Midnight Cowboy

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Midnight Cowboy is a 1969 American drama film based on the 1965 novel of the same name by James Leo Herlihy. The screenplay was written by Waldo Salt. Directed by John Schlesinger, the film stars Dustin Hoffman and then-newcomer Jon Voight in the title role. Notable smaller roles are filled by Sylvia Miles, John McGiver, Brenda Vaccaro, Bob Balaban, and Barnard Hughes; M. Emmet Walsh is an uncredited, pre-fame extra.

The film won three Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay. In addition, it was the first X-rated movie to win the Oscar. Later, certain parts of the film were edited and it received an R rating, followed by the MPAA's decision to let the complete original print stay as is: the R rating for this film remains to this day.

The spanking and enema scenes

There's a dream sequence in which protagonist Joe Buck (Jon Voight) is remembering a traumatic incident in which he and his girlfriend were dragged naked from their car by a group of sneering, salivating men. Interspersed amid the haunting event are flashback memories of Joe's grandmother, including one in which she is giving him a spanking.

The flashback scene is in black-and-white. Joe as a boy (played by T. Tom Marlow), is spanked on his bare bottom by his grandmother (F/B, OTK). A split-second jump-cut shows just one impact filmed from a worm's eye view. The grandmother is seated on a bed and the boy appears to be fully nude (although looking closely one can see his pants scrunched up around his knees).
The grandmother was a prostitute, who had been abused by men. She in turn found several ways to abuse her grandson. The spanking was supposed to be punishment for the boy's homosexual tendencies, which he had even back then.

Half the men drag off his girlfriend and rape her, while the other half bend Joe over the front of the car and rape him. As they pull his legs apart, there's another very brief flashback scene of his grandmother preparing to give him an enema. This scene is also filmed in black-and-white and the same worm's eye camera view is used; mainly just showing a quick glimpse of the enema bag.


T. Tom Marlow was born in 1960, making him 8 or 9 years old when Midnight Cowboy was filmed. Both he and his mother had to sign a simple release for the "nude" scene. He never did any other acting, nor did he appear in any other films other than Midnight Cowboy. The spanking was 'real' only in the aspect that the actor received several 'soft' smacks on his bare bottom. For the movie this footage was sped up to make it look more real.

See also

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