depends on my mood, and it's never the same.

One routine I've gotten into lately is turning on the TV late at night I couldn't fall asleep anyway so I watch until I'm exhausted usually doing a million things. I find it very hard to relax because I always have ten things I could be doing.

I most definitely consider myself a lifestyle mistress. Professional sessions came much later as a result of my already existing dominant lifestyle.

Being a professional dominatrix is only a small part of the scene for me. I feel that I'm good at doing professional sessions because I really do enjoy it. It's 'never been just a job' for me, and l never did it to just make money. I must admit that I do resent the "professional" mistresses out there who are only in it for the money. I like to know that people are really into the scene and not just exploiting it.

I can't work with another mistress or have respect for her if she's not for real. I'm sure there are many people out there that will argue this point with me but that's my opinion.

As far as being a lifestyle dominant, I realized a long time ago that I could never be happy in a "normal, straight" relationship. The hardest thing I had to do was leave someone I had been with after nine years because I couldn't stand living a double life anymore. The last six years of those nine, I was involved in a very intense dominant/submissive relationship and I knew that this was the world I belonged in. I was dominant! Strictly dominant and I needed to dominate. I love submissive men and I dominate them because I do love them, not because I hate them. That's not what it's all about. I think a lot of men crave domination because they normally are in the "power position". They feel that they must always be in control. I know that most Being a professional dominatrix is only a small part of the scene for me.

I feel that I'm good at doing professional sessions because I really do enjoy it. It's never been just a job for me, and I never did it to just make money. off the submissive men that I see are indeed in very high power positions and that being submissive is quite the ' contrary to how the world perceives them to be. One reason why privacy is so important to many clients is that many of them would probably be ruined if found out. I feel that they want someone else, someone very dominating to take over for a change. A domina is the perfect answer; the attire alone that a dominatrix may wear is a fantasy by itself that many men crave plus being dominated by a woman wearing such garb. The attire of a dominatrix is very powerful, alluring, and sexy adding to the visual stimulation of the entire scene.

I'm sure there are many reasons why someone may want to be dominated. Who knows, it could all stem back unconsciously to the mother figure, the Oedipus Complex. We all know how in ; charge mother is! Maybe men crave that feeling of when mother punished them, scolded or spanked them. Sometimes that was a form of attention or love, but whatever the reason for it, I feel it is an escape of reality for most, or ; a recreation of something they have' seen or read about or even experienced at some time.

I have been a professional for about five years. Again, I'd like to add that it ' happened as a result of previous lifestyle relationships and because I truly enjoy - being dominant. I never look at it as a "job."

I don't think there is a typical client.

However, most are white collar, very respectable, nice men. All whom I like very much as people. The most common age group is anywhere between 22 to 55 years old. I am seeing a lot of younger "kids" (over 18 of course) lately. Perhaps because it is a safe alternative these days. In my opinion people are getting bored with the usual straight relationships and need to "spice" up their lives and live out some fantasies. I see a lot of salesmen, (they are "on the roam" a lot) and lawyers, diplomats, engineers, artists - everything! It's great because I've really met a lot of really great people that I truly care about. I would like to add that most of them are married!

I think that most of them have "secret" desires about being submissive they feel no one would understand, especially their wives or girlfriends.

They see professional dominants to fulfill their fantasies while at the same time they are not technically "cheating."

I find what I do for my clients therapeutic for them. It definitely reduces stress, tension and sexual frustration. I have heard many clients tell me, "this is just what I needed". I love "day" men and I specialize in bondage, C & B torture, bullwhipping, caning and mental domination. I enjoy anything from a light, sensual teasing scene to an extremely heavy, very strict discipline scene. It all depends on the slave. There's a different feeling with each and every one of them. Plus it all depends on what kind of mood I'm in. But I really do get off on a slave who can take a lot! I enjoy "conditioning" slaves to what I like. I absolutely refuse to put on a nurse outfit. I do not do enemas, medical room scenes, or piercings. I also do not partake in infantilism or brown showers! I also do not allow a slave to dictate what to wear, or dictate the session.

I love novices as much as the experienced slave. With a novice, I like to explore new things with them. Of course, I go much slower with them and build them up to where they gradually take more and more. I don't necessarily mean pain either...accepting pain is not a criteria for being a slave. Punishment can come in many forms. Different slaves have different purposes!

Because my work is an expression of what I already am, it doesn't really have an impact on my personal relationships. Often I have personal relationships as a result of my work. I've met many slaves who started out as a client and it just clicked. No, I do not have a separate life outside the scene; this is my life. That is why I left that person I spoke of earlier after nine years. I never want to hide what I really am. If I met someone tomorrow at Club Med, let's say, I would most definitely tell them what I was into and if they couldn't accept it, fuck 'em!

I don't have an unlived fantasy. I am the kind of person that does what she wants, finally! Yes, I am seriously involved in a dominant/submissive relationship. I think that I am involved in several relationships, all of which are quite serious, and all quite different from each other.

All of my needs and fantasies are certainly taken care of. I could never be any other way or with anyone that tries to restrict me. Anyone that I get involved with must accept this. To get in touch with Mistress Domino, you may write to her at:

New York, NY

How Suite It Is!
Inside The Nutcracker Suite
From Mistress Jacqueline's Power X-Change
Issue No. 4, 1994

On a recent visit to New York, I decided to pay a visit to my very dear friend. Mistress Domino.

Domino and I have known each other for years. I have seen her rise to international acclaim as one of the world's leading Dominas. Domino deserves this praise. She is real, honest, down to earth, and truly into the scene. Domino is a naturally dominant female and sincerely enjoys the S/M lifestyle.

Two years ago, Domino founded Nutcracker Suite. This S/M parlor has been acclaimed as 'The Trump Plaza of New York Dungeons'. After my tour, I found out why. I was impressed with both the Mistresses who worked at the Suite, as well as the facility. With Domino as my guide, I was given the grand tour.

I'd like to invite you, the readers, with me on this journey through Nutcracker Suite. On the following pages you can get glimpse of the Mistresses, dungeons and fantasy rooms you can experience at Nutcracker Suite. I also had the foresight to tape my tour, so you can hear about the Suite, straight from the horse's mouth.

Here's what Mistress Domino had to say:

Nutcracker Suite is much more than just a clean, well equipped facility. It's an attitude and a philosophy that reflects our own personal interest in fetishism and commitment to quality. Everything from our name, logo, ambiance, staff, and equipment were painstakingly designed to reflect this.

First and foremost is our dedication to our clients. At Nutcracker Suite, they are treated with a level of courtesy, respect and dignity too often forgotten in this business. Just because a man has fantasies of degradation, it doesn't mean he should be treated like shit. Sounds like a contradiction right? Wrong. People like clean, sanitary surroundings, well-made equipment, and a safe environment; no matter what they're into. I would never expect a client to lie down on a floor that wasn't clean enough for me to lie on myself.

About the Mistresses at Nutcracker Suite: I believe we have the most versatile, well- trained, and well rounded staff one could hope for. Naturally our Mistresses are exceptionally beautiful.. But remember, beauty is only skin deep. We're not selling flesh here. There is no sex whatsoever or even female nudity for that matter. Our clients are more interested in a Mistress' experience, expertise, style, and fetish wardrobe.

Such interaction as role play, bondage, humiliation, discipline, etc. require intelligence, creativity, expertise, empathy, and intuition. I am proud to say that all of our Mistresses possess these unique qualities. And most importantly, most are involved in S/M activities on a personal level outside of work. It makes a big difference.

One thing about Nutcracker Suite that is different from other bondage houses is that we are Female Dominant only. That means that I have no female switches or submissives on staff.

About Nutcracker's Playrooms:

Nutcracker Suite has seven incomparable playrooms and magnificent equipment. I gave a great deal of thought when in came to designing the Suite.

Construction was carried out by my slaves who were all supervised by me. Virtually every imaginable instrument of pleasure or pain can be sampled here in any of the uniquely different environments.

  • Suite #1 is very medieval complete with St. Andrews cross, bondage ladder, eight foot rotating wheel, a vertical coffin with a cock-height access door for all kinds of fun and games, and a massive bondage table.
  • Suite #2 is a more ominous and cold dungeon done in black and gray. My favorite piece of equipment in here is this awesome 180 degree rotating table that resembles something right out of an old Frankenstein movie. There's also an antique barber chair complete with rigid heavy iron neck to wrist manacles.
  • Suite #3 is the Transformation Salon where feminization fantasies take place. It is vastly equipped with wigs, make-up, and tons of clothes. The room is well mirrored so the transformation process can be viewed as it happens.
  • Suite #4 is the macabre Rubber Clinic for perverse medical procedures and human experimentation including behavioral modification, electroshock therapy, gynecological exams, oxygen deprivations, colonics, urology, and more.
  • Suite #5 is the Big Baby Nursery which boasts an over-sized sleeping crib, rocking cradle, play pen, high chair, costumes, and toys for boys and girls of all ages.
  • Suite #6 is Nutcracker's shining glory, referred to as La Bastille. It is an enormous dungeon space, elegantly appointed with flickering wall sconces, floor

to ceiling mirrors, and a plush royal, red carpet.

Equipment includes a steel stretching rack with built in cage, stocks, hanging cage, and a giant bondage spider web.

  • Suite #7 is the incomparable Deprivation Chamber; a 5'x 8' sound proof rubber room complete with bullet-proof glass observation window, two way communication, audio recording capabilities, access portholes, special effects lighting, heart monitor, suspension, vertical bondage frame, and a myriad of leather and latex restraints. Besides a large variety of whips, paddles, and restraints, we have several 'gourmet' pieces like our leather straight jackets, latex body bags, arm binders, our infamous Fetters Double face hood, not to mention a vast array of steel toys including shackles, irons, etc.

Nutcracker Suite is conveniently located in Midtown Manhattan off of Park Avenue in the mid- twenties. Business hours are Monday through Saturday 11 A.M. to 12 Midnight and Sunday from 12 noon to 10 P.M. You may arrange an appointment by calling (212) 674-2294 and remember to mention you read about The Nutcracker in Power X-Change.


Ad for the Nutcracker Suite and Nutcracker 2 that appeared in Corporal Newspaper , Vol 16, No 2, 1993

It would appear as if the best just keeps getting better- and in this case, the best just got twice as good. In other words, the renowned Nutcracker Suite, known far and wide for having the most incredible Mistresses and facility on the East Coast (if not throughout the entire U.S.), has just announced the opening of yet a second Manhattan location, appropriately named "Nutcracker II." Although we have not yet seen the new facility, inside sources tell us that it is truly breathtaking, and there's nothing like it to be found anywhere. The 4,200 sq. ft. Nutcracker II boasts 3 fully equipped dungeons, a clinical room, a big baby nursery, and a "TV Salon" bulging with nearly $10,000 in wigs, wardrobe, shoes and accessories. And if that wasn 't enough, the folks at Nutcracker have joined forces with the Washington D.C. based Feminine Mystique™ to offer the serious cross dresser a full range of transformation services previously unavailable in the NY area. The effort will be headed by Ms. Judy Gueria, a recognized leader in the transgender community, and will provide "a fun-fitted, reassuring experience," offering expert advice on makeup, wig and wardrobe selection, techniques, feminine mannerisms, etc. One-on-one outings, shopping nights-out-on-the-town will also be offered.

Photo of Mistress Domino
who owned the Nutcracker Suite in Nov. of 1991

But might wonder if NY is for enough for TWO Nutcrackers? Internationally renowned Head-Mistress Domino, "Nutcracker II is a completely different facility, with an entirely new staff, different equipment, and some very specialized rooms to better accommodate specific fetish/fantasy interests. It's simply a way of offering more of a good thing to the fetish community. And I believe you can never get too much of a good thing. And what about the Mistresses of Nutcracker II? Judge for yourself - here for the first time anywhere, we present just some of the incredible women of Nutcracker II.

--Compiled by Mistress Michelle and slave english

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