Gorean dictionary V

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Gorean Dictionary ΓÇô V

val (noun)
a letter of the Gorean alphabet; probably calligraphically drifted from demotic Egyptian (Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 9)
vangis (noun)
type of produce sold at market; detailed description unavailable. (Book 19: Kajira of Gor, page 314)
var (phrase)
meaning ΓÇ£turning;ΓÇ¥ also signifies north of the Gorean compass, as in Ta-Sardar-Var (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 3 footnote)
Var (noun)
resting, as in EnΓÇÿVar-Lar-Torvis ΓÇ£the First Resting of the Central FireΓÇ¥ (Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, page 178)
var (conj.)
where (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 81)
vart (noun)
blind, bat-like flying rodent, carnivorous, small, sharp-toothed mammal that flies in flocks; about the size of a small dog (Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, page 26; Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 36; Book 6: Raiders of Gor, page 139)
vart, brown (noun)
carnivorous animals that rest clinging upside down on branches. (Book 3: Priest Kings of Gor, page 191)
vart, jungle (noun)
a relative of the northern vart, it inhabits the rain forests inland of Shendi (Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 312)
Vask (noun)
signifies south on a Gorean compass. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 3 footnote)
veck (verb)
stand or awaken. (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 12)
vegetables, common Gorean (noun)
these are common Earth vegetables found on various parts of Gor, listed with their annotations: mushroom, beans, turnips, carrots, radishes, onions, peas, cabbage, peppers, and garlic. (Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, page 29; Book 9: Marauders of Gor, pages 81 and 102; Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, pages 37 and 47; Book 21: Mercenaries of Gor, page 82)
veil (noun)
a covering or coverings for the face, worn by freewomen in many city-states; up to five are worn see (also house veil, last veil, pride veil, street veil, veil of the citizeness) (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 107)
veil, freedom (noun)
the second in the layer of veils worn by Freewomen also called the ΓÇÿveil of the citizeness'. Worn over the pride veil and under the last veil (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 107)
veil, house (noun)
the next-to-last veil worn by freewomen especially when in the company of men not of her own family; worn over the pride veil and under the street veil upon leaving the house. (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 107)
veil, intimacy (noun)
a long, linear, diaphanous face veil worn by Freewoman. Its opacity is determined by how many times it is wrapped about the face. (Book 12: Beasts of Gor, page 404)
veil, last (noun)
the innermost of the five veils worn by free women; it is worn under the veil of the citizeness and is often very sheer. (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 107)
veil of the citizeness (noun)
the second of the veils worn by free women; worn under the pride veil and over the last veil (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 107)
veil, pride (noun)
the third veil worn by free women; worn under the house veil and over the veil of the citizeness. (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 107)
veil, rep-cloth (noun)
a rough veil worn by Free women of lower caste. (Book 5: Assassin of Gor, page 141)
veil, slave (noun)
a small triangle of diaphanous yellow silk worn across the bridge of the nose and covering the lower half of the face; it parodies the heavy veils worn by free women as it conceals nothing and often arouses the lust of masters. (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 107)
veil, street (noun)
the outermost veil worn by freewomen; worn over the house veil when leaving the house. (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 107)
veminium, Thentis (noun)
a bluish wildflower commonly found on the lower ranges of the Thentis mountains; used in perfumes (Book 5: Assassin of Gor, page 163; Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 50; Book 15: Rogue of Gor, page 91)
veminium bird (noun)
a bird with a beautiful song not otherwise described (Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 363)
veminium, desert (noun)
small, purplish flower found in the Tahari; used in perfumes (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 50)
Veminium oil (noun)
by-product of Veminium petals being boiled in water; a scented oil used in middle to upper class homes to rinse hands before and after eating. (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 50)
Ven (noun)
a small city, part of the Vosk League, a river port on the southern bank of the Vosk. It is the last town to the west on the south bank until the delta. Ven is at the junction of the Ta-Thassa Cartius and the Vosk.
Ven Highlands (noun)
Home of jungle tribes in Equatorial Rain Forests, with descending plains drained by the Thassa Cartius River it is located in the extreme north center of the Jungles of Schendi.
Venna (noun)
a small, exclusive resort city, located west of Voltai and about two hundred pasangs north of Ar, noted for its fine baths and tharlarion races. It is a common locale for the villas of the rich, usually from Ar. Venna has many small and fine shops, catering to the wealthy. The Telluria section, in the northwest part of the city, on a hill, is the preferred residential section. (Book 17: Savages of Gor, page 88; Book 22: Dancer of Gor, page 319)
vengeance and contempt slavery (adv)
one form of vengeance slavery is proxy slavery where one woman, totally innocent, is enslaved and made to stand proxy for a hated, but unavailable woman, even being given her name. Ironically, even though the original woman may be found, the proxy is not released from slavery. (Book 18: Blood Brothers of Gor, pages 139-140)
Verl River (noun)
tributary of the Vosk that flows northwestward into the Vosk.
verr (noun)
a mountain goat indigenous to the Voltai Mountains; wild, agile, ill-tempered, with long hair and spiraling horns; source of a form of wool; it milk is potable, as well as being used for cheese (Book 3: Priest Kings of Gor, page 63)
verr grass (noun)
a type of common brownish grass that grows, stubbornly, in the shaded spots of the Tahari. (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 71).
verr milk (noun)
sometimes sold in open markets from a brass container, carried on a strap and served in tiny brass cups. (Book 17: Savages of Gor, page 61)
verus (adjective)
Victoria (noun)
a port city, capital of the Vosk League, located on the northern bank of the Vosk River, east of Ar's Station. One of the founding members and headquarters of the Vosk League, it is known as a haven for pirates and it slave markets. It was once known as a den of thieves, a market and slave town. Most of the pirates and thieves have been run out of the town. Tasdron is the Administrator. (Book 16: Guardsman of Gor, page 235; Book 23: Renegades of Gor, page 34)
viktel (noun)
triumph, as in Viktel Aria, a military road named ΓÇ£Triumph of ArΓÇ¥ (Book 19: Kajira of Gor, page 217)
Viktel Aria (noun)
a military road, the phrase translates as ΓÇ£Ar's TriumphΓÇ¥ or ΓÇ£The Triumph of ArΓÇ¥ and is also known as the Vosk Road in its more northern lengths; its northern terminus is Ar's Station. Since it is the most direct route from Ar to the Vosk, it is a military road. Wide and built like a wall set into the earth it is marked with pasang stones. There are deep ditches along much of the road except for crossroads and turn-offs, to make it harder to bring supply wagons onto the road from the east and west. (Book 15: Rogue of Gor, page 63; Book 19: Kajira of Gor, page 217)
vine, liana (noun)
a rainforest plant that can be used as a source of drinking water; usually the first cut is made high about the head and the second cut made about a foot from the ground, giving a vine tube which when drained will yield approximately a lieter of water (Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 310)
vint (noun)
tiny, sand-colored insects found in the Tahari Desert. (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 115)
Violet grass (noun)
patches of stalky grass, one of several hues used in pleasure gardens of Turia.
virgin bell (noun)
single bell sometimes worn on a Freewoman's left ankle to announce her availability to swains. (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 45)
Voltai Mountain Range (noun)
also known as the Red Mountains, located east of Ar and south of the Vosk river, stretching from there to the Tahari Desert. The Voltai are the eastern border of known Gor. They are dull reddish cliffs due to large deposits of iron oxide and are the greatest mountain range on known Gor. The Voltai is home to several bandit cities and bands of outlaws including Treve. (Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 144)
Vonda (noun)
a city, part of the Salerian Confederation, located downriver of the Olni River, which has no tarnsmen.
Vosk (noun)
Gor's mightiest river, flowing thousands of pasangs in a slightly southwesterly direction from its source in the Voltai Range to the marshes of the Vosk Delta, the Tamber Gulf, and on the the Thassa, it rampages across most of known Gor, over forty pasangs broad. The scene of mighty naval battles, involving fleets of warships, it is under constant threat from river pirates and cities who would control its merchant trade. The Vosk League, a political and protective alliance, was formed to promote trade interests by the towns along its banks. See also ΓÇ£Vosk League.ΓÇ¥ (Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 72; Book 15: Rogue of Gor, page 40; Book 16: Guardsman of Gor, page 235)
Vosk Delta (noun)
delta at the mouth of the Vosk River where it empties into the Tamber Gulf and the Thassa beyond, is a marshland thousands of square pasangs long, is treacherous and difficult to navigate, having channels that change almost overnight. The marshes can be traversed in small rush crafts through hundreds of shallow, constantly shifting channels. The treacherous delta is inhabited, particularly in the east, by communities of rence growers who eke out a living harvesting rence. Often little more than a trackless marsh its poor visibility is due to the rence plants and its sluggish, muddy waters that vary from a few inches deep to deep enough for a ship; quicksand can be found there as well. The average depth, after the spring thaws upriver, is three to five feet and is infested with insects, snakes and tharlarion. It is the habitat of the marsh tharlarion and the predatory Ul. Marsh sharks even swim among the reeds. The eastern portion has fresh water. Port Kar that lays some hundred pasangs from its northwest edge, bordering on the shallow Tamber Gulf, claims the delta. Ships from Thassa cannot pass through the delta to the Vosk River due to the delta's almost impassibility. The entire area is claimed by Port Kar which lies within it, some hundred pasangs from its northwestern edge. (Book 6: Raiders of Gor, pages 5-6; Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 26; Book 24: Vagabonds of Gor, page 88)
vosk gull (noun)
a gull of the Vosk Delta and Vosk River, it apparently has a loud or insistent cry, which is imitated by the rence people as a means of surreptitious communication at night. Its feathers are used on sheaf arrows. It winters on the prairies of the Wagon Peoples and flies north in the spring, when the ice breaks up. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 137)
Vosk League (noun)
an alliance of 19 towns (Fina, Forest Port, Hammerfest, Iskander, Jasmine, Jort's Ferry, Point Alfred, Port Cos, Ragnar's Hamlet, Sais, Siba, Sulport, Tafa, Tancred's Landing, Tetrapoli, Turmus, Ven, Victoria, White Water) formed to keep the Vosk River clear of pirates and to promote trade (Book 16: Guardsman of Gor, page 235)
Vosk River (noun)
Gor's mightiest river, some forty pasangs in width and flowing thousands of pasangs in a slightly southwesterly direction from its source in the Voltai Range to the marshes of the Vosk Delta, the Tamber Gulf, and on the the Thassa, it rampages across most of known Gor. It passes by Ar and pours into the Tamber Gulf. The scene of mighty naval battles, involving fleets of warships, it is under constant threat from river pirates and cities that would control its merchant trade. River ships of Ar and Cos battle here for influence over the river and its towns. The Vosk League, a political and protective alliance, was formed to promote trade interests by the towns along its banks. Most towns on the river are free states and belong to the Vosk League. The southern bank is much less populous than the northern bank. (See also ΓÇ£Vosk LeagueΓÇ¥) (Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 72)
Vosk Sorp (noun)
a giant clam that thrives in the seas and Marshes of Gor, the shell of which is large enough to be used as a throne.
Vosk turtle (noun)
can grow to be gigantic, these animals are carnivorous, aggressive and persistent. Can be difficult to kill. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 204)
Voyages of Acquisition (noun)
voyages made to Earth by the Priest-Kings to gather biological samples; this perhaps accounts for the similarity in many animals, as well as in language and culture, between Earth and Gor (Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 32; Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 326)
vulo (noun)
a tawny colored, domesticated bird, similar to a mourning dove, which also exists in the wild; used for meat and eggs (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, pages 1 and 84; Book 8: Hunters of Gor, page 34; Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 48)

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