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This article is a Biography

This article is titled
Legends of Dominance
by Mistress Michelle Peters et al.
and posted with permission
(All information herein is provided by author)

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Also see: Name Cross Reference

Mistress Michelle Peters

Mistress Michelle
the Blonde Ballbuster of B&D

This interview was taken in 1979 for Sept. 1980 issue of High Society Magazine, it is one of the first interviews of a Professional Mistress for that type of magazine!

HIGH SOCIETY: Your business card describes you as a Behavior Consultant. What exactly is a Behavior Consultant?

MICHELLE PETERS: Just what the card says. I straighten out bad boys who don't know how to behave! Now, many people would think of me as a dominatrix, but I believe that my treatments go way beyond standard B&D.

HS; How so?

MP: I serve a very therapeutic function. A lot of very inhibited, hung-up men have come to me, and I've really helped them out. They think, for instance, that they're the only ones in the world who like to be humiliated.

Many of them have a communication problem in their marriages or with the rest of the world, for that matter. I've straightened out a lot of men's heads.

HS: How long have you been doing this?

MP: I've been involved in B&D for about eighteen years. But, as a professional pursuit, I've been giving consultations for four years.

HS: Do any famous people use your services?

MP: I see lots of professionals, doctors, lawyers, corporate types. And I've seen a lot of TV and movie stars.

HS: Do these actors portray a very macho image on the screen?

MP: Oh, yes! (Laughing)

HS: So why do they require your services?

MP: First, you have to understand that everyone has a dominant side and a submissive side. Previously, society really forced a lot of men to hide their submissive nature. Men were the aggressors; women submitted. It was unseemly for a male to enjoy or admit to pain. Things are changing. Then, there is the element of guilt that surrounds a lot of men's sex lives. I release them from that guilt by forcing them to give in to me; I take control out of their hands.

HS; Are most of your clients married?

MP: Many are, but I don't really think of my slaves as clients. They're not paying for my services. I receive tokens of appreciation and presents in return for giving them the privilege of serving me. When money becomes the sole object of something like this, then it's too much of a business. I am turned on to the pleasure end of B&D, not the paying end.

HS: So, you're not just in it for the money. Can you describe a typical session or some of the things that might go on?

MP: Sometimes I get into Oriental rope bondage. A lot of people like that. I do whippings and spankings. ..

HS: What's Oriental rope bondage?

MP: That is something that Orientals came up with years ago when they couldn't afford to buy fancy equipment. It's bondage using found objects, like chairs and ladders and ropes and bamboo poles. It's a very complex, precise method of tying a person up.

HS: Where did you learn how to do this?

MP: Well, there aren't any schools for learning how to perform Oriental bondage, but I looked at a few books and I've seen people doing it.

HS; What other kinds of nasty business do you and your slaves like to get into?

MP: Water sports, enemas, nipple torture, penis torture.. .a lot of men like to be humiliated anally. Quite a large number enjoy dressing up as women; particularly as maids. We play "maid service."

HS; Tell us about "maid service."

MP: That's a lot of fun. It's petticoat domination, one of the oldest forms of domination in the world. The man is dressed up in a maid's uniform, with a little skirt and an apron. Then he is forced to clean the floor, sometimes with his tongue. I make him perform all the duties that are normally assigned to maids, like answering the door, cleaning toilets and washing dishes. If he does anything wrong or messes up on his chores he gets a terrific beating.

HS; Do you cater to the individual needs of each person?

MP: As I said, I'm like a therapist or a psychiatrist, in that I have to really "psych out" my clients the minute they walk in my door. I figure out where they're at, what they want, and then I work within the limits of each slave. But I don't cater to them. They cater to me, and to my needs.

HS: Has anything funny or unusual ever happened to you?

MP: Well, once, I got an IRS man confused with a slave. About two minutes before the slave was supposed to arrive at my door, the IRS man rang my buzzer. I had ordered the slave, who I had only spoken to on the phone, to pick up some cough syrup for me. I got very angry with him for not remembering my cough medicine and ordered him to put his hands behind his back. I was about to handcuff him when he yelled, "Wait! I'm here on official business from the Internal Revenue Service!" I really thought that was part of the game, and I threatened to break his arms. Well, luckily or unluckily for him, the real slave showed up with my cough syrup and the IRS man took off! He said he'd come back another time.. .but he never did!

Another time, I was expecting a new slave who I'd also never seen. So when the doorbell rang, I answered it.

But I didn't see anyone. Finally, I slammed the door shut. The bell rang again. This time I saw him, hovering around my kneecap. He was a midget.

HS; Where and how do you like to party?

MP: I go to a lot of private parties around the country. They're a lot of fun. You see people from all walks of life at these parties. Sometimes you meet famous personalities; sometimes you run into real freaks!

HS; What kinds of things happen at S&M parties?

MP: Anything and everything! Whippings, spankings and bisexual orgying. Men run around in diapers or they get dressed up as sluts or maids.

HS: What do you consider to be heavy S&M?

MP: Anything to do with drawing blood. Piercing the skin is heavy. So are branding and mutilation. That's playing with the body as opposed to the mind. I'm into mental manipulations, not physical extremes.

HS; Why?

MP: I just don't care to take it that far; I think my way of doing things is more fun.

HS; What's the heaviest thing you ever did?

MP: Once, another lady I knew brought over a slave who needed to be severely punished, so I branded him - that's the heaviest. To this day he still carries my brand on his body.

HS; Have you invested a lot of money in S&M equipment?

MP: Most of my equipment was given to me by my slaves, but I have about five or six thousand dollars worth of B&D toys. I know one couple who live close by who have sunk $100,000 into an indoor dungeon.

HS: What's in the,dungeon?

MP: They have everything: Stretching tables, racks, stocks, cages, whips paddles, cattle prongs and all kinds of leather attire, like harnesses and underwear. You name it, they have it - and have probably done it, too!

HS; Are they happily married?

MP: Oh, definitely.

HS: Who is the dominant in the relationship?

MP: She is, of course.

HS; Have you ever been married?

MP: Twice!

HS; Did either of your husbands like to be dominated?

MP: My second marriage was very hot. We were together for about five years. We got into all kinds of B&D games, and we'd switch roles a lot. Sometimes he would call me from his office and tell me what he wanted me to wear, and I would get.dressed up in something very sexy "and kinky so that when he came home everything would be ready. I used to make him wear kinky female underwear under his suit when he went to work. It lasted for five wonderful years!

HS: Were you into swinging, too?

MP: Not particularly. No, it was more of a private thing.

HS: What's your present position on love and marriage?

MP: I would really enjoy being married to a submissive male. But, there is more to life than just B&D - like holding hands in the rain or going bowling. You have to have a lot in common.

HS: Are you bisexual?

MP: I didn't have a sexual encounter with a woman until I was 27. I wanted to try it out, so I did - and guess what? I loved it! Women have a very different outlook on B&D. They love to be humiliated - more than whippings, they are turned on to the humiliation aspect of it, being treated like a little girl or a whore. A lot of ladies like bondage and enemas. Or they want to be treated like a piece of furniture, to be kicked around.

HS: What is the lure of B&D? What makes it more appealing than, say, regular sex?

MP: B&D foreplay prolongs the sex act. It's a whole other thing. Instead of jumping straight into bed and getting down for ten minutes or even half an hour, you've got this incredible build-up that lasts for four or five hours. It really intensifies the pleasure. Then there is the guilt aspect that I mentioned before. Guilt is so ingrained in people that being dominated and forced into something is a tremendous release for them.

HS: You must get a lot of calls from -. novices.

MP: Oh, sure. A lot of "virgins" are dying to try out a new thrill and they want someone who is experienced and intelligent. I tell novices that they should read up a lot on it before they get into it, just so they'll know what to expect. You have to be careful because you don't want to do any serious or heavy damage to the person.

HS: Where can would-be slaves contact you, if they feel they need a consultation?

MP: ! can be reached at 313-585-9420 or they can write to me. My address is: Box 781, Pontiac, Michigan 48056. My lines are sometimes real busy because I get about 100 to 150 calls a day, but if you keep trying, you'll get through. As far as I'm concerned, the naughtier they are, the better. Just remember, everyone gets what they deserve!

--Compiled by Mistress Michelle & slave english

The Art of B&D

An Interview with Mistress Michelle
Copyright ( c ) October 1985
Corporal Newspaper - Vol. 8, No. 13, Dec. 1985

Bill: You said you give talks on Dominance...

Michelle: If you mean do I give lectures on a regular basis...no I don't. Once in a while a college or university will call and ask me to speak to a Social Anthropology or Cultural Anthropology class to give a talk on B&D.

Bill: What do you say to a class?

Michelle: I bring in some photos and equipment and show them what B&D is all about.

Bill: B&D appeals to a very select audience. How do the people in these classes react?

Michelle: That's the funny thing about this -they sit there and joke around a laugh about it - we make a fun time of it. Some of the people I've gotten to know in these classes, I then get to know through B&D. These lectures are a way for these people to discover about it.

Bill: What is a typical session like?

Michelle: It's probably easier to tell you about the first couple of sessions I have with a slave than to try to tell you what a typical session is. There is no such thing as a typical session. People's tastes are as different as the people who have them. At the first session, and this is what happens to everyone no matter who they are or what their experience is, I give them a kind of introductory session. This includes a lot of different things.

Bill: Like what?

Michelle: We do some verbal humiliation, whipping, spanking, and maybe some harnesses. When we get to a certain point in the session, I give the person a choice of what he's like to do. I won't do anything he's not into. When I was younger, and I felt like doing something, I did it! I got a lot of slaves mad at me and probably lost many of them to other mistresses. I've learned not to do anything people aren't into. By the second or third session, I know what the slave likes, and the session goes from there, sometimes it's more intense, sometimes we experiment with something new, but each session is different. Everyone is an individual and has his own tastes. Since I've done this for so long, and I'm into so many things, there's probably nothing I haven't done.

Bill: If you had a perfect session, what would it be?

Michelle: A perfect session would be a slave that came on time, paid on time, and did everything I wanted to do. If I asked him if he was into harnesses he'd say 'yes', the same for whipping, spanking, or nipple torture. A perfect session not only requires a good mistress, but also a slave who is well-versed in everything. This allows you to show all your skills at being a mistress, and his expertise at being a submissive. At the end of the session, I'd like him to tell me he likes it.

Bill: Have you had any 'perfect' sessions?

Michelle: Sure! I've had a lot of them. You certainly don't want a person to come in and you ask him 'are you into XXX?' and he says 'no'. Or are you into YYY?' and he says 'no' again... What's the point of coming? We're not going to sit down and have tea and cookies! The whole idea is for it to be pleasurable for both of us.

Bill: Are sessions sexually stimulating for you?

Michelle: Yes they are. That's one reason being a Dominant is so much fun: The pleasure is on many levels. For me, it's really erotic when something unexpected happens. I can't say that if I have a guy come in, and in the middle of piercing his nipples he passes out that THAT is sexually stimulating. But if a person were to come in, and I did something different to him and he found a new area of excitement for him, then that's what is really exciting! It's im- portant to say that this doesn't have to be particularly heavy or raw to be exciting to me. I can simply take a person out in public and humiliate him for it to be exciting for both of us. I told you earlier about the slave I had in the restaurant? That was a blast

Bill: Do your slaves tend to have orgasms as part of the session?

Michelle: Sure, sometimes I let them have the reward of an orgasm. I have a certain philosophy about this: If a slave is good, he gets a reward. If he is not good. he gets disciplined. I haven't seen one good slave yet, when they first come to me, but they usually get a reward of some type.

Bill: Any limits on what a slave can ask for?

Michelle: I don't put up with this garbage about wanting to fuck me or stuff. That would be the ultimate reward for a slave, and I've seen very few who even have the potential to deserve that as a reward.

Bill: Is intercourse ever part of a session?

Michelle: No. If a guy wants intercourse, he can get it from his wife, his girlfriend, or a girl at a bar. They don't come to me looking for sex, they come expecting to be dominated.

Bill: It would seem that a large majority of professional dominants are female with only few male dominants. Do you know why?

Michelle: Traditionally, males are brought up to be dominant and females are brought up to be submissive. Probably, the combination of hormones, environment, and circumstances that caused me to be dominant also cause men to be submissive; if you understand my meaning. But this is not the way society is set up. Once a girl realizes that she doesn't fit into the role of being submissive and has this power of being a Mistress, she either finds a man to be a slave for her or advertises in these magazines. It's not all that uncommon.

Males are usually dominant. Consequently, the average person either doesn't know a lot about dominance or submission or, for that matter has any particular desire to learn about it. They do it naturally throughout their lives. A husband yelling at his wife, or demanding sex on a regular basis, and his wife consenting to it, is an example of dominance and submission.

There's a big difference between Dominance and wife-battering and rape, Dominance is a personality trait. Wife-battering is sick sadism!

What we tend to call a "henpecked" husband, is his wife actually becoming a Mistress and both of them not knowing it.

Males don't particularly have to advertise as dominants because that's the way our culture is. If they did, there would probably be a lot of people answering their ads. The reason that females advertise is that there are so few of us. Because there are so few really dominant women, we are in high demand, to the point of being able to charge a fee and make an excellent living from being a Mistress.

Quite frankly, I don't think a male could make a living as a dominant. Who would he dominate anyway? Women? A girl doesn't have to go to a male dominant to be submissive. All she has to do is live in this culture! She could get it for free from just bout anyone.

Bill: Do all mistresses advertise?

Michelle: I do, but just the other day I was talking to another mistress who said she ever advertised at all, and had lots of slaves!

Bill: Do you regularly talk with other mistresses and exchange techniques, slaves, etc.?

Michelle: It's not like we have a professional association and get together on a regular basis to exchange ideas. I do talk to many mistresses over the phone. I think the ones that talk to me are the ones who are not threatened by someone else. They are the REAL mistresses. They're in complete control of their own lives and totally secure with themselves in the world of B&D.

Bill: What kind of people are they?

Michelle: The insecure ones are off on their own trips. However, the Mistresses I've come to know are nice people who are totally professional in what they do. They don't try to put you or anyone else down. Over the phone or through letters it's almost impossible to exchange techniques. However, when we visit each other, we do end up showing each other new stuff. I can watch them in action, see their dungeons, and see the kind of equipment they're using.

The equipment used in B&D you can't go to your local supermarket and buy off the shelf. When I see something I can use, I come back and have it made. Some of the mistresses have some very good ideas.

Bill: Are there more men or women who come to you for a session?

Michelle: More men come to see me than women. That may have nothing to do with the fact that I'm female and a Dominant, but probably more because of where I advertise.

Bill: What do you mean.

Michelle: It's a male world. Adult bookstores are geared towards males. Adult movie theaters are geared towards males. Adult newspapers are geared toward males. It's logical that since males I see my advertising in these places, I'd have I more male slaves than female.

Bill: If things were different - if the bookstores, movies or newspapers either appealed to both men or women OR if there was an equal amount of adult information separately for men and women do you think it would be different?

Michelle: Absolutely. But, with one drawback...

Bill: What's that?

Michelle: Society looks down on a female being with a female. The main attraction is for a female to dominate a male or vice versa. If I was a male dominant, I would probably have more female slaves than male.

Bill: Are the sessions for men any different than the ones for women?

Michelle: Sure. Whoever does a B&D session, probably ninety percent of it is psychological. Men's fantasies are different from women's, so of course the sessions are different. Also, I like women better than men, so I'm not as hard on them. If a dominant liked men more than she likes women, she'd probably be harder on the women. I probably do the same things to both sexes. But, because their fantasies are different, the tone of the session changes for men and women.

Bill: I've had all human interaction described as being either dominant or submissive. Do you think that is true? Why?

Michelle: I think we all have these traits to some degree. This is how we get along in society. But, I don't think that's what you mean. Most people are never exclusively dominant or submissive. They could be three-quarters dominant and one-quarter submissive, or any combination. If you want to look at human interaction in to categories it's probably equally silly to see everything in terms of religion or politics.

But I'm sure some people see the world that way also. I think society and people are too complex to make life seem that simple.

Bill: Can you describe the typical person who comes to you for a session? Age, education, job, etc.?

Michelle: In some respects, there is no such thing as a typical slave. I've had them from 18 to 80 years old, illiterate to PhDs and from every walk of life you can name.

Bill: Instead of typical, what is the average person?

Michelle: The average slave is between 30 and 40 years old, more successful in business than average, and usually better educated. The age thing is kind of funny, though - I've found that if a mistress is 18 years old, most of her slaves are 18. If she's in her 30's her slaves are in their 30's - give or take a few years and so on. It seems that people prefer Mistresses from people pretty much their own age.

Dominance is not something for an average person. I think my slaves have already come to the conclusion that day-to- day sex is boring for them. I believe they're looking for something beyond that. For them it is just another form of foreplay.

Bill: Why do your slaves come to you? Are they seeking psychological release, acting out a fantasy, or looking for sexual variation?

Michelle: I think they come for all three of those reasons. I don't think that they come for sex. If all they wanted was sex, they could get that from just about anyone. Since I'm a professional, they know they're coming to me for just dominance.

Bill: What is your definition of Dominance?

Michelle: My definition of a person who is dominant is one whocontrols, has authority or power. It definitely ISN'T someone who gets sexual pleasure out of controlling or inflicting pain on others. That's a sadist.

Bill: Dominance covers a wide area of human sexual behaviors - what do you enjoy? Do you specialize? What do your clients enjoy?

Michelle: What do I enjoy? I enjoy doing oriental style rope bondage, spankings, whippings, and public humiliation. But, as I said before, I really enjoy shocking people. In terms of specialties, right now I specialize in piercing, enemas, and rope bondage. Actually, the very nature of being a dominant is being a specialist, so everything I do is a specialty. Everyone who comes to me, at some time, has read an ad or story of mine. Depending on what was published, I tend to get different slaves. If it's TV ism I get a lot of TVs, enemas, I get people into enemas. The majority of people who come to me are people who have seen or heard about me and know I'm good at some heavier types of things. This is because I've been into this for more than twenty years.

Bill: Heavy?

Michelle: You've got to be careful when using the phrases 'heavy' or 'light' in B&D. What is heavy to one slave may be light to the other.

Bill: Do you see society accepting B&D as a normal form of sexual variation in the future?

Michelle: Yes and no. First, psychologists tell us there are only twelve things that are normal, and I've never met anyone who is into all twelve. I really don't know what normal is. Do I see more and more people accepting this as a form of sex play? Sure! Society is accepting dominance. Look at the new wave fashions. Leathers and other clothes are now becoming very fashionable.

I don't see this as replacing regular sex, just because it appeals to a very few people. But I do see a time when society will no longer condemn it as being "sick." Anyone can have sex. It takes a unique breed of person to understand and enjoy bondage and discipline.

Bill: If someone wanted to try B&D to see if he liked it, how would you suggest he go about it?

Michelle: If a person is a novice, and had never done this before and thought he'd like B&D...sure, try it. If you like it, do it. I can't see that it will hurt you. But make sure you do it with the right people.

Bill: Who are 'the right people'?

Michelle: Your very first experience in B&D should probably be with a professional mistress who understands novices. The experience can really turn you off if it is done improperly by the wrong person who doesn't understand your limits.

Bill: Do you have equipment? How often is it used?

Michelle: Yes, I have lots of equipment. As a matter of fact, I probably have more than any other mistresses in the country. I may not have as many of one thing as other mistresses, however, I probably have a wider collection of equipment than anyone else. I don't own equipment to hang on the wall either. Everything I have, I'm capable of using at any time during a session. Some things are used on an everyday basis, while other things are used only occasionally.

Bill: What type is most heavily favored by your slaves?

Michelle: Generally, my slaves are into ' rope bondage, harnesses, spankings, and things of this nature. I also have a lot of neat little things that have been adapted, like disposable towel clamps that are now nipple clamps, fishing weights I use to weigh down cocks, balls, and nipples. The equipment used for "heavier" sessions like electricity, piercings, or blood letting, obviously don't get used as much as a paddle or a riding crop.

Bill: What is a 'heavy' session as opposed to a 'light' session?

Michelle: It all depends on the person. To me a heavy session is electricity, piercings, branding, that sort of thing. It depends, on the person's psyche. To some, rope bondage, spanking and enemas might be heavy, but to others, this might be light. If a slave asks me to cut his dick off...I'd say THAT'S heavy!!

Bill: I'm not going to ask if you ever have.

Michelle: Why not? You'll never find out anything unless you ask?

Bill: What is the most popular session you do?

Michelle: I already told you about the novice introductory session. Many people who come to me are novices, and are in it just to experiment. So, you could say the most frequent session is an introductory session. This includes rope bondage, whipping, spanking, humiliation, light harnesses, gags, nipple and penis torture, and enemas.

Bill: Do all these things happen in the first session?

Michelle: No, but they could. It is important to respect the limits of your slave. Some of this stuff we may not do. But I'll do just about anything in the realm of B&D.

Bill: Do your slaves come to you with a fantasy they wish to act out? Or do you attempt to work it out with them before the session starts? Or, do they simply leave it up to your imagination?

Bill: If someone did find that they enjoyed B&D and now wanted to share it with their lover. Any suggestions on how to bring it up?

Michelle: B&D is not for everybody. Just because you might enjoy it doesn't mean your mate or lover is into it. That's probably the biggest failure in human relationships: Communication! You've got to communicate with your mate. And do it with a spirit of openness and honesty. You need to sit down and talk about things. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, each mate needs to get it out in the open. You've got to be open minded about this. This guy is a phone freak. He's not going to come in for a session. He's just going to get off on what I tell him. Who needs that crap? A lot of people give you a hard time, and that's something that I don't need. For those people who are interested in me, they make an appointment, they act like gentlemen, they don't hassle me about my fee, they are into it, they want to do it...that's the kind of people I want to see. If my life was perfect, I wouldn't have to fight with different magazines for my pictures and articles. I've given thousands of pictures to magazines and they've probably printed less than ten percent of them. For anyone getting into this business it's hard. Once you get established, even though you have to stay here in the dungeon almost twenty-four hours a day, you can make a pretty good living doing something you enjoy. Sometimes you work until midnight and watch the things that you'd planned to do in the evening go right down the drain! The point is, you work long hours.

It takes a lot to be a dominant. You need the attire, equipment, a dungeon etc. And most of all, you need a commitment to Dominance. The next thing you need is the connection with the magazines - and that's probably the hardest thing to accomplish. Some new girl with heavy eye makeup and a garter belt is on the cover of a magazine but in four months she's dropped out of the scene entirely! Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've been on a cover?

Some day someones going to publish a magazine who's more into B&D than they are into publishing AND has a good business sense. It's going to be that person who will put most everyone else out of business because without the hassles I'm currently having to go through, I could do a much better job, and that person would sell a lot more magazines than anyone else in the business.

Bill: That's quite a mouthful.

Michelle: It certainly is, but that's how this business is.

Her eyes sparkled with a pixie-like twinkle. It was almost midnight.

Michelle: You^ve just about run out of tape, do you want anything more?

Bill: I've got more than enough now. Would you like some cognac or something?

Post Script

At this point, I turned off the tape recorder. For the rest of the evening, Michelle and I enjoyed each other as people, not as interviewer and interviewee.

Michelle Peters is a fascinating woman. She's attractive, intelligent, and she is very good at what she does. And she enjoys doing it. If you are ever in the Detroit area, she is definitely worth seeing.

An American Classic

This interview was done for Mistress Diamond's Passion Magazine , Issue 5, 1996. Keep in mind this was 11 years ago and some things have changed. There were 7 photos in this interview.

General background.

I think my age is unimportant. If I told you, you would not believe me. I've been doing B/D since 1963 and as a professional Mistress since 1976.

I was born in California, practiced as a Mistress for 13 years in Detroit, Michigan. I'm 5'11" tall, weigh 145 Ibs. and have blonde hair. I have no hobbies except B/D.

Sexual preference?

You mean if I were to have sex? Then it may be bi-sexual.

How long have you been Interested in fetish? When did you become aware of your interests and why?

I'm not really certain "fetish" is the proper term. A "fetish" is obsessive concern. With me, it is not obsessive, but it is of concern. Let's put it this way...I enjoy it. I first became aware of my interests about 1961 or '62.

How long have you been practicing as a Dominant?

Do you mean as a professional? Then the answer would be 19 years. And I DO believe I am the longest advertising Mistress in the U.S. If you count since 1963, then that's 31 years. What areas of scene play do you enjoy most?

First, I do not "play". Mistresses don't play. I am very much into B/D heart and soul.

Do you have what might be termed a particular "fetish forte"?

I take it, what do I specialize in? Then it's Oriental-style rope bondage.

What special methods do you employ in your play or what things are you able to provide that you feel sets your world apart from those of other professional Dominas? Your "Signature Mark", in other words?

First, I would say my experience, because I've been doing this for a long time. Second, I have one of the nicest dungeons in the country, if not the world. And, thirdly, what I say goes. A slave can expect a very long session at a modest price, with someone who has one of the best set-ups anywhere. Isn't that enough?

Has there been any literature or movies that have influenced you in your fetish development?

I wish you would quit using the term "fetish"! You have to remember, when I started doing B/D, there was hardly any literature or movies on the subject. One book, "The House of Pain", by Monique Von Cleef. That was written in '62 or '63.

Along these lines, do you have any personal reading or viewing recommendations for Our Readers?

For all mentioned, any of my nine videos and of the thousands of stories I've written over the years.

Do you have any particular musical preferences? Scene play? Personal relaxation?

For B/D sessions, I like rock and roll and a session personally relaxes me. Usually I play music in all my sessions and I ask the slave the type of music he likes. It makes for a better session than to play something he doesn't like.

Is the art of Domination gender-based? (In other words, are you a staunch advocate of Female Supremacy, or do you believe there is room within the Dominant realm for other senders (Male or TV/TS) as well?

There are ten things that constitute sex. Gender is only one thing. It is possible for a person to be born one sex or other and have one of the ten factors missing. But gender does not have any bearing in whether a person is going to be dominant or submissive. I know many male dominants who are great masters. If you're asking about the TV or post-op TS, then I would say, if they conduct themselves in a proper manner, I have no objections.

But I am a staunch advocate of Female Supremacy. Unfortunately, not all females know they are supreme.

Do you consider yourself to be a "Lifestyle Dominant" Why or why not?

From the time I get up, from the time I go to bed, I am answering the phone, seeing slaves, working on photos, doing stories and interviews. How can it not be?

Your feelings about professional Domination. Does it serve a constructive purpose in our Scene? If so, HOW?

When you do B/D as a professional, you have to deliver. You have to look good, you have to have a neat, clean dungeon, or you will not get any repeat slaves. Whether or not it's constructive in the Scene, I can't say, but it is in Society. Because it pays the bills, and I'm not on welfare, having everyone else pay my bills.

What Inspired you to become a professional Dominatrix?

Many things! One thing I noticed at the time I went professional, was the fact that Mistresses usually never met slaves at their own personal dungeons. It was always in a motel room with a small bag of equipment that they brought with them. I wanted to change that. I feel I was one of the first to print the phone number in my ads. I've always felt it you look the best you can and have a good dungeon, you'll make it.

Do you have "personal slaves" as well as professional clients?

You mean do I have any permanent slaves No, as far as clients, the answer is again no. I have only slaves. Are you confused?? A client is someone for whom professional services are rendered. I do not render any service. Slaves come to me to render their services.

What advice might you have for those readers desiring to apply for consideration in this very special realm of your world?

Application procedures. Special work areas currently open.

To tell you the truth, I don't understand the question. If you are truly into B/D, then you will find your own path.

Each person, whether slave or Mistress, must find their own path.

How might a prospective slave apply to you In a general client sense?

By one of two ways: By calling me and being interviewed over the phone or by writing to me. If he writes, he'll receive a form letter telling him to call, but most important, he'll receive a copy of one of my free newsletters.

What method do you employ for evaluating prospective slaves and acquainting yourself with their particular areas of interest prior to play?

By phone or mail is O.K. But, I've found from my experience that I can tell pretty much about a slave after his first session. The first session is an introductory session I've set up which everyone goes through. By the second or third session, a slave is familiar with me, my dungeon,, and what to expect.

What sort of qualities do you seek in your prospective slaves?

Very good question. I expect him to be humble, obedient, and clean. I expect him to act like a gentleman and go through his session and not give me a hard time. I would hope he likes his session and wants to come back.

What is the gender make-up of your stables? (male, female, tv/ts) Personal stable. Professional stable.

Another good question, because you'll note up to this time, I've been saying, "he, his, him", referring to slaves in the male pronoun. But, yes, I do see females and couples. To be honest, I would rather see single males. Seems like they are easier to control.

How long do your training sessions last?

This depends on how long a slave wants to see me. I have one to two hour sessions, three to four hour sessions, one day, two days, three days, 5 days. I just had a two week session. It really depends on how much a slave can stand to donate and how much time he has.

What are your feelings about "safe-sane-and consensual"?

Understandable, but in California you cannot do anything against a person's will or not within the law. And, B/D is legal, providing there is no sexual contact.

What are your feelings about the use of "safe words" in scene play?

It's O.K., but, experience! After you've done thousands of sessions, you can tell right away if there are problems. You don't have to wait for a safe word.

What are your favorite Implements?

Without ruining the surprise of my dungeon, I would say some of my smaller implements, like paddles and whips.

But, I have automated suspension, a nine-foot long stretching rack. Those are my favorites.

Are there any special measures you take to insure safe play during your play scenes?

Of course, common sense! I'm beginning to think these are loaded questions!! Special dungeon equipment or furniture contained in your facilities (describe):

This would fill the rest of the page. I have a lot of whips, paddles, collars, clamps, weights, and small apparatus.

Larger things like crosses, suspension, stretching racks, etc. There's just really too much to mention.

Are there any other special features of your facilities that you would like to acquaint our readers with?

My dungeon is probably one of the nicest I've ever seen in the thirty-one years I've been doing this. I am not saying this because it's mine, but because it is a fact. And I've seen a lot of them.

Types of Dominant wear available?

Some TV., some latex, some leather. This is the area where I'm the weakest. I need more in this area.

Do you provide overnight facilities?

Basically, I've set up my whole house for this: two bathrooms, one for Mistress and one for slaves, a guest bedroom for extended periods, and the rest of the house is furnished and set up for overnight sessions. I'm still working on it.

What will you NOT provide?

I will not do anything crazy or against the law, but will do everything else.

What is your pet peeve?

One of my biggest complaints are with other Mistresses. I hate the fact, in the beginning they know nothing, admit to it, then four or five years later they know everything. You don't learn overnight. I would say, after ten or fifteen years, then do videos and the like. But, wait until you have the experience.

Do you go out in public as a Dominatrix? Why or why not? What sort of reactions do you get?

Do clothes make the Dominatrix? Being dominant is within you. But, let's not toy with words. I do get it. I live in the Mojave Desert. In the fall and winter, temperatures are fairly cool. In the spring and summer we get 120+ degrees.

It's certainly not for leather, latex, or anything where you're covered. I mostly wear posture collars, opera gloves, corsets, panties, nylons, boots, or shoes. Actually, this is more clothing than I wear to the beach, but I'm sure Society would NOT approve of B/D attire in public. I have worn these things in public, but why put a loaded gun on the table?

Do you have any favorite type of punishment or humiliation method that you employ?

Not really. I mean there are several things that come to mind, but if I say it now, what's left for the slave to visit me!

Do you have limits when it comes to the infliction of pain for pain or punishment?

I'll do almost anything, provided it's not against the law. B/D is legal, provided there is no sexual contact, no penetration, no torture, and you're not doing anything against a person's will. Most requested things are: bondage, whipping, spanking, suspension, hoods, gags, and humiliation.

What feelings do you experience when you re involved in a hot scene? Do you receive any physical or psychological rush from your play scenes?

Well, I have a sense of true power. I am invulnerable. But they are not feelings of grandeur. Actually, I can't think of all that occurs, but I'm sure what I've said hasn't even touched the surface.

Do you do training by phone or mail?

No to either.

Are you available for fetish lectures or seminars?

Yes, and I've given many to local colleges in my area.

PO. BOX 1934.
(760) 949-2050

DIAMOND NOTE: Mistress Michelle Peters is, indeed, a legend in Her time. Her continuance as a Lifestyle Mistress and Professional Domina throughout the years, shows a genuine love for Our Leather World! Shining magnificently through periods of sunlight and persevering firmly through the storms, she remains, when many others have fallen by the wayside. I first met Mistress Michelle in 1987 during a very special visit to California and was highly impressed by Her color, vivacity, and knowledge of the Scene. We immediately became friends. It pleases me to present this wonderful lady to our PASSION pages!

The Leather Archives & Museum

Visit Mistress Michelle

The first week of October is was my honor to have Rick Storer visited me for two days and the last day he was here, I did a taped interview. That interview is a part of the LA & M and can be heard at the library. Ask to hear this tape when visiting the LA & M in Chicago.


From 1975 to 1997 I appeared on over 70 magazine & newspaper covers, more than any other Mistress. I had written columns & stories for all the major publications. Today I see the B&D scene as a total sham. You see little respect given to the people who have been in the scene for many years. And I would say 50% of the people who are into the scene lie about how long & length of experience that they have. Most use their first names and many do not use honorifics. I think most of the people that came before me would be rolling over their graves. And this is what is has come to. Can it be changed? The scene today would have to re think itself. It might be to late.

--Mistress Michelle

See also Michelle Peters

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