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Updated: 2001

6/16/07 With Sadness I share that Dr. Stan Dale died last week

Most here will not recognize his name. For old timers like me, his radio credits included The Lone Ranger, (the voice "the lone ranger rides again", Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, and The Shadow

More significantly I have mentioned him over the years and some folks have contacted me also having enjoyed or been interested in the Love, Intimacy and Sexuality workshops and the Human Awareness Institute he founded. For 39 years HAI has and will continue to hold powerful workshops at Harbin Hot Springs in Northern CA as well as in Southern CA, Australia, Germany, the U.K., Midwest US, and East Coast US.

In the 80's early 90's I went from a shy afraid of women introvert to today being very comfortable with women and my sexuality and widely share my ideas on intimate sexuality with others. I credit the many Love, Intimacy and Sexuality Workshops Stan led along with his wives Helen and Janet and the facilitators for helping me blossom in my interpersonal female and sexual relationships.

HAI was where I first became sensitized to the power of caring touch intimacy and how sex is so much more than trusting. I relate some of my experiences in my background at including the traumatic emotional response of a girlfriend I had brought from Phoenix in the early 90s to a Workshop at the linked page With her permission I included a letter she wrote to Sonika (facilitator) in response to her emotions in the "room of love" at the workshop.

Stan's ideas of unconditional love and how to love others was very powerful in my development. His smile, his laugh and loving personality will be missed but hot his ideas he shared with tens of thousands worldwide both in his books and the workshops at Harbin in California and other places around in the world .

When I first formed Liberated Christians Stan was extremely supportive dropping me nice notes from time to time. As I grew I became a bit less interested in some of the 'New Age" ideas that was becoming more a part of the workshops - talking to trees etc - but the basic foundation of learning to love yourself and love others was always the powerful central theme. It was enjoyable to share in the transformation of many participants becoming aware of their ability to unconditionally love and express it even with someone just met in terms of caring touch and sexuality far more meaningful than intercourse. From this I developed by ideas of "loving for the moment" as a sincere unique soul those we meet and when mutually attracted and desired, being able to express that universal love via caring touch, Esalen massage and more intimate sexuality in different ways.

My desire in my older years is to start something similar with my ideas at but still have not found the right partner nor the time to develop some of the ideas into workshops. While I would approach love and sexuality a bit different than Stan, especially on the spiritual level, his ideas have greatly influences my understandings and intimate experiences.

Stan is gone but his ideas via those like me he taught and hundreds of thousand other folks will carry on his idea in our relationships in our lives and some of us hopefully will rise to share it with others to pass on and benefit still others for generations.

Obituary in San Francisco Paper

Dr. Stan Dale Founder of the Human Awareness Institute, & longtime national radio personality, passed away peacefully June 8, 2007. Proceeded in death by beloved wife, Helen. Survived by loving wife, Janet. Father of six children and 10 grandchildren. Founding the Love, Intimacy & Sexuality workshops in 1968, Stan's teachings, workshops and citizen diplomacy missions, have profoundly touched hundreds and thousands of people globally. Recipient of seven lifetime achievement awards including the Mahatma Gandhi Humanitarian of the Year award. Author of "Fantasies Can Set You Free," "My Child Myself" and contributor to numerous publications. Stan's life has been dedicated to the fundamental beliefs of "unconditional love" and "creating a world where everyone wins." In support of his life's work, memorial donations may be sent to: the Human Awareness Institute, 700 Widgeon St., Foster City, CA 94404, Published in the San Francisco Chronicle on 6/12/2007.

From Sexual Intelligence news letter of Marty Klien, M.D. 2002 Sexual Intelligence Awards

Dr. Stan Dale
Dr. Stan Dale is the founder and director of the Human Awareness Institute, based in San Carlos, CA. HAI offers unique love/intimacy/sexuality workshops which have been attended by more than 50,000 people in Northern California and around the world. Dale and his personally-trained facilitators create an extraordinarily safe environment in which participants experience a blend of structured exercises and perfectly-timed opportunities for honest sharing--which lead to personal breakthroughs around sex, body image, performance anxiety, gender, and trust.
Bringing inspired HAI graduates with him, Dale travels tirelessly around the world meeting with private citizens and government officials. During trips to places including China, the USSR, Iron Curtain Eastern Europe, and Japan, Dale and his delegations unleash a tidal wave of loving energy and creative, culturally-appropriate programs for enhancing trust in sexuality. Dale's recognitions for this include the coveted Mahatma Gandhi Peace Medallion and appointments at universities in China and elsewhere. Dale sows sexual intelligence wherever he goes. The HAI website is


Intro to a Workshop

Birds do it. Bees do it. Only humans take workshops about it.

"Want to see a perfect male body?" Stan Dale asks the sixty-odd participants in his "Sex, Love, and Intimacy" workshop. Sixty heads scan the room. An equal number of men and women -- most of them naked or nearly so -- sit, lie, or sprawl on the carpeted floor of a cozy wood-paneled resort lodge in northern California, wondering which specimen of virile pulchritude the teacher will anoint. Could he be thinking of the curly-haired surfer from Santa Cruz? The long-haired, multiply-tattooed, blissed-out hippie child?

"Here it is!" Dale struggles out of his seat and stands in front of the room with his arms outstretched. He does a slow spin so everyone can take a good look at his pale, round, 63-year-old body. His beard is gray, and so is what's left of his hair. He has watery blue eyes behind thick bifocals. His teeny weenie practically disappears underneath the flabby belly that hangs down from his hips.

Anne Watts, Dale's co-teacher for the weekend workshop, beams up at him from the next chair. Big bright eyes, big smile, big gleaming teeth -- she reminds me of some Disney cartoon animal, maybe a goldfish. She's got little hands and little feet, and in height she's tiny, not more than 5-foot-3. But her breasts are huge, her thighs are immense, her buttocks positively elephantine.

Okay, I'll admit it. At the beginning of the workshop, I take one look at these two, and here's what goes on in my mind: "Colonel Sanders and Miss Piggy are going to teach me about sex, love, and intimacy? I don't think so." Yet at the end of the weekend, I walk away convinced that she's The Goddess and he is Love Personified.

From HEALED WITH A KISS First published in Steam Magazine, 1994

More History

Stan Dale was born in the Bronx and grew up fat and friendless on 23rd Street in Manhattan. At 16 he played Louis Braille in a radio drama and got hooked. By the time he was 21, he had regular gigs as announcer for some of the top-rated series on the air: The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet, Sgt. Preston of the Yukon. In the course of his 19-year career as a disk jockey in Chicago, by his account he launched the phenomenon of talk radio when, in 1968, he started putting callers on the air during his midnight-to-5 shift. Along the way he earned degrees in psychology and sociology from Roosevelt University. But none of his book-learning or professional back-chat contributed nearly as much to his training as a sexologist as his apprenticeship in a geisha house.

As a 27-year-old PFC stationed in Japan during the Korean War, Dale spent his free time exploring the local sex scene like any red-blooded American male away from home. "There were places in Tokyo that were called Sex Drugstores. They were the sexologists of their time, generally older men and some women," he recalls one afternoon after the workshop when I visit him at home in suburban San Carlos. "I thought I knew everything about sex. I just went in out of curiosity. You go in and sit down, they give you a cup of tea and talk to you. If you have any problems, you talk about them, and they have these wonderful erotic toys to play with it -- dildos and vibrators and potions and aphrodisiacs. I'd never heard of these things. So I learned a lot. That's where I learned more than I dreamed I could know about female reproduction, male reproduction, and pleasure. I didn't know about clitorises. This was the '50s, after all."

Dale's speaking voice has that ingratiating radio-announcer's resonance, and his personality oozes the milk of human kindness, so it does my heart good to hear him talk dirty once in a while. He's not a vulgar man in the slightest, but I wouldn't mistake him for a wimp, either. He drops enough hints from his background ("teenage street gang...Mafia connections...trained sharpshooter") to make it clear that he plays sweetness-and-light by choice. Because his Army job entailed news reporting for the Armed Forces Radio network, Dale got invited to the wrap party for an American film called Joe Butterfly shot on location in a first-class geisha house called Hakunkaku. He spent three hours in intense conversation with an old Japanese man who turned out to be the proprietor and who invited the young G.I. to come live in the house. He stayed seven months and left a changed man.

For more than 20 years after his arrival in San Francisco, Stan was the host of numerous radio talk shows on KGO, KSFO, and K101 and for the rest of his life continued to be in constant demand on television shows including Donahue, Oprah, Joan Rivers, Geraldo, CNBC, Sally Jessi Raphael and many more too numerous to mention. He wrote two books, Fantasies Can Set You Free and My Child, My Self: How to Raise the Child You Always Wanted to Be, and he is featured in the best selling books Chicken Soup for the Soul, Bridges to Heaven and many others.

Dr. Dale had advanced degrees in psychology and sociology from Roosevelt University, Chicago and the Illinois Institute of Applied Psychology. He received his Doctorate in Human Sexuality from The Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco where he was Adjunct Professor of Behavioral Studies in Human Sexuality.

Dr. Dale was on the faculties of Loyola University, Mundelein College in Chicago, and Sonoma State University in Cotati, California. He was a frequent lecturer at many colleges and universities in California and elsewhere, including China's Shandong and Beijing Universities, where he was a visiting professor. Dr. Dale speaks to a wide variety of service and civic organizations, social clubs, churches, high school and junior high school campuses as well as corporations. Stan was an ordained minister for the Temple of Knowledge in Los Angeles, California.

After serving with the US Army in Korea, he received a commendation and Ribbon of Meritorious Service. He was one of only 10 worldwide recipients of the prized Mahatma Gandhi Peace Medallion for his selfless commitment to the cause of world peace, humanity and brotherhood. He was also presented with the Humanitarian of the Year award from the Ethical Humanists of Chicago and received the Distinguished Member award of Who's Who Worldwide.

In 1968, Dr. Dale created The Human Awareness Institute. Since then more than 40,000 people have attended the Institute's workshops and seminars in various parts of the United States, Russia, Europe, Australia and Japan.

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