Gorean dictionary K: Difference between revisions

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m (Text replacement - "silk" to "silk")
m (Text replacement - " Kurii" to " Kurii")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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;knee walk, Turian (noun)
;knee walk, Turian (noun)
:  mentioned, but not described except that it is sometimes used by slave dancers.  (Book 25:  Magicians of Gor, page 342)
:  mentioned, but not described except that it is sometimes used by slave [[dancer]]s.  (Book 25:  Magicians of Gor, page 342)

;Kneel to the Coffle (command)
;Kneel to the Coffle (command)
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;Kur Hand (noun)
;Kur Hand (noun)
:  name of a military unit in Kurii which consists of six Blood.
:  name of a military unit in [[Kurii]] which consists of six Blood.

;Kurii axe (noun)
;Kurii axe (noun)

Latest revision as of 02:19, 1 August 2023



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Gorean Dictionary - K

kaffiyeh (noun)
a head covering of the tribesmen of the Tahari, it is a squarish cloth, folded into a triangle, and placed over the head, two points at the side of the shoulders, one in back to protect the back of the neck. It is bound to he head by several loops of cord, the agal. (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, pages 20 and 301)
kaiila (noun)
large (20-22 hands), carnivorous mammal, with a long neck and silky fur; its eyes have 3 lids; is viviparous, has incredible stamina, and can be domesticated for riding in spite of its vicious temper; in the Tahari, its long hair is used to braid rope; its milk is potable by humans (Book 17: Savages of Gor, page 307)
Kaiila (noun)
a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens; their language is related to that of the Dust Legs (Book 17: Savages of Gor, pages 148, 229 and 307)
kaiila, desert (noun)
also known as sand kaiila; this omnivorous animal is related to the southern kaiila and similar in most aspects barring pelt color and rearing of young; pelt color is tawny or black and young are suckled for a length of time. The men of the Tahari Desert use this mount. (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 71)
kaiila, southern (noun)
large (20-22 hands) carnivorous mammal with long neck and silky fur; its eyes have three lids; is viviparous has incredible stamina (capable of covering 600 in a day) and can be domesticated for riding in spite of its vicious temper. It has a rich gold to black. The kaiila is a mammal, but there is no suckling of the young, who begin hunt within hours of birth. These are the mounts of the Wagon Peoples. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 13)
kailla lance (noun)
used for hunting kailiauk and mounted warfare, there are two types. The hunting lance is longer, heavier, and thicker than the war lance, and is undecorated except for the feathers of the prairie fleer. The point of the hunting lance is longer and narrower. The shafts are made from black, supple, and strong, made from tem wood. head is made of metal, bone or stone, affixed to the shaft with sinew, rawhide or metal trade rivets. Any decoration or mountings, such as wrist loops are bound onto the weapon with rawhide and sinew. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 15; Book 17: Savages of Gor, page 42)
kaiila milk (noun)
used by the peoples of the Tahari as verr milk is used elsewhere, it is reddish with a salty strong taste due to the content of ferrous sulfate. (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 71)
kaiila reins (noun)
a light rein, plaited with 10 to 12 strips of dyed leather. Each strip is cut with knives to be thinner than a thread, but the combination is very strong and durable. Used by the Tribesmen of the Tahari.
Kaiila River (noun)
a river in the Barrens, it has two branches known as the North Kaiila River and the South Kaiila River. The Snake River is a tributary of the North Kaiila River. These rivers mark important boundaries in the territories of the Isanna, Napoktan, Wismahi, Isbu and Casmu bands of the Kaiila tribe. It is conjectured that the Kaiila Tribe, finding large herds of kaiila, took the name for themselves, and later the River of the Kaiila Tribe became, simply, the Kaiila River. (Book 18: Blood Brothers of Gor, page 24)
kaiila, southern (noun)
large (20-22 hands) carnivorous mammal with long neck and silky fur; its eyes have 3 lids; is viviparous has incredible stamina (capable of covering 600 pasangs in a day) and can be domesticated for riding in spite of its vicious temper. It has a rich gold to black. The kaiila is a mammal, but there is no suckling of the young, who begin hunt within hours of birth. These are the mounts of the Wagon Peoples. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 13)
kail (direction)
directional division of a gorean map. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 3 footnote)
kailiauk (noun)
stocky ruminant, tawny with red and brown markings on its haunches, having three horns; stands c. 20-25 hands at the shoulder; weighing as much as 4,000 lbs, they migrate across the Barrens in massive herds, hunted by Red Savages and those who trade in their hides. They have a trident horn. (Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 93)
kailiauk, Barrens, herds of (noun)
gigantic, dangerous beast that stands 20-25 hands at the shoulder and weighs as much as 4,000 lbs. They migrate across the Barrens in massive herds, hunted by Red Savages and those who trade in their hides. They have a trident horn. (Book 17: Savages of Gor, pages 40 and 95)
Kailiauk, city of (noun)
town on the Frontier of The Barrens, NE of Fort Haskins; the easternmost town at the foot of the Thentis mountains. It is a major trade center for the purchase, processing and selling of kailiauk hides taken from the massive herds that traverse The Barrens. It is also a slave trade center, dealing primarily in barbarian girls who are sold at various points along the perimeter. (Book 17: Savages of Gor, pages 77 and 93-98)
kailiauk, forest (noun)
four-legged wide-headed, lumbering, stocky ruminants, described as short trunked and tawny. The males have three trident-like horns, with brown and reddish bars on the haunches. The males are 400 to 500 Gorean stone (1600-2000 lbs) and are 10 hands at the shoulder. The females are 8 hands and weigh 300 - 400 Gorean stone (1200-1600 lbs). Their horns and tooled hides are major exports of the port of Schendi. (Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 93)
kailiauk, prairie (noun)
short-trunked, stocky, awkward ruminant of the plains. Their color is tawny with haunches marked in red and brown bars. Their wide heads bear a trident horn. They instinctively circle when resting, their she-kailiauk and young protected within. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 2)
Kailiauk, Tribe (noun)
a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens; their language is a dialect of Kaiila. (Book 17: Savages of Gor, page 233)
Kaissa (noun; lit. "the game")
a board game much favored on Gor; the board is marked with 100 squares, colored alternately red and yellow; there are 20 pieces per side, which represent Ubar and Ubara, Initiates, Riders of the High Tharlarion, Tarnsmen, Scribes, Builders, Spearmen or Spear Slaves, and the Home Stone; it is played much like chess, the object being to capture one"s opponent"s Home Stone; in Torvaldsland, the Ubar, Ubara, tarnsman, Initiate, and Scribes are replaced by the Jarl, Jarl"s Woman, Ax, Rune-Priest, and Singer, respectively. Instead of a Home Stone, the object is to take the Hall. (Book 8: Hunters of Gor, page 47; Book 9: Marauders of Gor, pages 56-63; Book 22: Dancer of Gor, page 221)
kaissa ciphers (noun)
used by the caste of players for transmission of private messages but can be used by anyone; often extremely difficult to decipher. (Book 20: Players of Gor, page 243)
Kaissa sand clock (noun)
a device used for timing kaiisa moves, it has a spigot arrangement to enable the flow of sand. When it is open for one player, it is off for the other. Each player enables it, as his play is completed. (Book 12: Beasts of Gor, page 85)
kajira (noun)
slave girl
pl. kajirae (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, pages 29 and 40; Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 437)
kajira canjellne (phrase)
Gorean term meaning literally "slave challenge"; one Gorean challenges another to combat the winner taking the slave as prize. (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 21)
kajirii (noun)
serves as the plural designation for kajirus, and also is the proper term for the plural when speaking of both slave genders. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 30; Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 437)
kajirus (noun)
male slave; pl. kajir (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 30; Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 437)
Kajuralia (noun; lit. "holiday of slaves")
a festival, similar to the Feast of Fools, is which slaves trade places with their masters and have much freedom to play tricks on free persons; celebrated in most northern civilized cities, with the exception of Port Kar, on the last day of the 12th Passage Hand, but in Ar and some other cities on the last day of the 5th month, the day before the Love Feast (Book 5: Assassin of Gor, page 229)
Ka-la-na (noun)
1) a tree with very strong yellow wood, used for making bows
2) a very potent dry red wine, made from the fruit of the Ka-la-na tree (Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 96)
Ka-la-na wine (noun)
a sweet, rich, fully bodied, deliciously fragrant ruby red wine, fermented from the fruit of the yellow-wood ka-la-na tree, variously described as rich and delicate as well as 'bright, dry, and powerful'. Like the wines of earth the quality of ka-la-na varies from that of a common table wine to premium brands such as the very expensive 'Slave Gardens of Anesidemus' and 'Boleto's Nectar', a medium-grade wine. Ar is particularly noted for its production of fine ka-la-na. Ka-la-na wine is reported to have an aphrodisiac effect on females. This drink often symbolizes romantic love. It is served chilled or at room temperature. (Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, pages 26, 79, 96, 168; Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 151; Book 7: Captive of Gor, pages 114, 331, and 332; Book 15: Rogue of Gor, pages 158 and 375; Book 21: Mercenaries of Gor, pages 344 and 360)
kal-da (noun)
alcoholic beverage made of distilled ka-la-na wine diluted with citrus juices, such as tospit and larma, and mixed with strong spices, and served hot, almost scalding. It is considered a peasant drink. (Note: an instance of an alternate spelling, i.e., Cal-da, exists) (Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, pages 76, 78, 80 and 226; Book 12: Beasts of Gor, page 61)
kalika (noun)
musical instrument having a long neck and hemispheric sound box, its six strings being plucked; similar to a banjo (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 153)
kalmak (noun)
open vest of black leather, baring the breasts, worn by the slave girls of the Wagon Peoples (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 30; Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 329)
kamba (noun)
Gorean word from the inland language, meaning rope. (Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 100)
Kamba River (noun)
empties directly into the Thassa outside the Harbor of Schendi. It leads into the rainforest. (Book 13: Explorers of Gor, pages 99-100)
kanda (noun)
a plant that grows in desert regions of Gor. Its roots are extremely toxic, even poisonous and a lethal poison can be extracted, but the leaves can be rolled and formed into strings, which are chewed or sucked to produce an addictive, narcotic stimulant effect. (Book 3: Priest Kings of Gor, page 25; Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 43)
kanda shrub (noun)
A shrub of the Gorean desert; a lethal poison can be extracted from its roots while chewing the leaves has an addictive narcotic.
kan-lara (noun)
Gorean word meaning "slave brand" (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 80)
kantharos (noun)
decanter, pitcher.
kara (noun)
Kargash (noun)
Town located on the western coast of Gor between Turia and the Anango Island.
Karl whale (noun)
four-fluked baleen whale hunted by the Red Hunters.
Kashani (noun)
a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 47)
kaska (noun)
a small hand drum (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 153; Book 22: Dancer of Gor, pages 179-180)
Kasra (noun)
a river port on the Lower Fayeen; downriver from Kurtzal and west of Tor; famed on Gor for its production of red salt. The salt is brought in from secret pits and mines in heavy cylinders on pack kaiila.
Kassars (noun)
one of the four tribes of the Wagon Peoples; also called the Blood People; their standard is a scarlet three-weighted bola, hanging from a lance. Their brand, which is used on both slaves and bosk, is a stylized representation of a bola, three circles joined at the center by lines. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 14)
Kassau (noun)
A northern coastal Free Trade Port city located at inlet of Thassa, with the northern forests behind it, northwest of Port Kar and the Mts. of Thentis and west of Torvaldsland. This is a town at the northern brink of the great forests of Gor. It is a town of wood. The town is surrounded by a wall, with two gates, one large, facing the inlet, leading in from Thassa, the other small, leading to the forest behind the town. The business is largely trade in furs from the north, lumber and fishing, particularly parsit fish from the plankton banks north of the town, exchanged for weapons, ironbars, salt and luxury items from the south. Lumber, particularly ka-la-na and tem-wood, are traded to the North, which is virtually treeless. It is the seat of the High Initiate of the north who claims spiritual sovereignty over Torvaldsland. (Book 9: Marauders of Gor, pages 25-28)
Kataii (noun)
one of the four tribes of the Wagon Peoples, whose members are black-skinned; their standard is a yellow bow, bound across a black lance. Their brand is a yellow bow, facing to the left. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 14)
katch (noun)
foliated leaf vegetable. (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 37)
Kavars (noun)
a major tribe of the Tahari; their vassal tribes are the Ta"Kara, Bakahs, Char, and Kashani; their war-cry is "Kavars Supreme!" (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, pages 160 and 186)
kef (noun)
a letter of the Gorean alphabet, analogous with the Earth letter "K"; the first letter of the Gorean words for male and female slaves, and hence often used as a brand (Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 67)
keleustes (noun)
on an oared ship, the man responsible for beating time for rowers on a copper drum or wooden block. Also known as a hortatory. (Book 6: Raiders of Gor, pages 183 and 280; Book 20: Players of Gor, page 34)
kennel (noun)
a small, concrete room, usu. 3"x3"x4", having an iron grill for a door, in which a slave girl may be confined at night (Book 5: Assassin of Gor, page 149)
kes (noun)
1) a shrub whose salty, blue secondary roots are a main ingredient in sullage (Book 3: Priest Kings of Gor, page 45); 2) short tunic of black leather worn by the male slaves of the Wagon Peoples (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 30)
kettle-and-mat girl (noun)
a slave girl whose function is divided between household tasks and sexual servitude (Book 5: Assassin of Gor, page 112; Book 6: Raiders of Gor, page 99)
Khurtzal (noun)
A village, upriver from Kasra on the Lower Fayeen River, north of Tor, overland. It is little more than a loading and shipping point on the Lower Fayeen.
ki (adv.)
no, not; also indicates a negative (ex. "la ki kajira" - I am not a slave girl) (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 3 footnote)
Kinyanpi (noun)
warrior tarnsmen of the Red Savages, they are also called, "The Flighted Ones" (Book 18: Blood Brothers of Gor, pages 238 and 244)
kirtle (noun)
the garb of a slave girl of the Torvald; thin white woolen garment ankle-length with a deep plunging neckline. (Book 9: Marauders of Gor, page 81)
kites (noun)
a type of bird with a shrill call.
klim (noun)
directional division of a Gorean map. (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 3 footnote)
Klima (noun)
salt mines of the Tahari desert, Klima was used as a form of penitentiary system where the salt Ubar send all who were found guilty of crimes to serve as slaves. Following the fall of Abdul however, Klima went on to become more of a City ruled by its own.
knee walk, simple (noun)
a slave travels on knees, without standing, to fetch items or tend to duties. (Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 342)
knee walk, Turian (noun)
mentioned, but not described except that it is sometimes used by slave dancers. (Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 342)
Kneel to the Coffle (command)
The girls kneel, closely, one behind the other, as their left wrists are placed in wrist rings; this is usually followed by the order to stand and then the order "Lower chain" where the girls lower their wrists. Thusly, they are then in line, standing, coffled.
Kneel to the Whip (position)
this command orders a slave to kneel, bowing her head to her knees, her wrists crossed under her as though bound. The position is intended to expose her back to the whip. (Book 3: Priest Kings of Gor, pages 201 and 202; Book 7: Captive of Gor, page 200; Book 15: Rogue of Gor, page 21; Book 18: Savages of Gor, page 137)
knife brand (noun)
rather like a tattoo, an appropriate design is cut into the thigh of a slave and a colored powder is rubbed into it. (Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 330)
knife, hook (noun)
a common knife with a curved blade used in slave competitions or hand-to-hand combat. (Book 5: Assassins of Gor, pages 86 and 260)
knife, killing (noun)
described as a throwing knife like those used in Ar, smaller than the quiva, a kanda paste is applied to the tip of the blade. An assassin"s weapon. (Book 5: Assassin of Gor, pages 41-42)
knife, snow (noun)
large curved tabuk-bone, saw-toothed knife, used to cut into the snow to make snow blocks as for building iglu"s in the Innuit country of the far north. (Book 12: Beasts of Gor, page 325)
knife, turf (noun)
wooden-bladed, saw-edged, paddle-like tool, used by Red Savages to cut and saw sod. When the handle is held in the right hand and the blade is supported with the left, it may be used as a shovel. (Book 18: Blood Brothers of Gor, pages 311-312)
knife, whip (noun)
a whip but set into its final eighteen inches, arranged in sets of four, are twenty thin, narrow blades. Their tips vary. Some have a double-edged blade of seven to eight inches at the tip while others have a stunning lead, this knife is unique to Port Kar. (Book 6: Raiders of Gor, pages 107 and 109)
knot bondage (noun)
a loose knot tied in a slave"s long hair near her right cheek or before her right shoulder that has two meanings, depending on how it is used. If a slave girl approaches a Master and kneels naked before him, looping the knot herself, she silently begs for use. If a Master ties the knot himself, notably during a time of battle, it is his way of marking the girl as taken if he must continue on, leaving her bound behind. (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, pages 27 and 321; Book 22: Dancer of Gor, pages 299-300)
knot, capture (noun)
a knot recognized for it"s unique turnings as rope or binding fiber tied by a Warrior; usually in the capture of a slave girl but also used on any likely foe. (Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 58)
koda (noun)
Dust Leg word meaning friend. (Book 17: Savages of Gor, page 257)
kodakiciyapi (noun)
Dust Leg word meaning peace, friendship. (Book 17: Savages of Gor, page 257)
kola (noun)
Kaiila word meaning friend. (Book 17: Savages of Gor, page 257)
ko-lar (noun)
slave collar (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 80)
Ko-lar (Collar) or Position of Female Submission (command)
She kneels at the Master"s feet and leans her body back, sitting upon her heels, with her arms extended upward, crossed at the wrists, and her head beneath them lowered in supplication
koora (noun)
strip of red fabric worn as a headband by the slave girls of the Wagon Peoples (Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 30)
ko-ro-ba (noun)
archaic Gorean term for village market (Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, page 40)
Ko-ro-ba, city of (noun)
a city northwest of the Thentis Mountains. It is also northwest of Ar, across the Vosk. The city is also known as the Towers of the Morning. Its Administrator is Matthew Cabot, the father of Tarl Cabot. The Home Stone of Tarl Cabot, Ko-ro-ba is found high in the northern latitudes of Gor, approximately one thousand pasangs from the Sardar Mountains. Described as a city of lofty cylinders, set among rolling green hills, it was destroyed by the will of the Priest Kings to enlist Tarl of Ko-ro-ba in a search which would ensure the continuation of their ancient, but endangered species. The city was permitted to be rebuilt. (Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, pages 39-42; Book 7: Captive of Gor, page 59)
kort (noun)
a large, brownish-skinned, thick-rinded, sphere-shaped fruit of the Tahari; usually six inches in width. The interior is yellowish and fibrous, and heavily seeded; served sliced with melted cheese and nutmeg. (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 37)
kosis (noun)
Kur (noun}
lit. "beast"; pl. kurii a corruption of their name for themselves): a large (8-9") furred, mammal having four legs, which can stand upright or on all fours; each paw has six multi-jointed digits with retractable claws and an opposing thumb, so that it can grip; it has two rows of teeth; they are incredibly strong and ferocious, and are carnivorous, even to eating humans (See "Kurii") (Book 9: Marauders of Gor, pages 92 and 109; Book 17: Savages of Gor, pages 21-22)
kurdah (noun)
a small, light, semicircular tent, c. 3" in diameter and 4" high, carried by a pack kaiila, in which women (slave or free) may ride; the frame is of tem-wood and is covered with layers of white rep-cloth; used mainly in the Tahari (Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 69)
Kur Hand (noun)
name of a military unit in Kurii which consists of six Blood.
Kurii axe (noun)
great, double-bladed iron axes some seven or eight feet in height. The blade, from tip to tip is two feet in width. The handle is made of carved, green needle wood, round and four inches in diameter. (Book 9: Marauders of Gor, page 171)
Kurii, race of (noun)
an alien race existing in their space ships, which orbit in the asteroid belts of the outer atmosphere, their "Steel World". It is thought that their own world had been destroyed, partially as a result of their advanced technology, ferocity, and greed. They are locked in a war with the Priest-Kings for the domination of Gor and Earth. Their ships have sometimes been shattered and have fallen to the surface. It is the practice of the Priest-Kings to destroy the wrecks, but they do not hunt down and exterminate the survivors. These marooned Kur are allowed to live if they abide by the laws of the Priest-Kings. They are extremely powerful, highly intelligent, fond of killing and technologically advanced. (See "Kurii" and "steel world") (Book 9: Marauders of Gor, pages 92-93 and 295; Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 362; Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 94)
Kurii shield (noun)
a wide iron shield, round and four feet in diameter.
kurt (noun)
the five-bladed slave whip (Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 83)
Kurtzal (noun)
village is north of Tor; little more than a loading and shipping point on the Lower Fayeen.
kwah (noun)
a Gorean letter similar to "q"

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