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She said, "We will see, when tomorrow comes, if I feel in the mood." The next evening, she donned her black velvet frock, high heels and belt, dressing up her hair to expose her ornamented ears, now ornamented in every hole, even the big ones, and of course her nose ring. With her tiny waist and high heels, she looked magnificent. Then after tea, I went into the back room to get the things ready for the operation to come, all a quiver with suppressed anticipation.
She said, "We will see, when tomorrow comes, if I feel in the mood." The next evening, she donned her black velvet frock, high heels and belt, dressing up her hair to expose her ornamented ears, now ornamented in every hole, even the big ones, and of course her nose ring. With her tiny waist and high heels, she looked magnificent. Then after tea, I went into the back room to get the things ready for the operation to come, all a quiver with suppressed anticipation.

This time, instead of circles for the pig ringer, I altered it with different jaws so that it would take D shaped loops, with the straight side of the D to enter across the nipples, for the nipples were further through than her ears and I wanted the holes to be straight ones. The rings were made like the letter D, with the straight upright sharpened at one end and the far end of the curve which would eventually meet it, fin ­ished in a loop, so that when the tool closed the loop up, the sharpened end would drive through the little loop and so seal it in place. They were made of the thickest silver wire, over 1/16 inch thick, so that good large holes would be produced by them when they healed and it would then be easier to commence future stretchings of the holes through the nipples, for I hoped one day to make them take rings of ¼ or 5/16” thick.
This time, instead of circles for the pig ringer, I altered it with different jaws so that it would take D shaped loops, with the straight side of the D to enter across the nipples, for the nipples were further through than her ears and I wanted the holes to be straight ones. The rings were made like the letter D, with the straight upright sharpened at one end and the far end of the curve which would eventually meet it, fin ┬¡ished in a loop, so that when the tool closed the loop up, the sharpened end would drive through the little loop and so seal it in place. They were made of the thickest silver wire, over 1/16 inch thick, so that good large holes would be produced by them when they healed and it would then be easier to commence future stretchings of the holes through the nipples, for I hoped one day to make them take rings of ½ or 5/16ΓÇ¥ thick.

I put the rings in to sterilise. They would be worn with the straight part horizontally through the nipples. When all the tools were ready and laid out I went back into the room, and putting my arms around her tiny waist I said, "What has little Effie to ask me to do to her?" And at last, after some hesitation, she kissed me, then put her lips to my ear and murmured, "Darling Bill, would you like to pierce some nice thick silver rings through your little wifie's tits? If you are, I am ready, indeed I am anxious to begin, for I am sure you will love doing it to me and I shall be thrilled to suffer it being done to me."
I put the rings in to sterilise. They would be worn with the straight part horizontally through the nipples. When all the tools were ready and laid out I went back into the room, and putting my arms around her tiny waist I said, "What has little Effie to ask me to do to her?" And at last, after some hesitation, she kissed me, then put her lips to my ear and murmured, "Darling Bill, would you like to pierce some nice thick silver rings through your little wifie's tits? If you are, I am ready, indeed I am anxious to begin, for I am sure you will love doing it to me and I shall be thrilled to suffer it being done to me."

Revision as of 23:07, 13 October 2019

This article is a Biography

(Chapter 23) -- Ethel Granger -- (Chapter 25)

Chapter 24 - Pierced tits

It was all over for the night, and in the glass she surveyed her ears, which now had six pierced holes in each. Afterwards I kissed her passionately for her endurance. They healed up quite well, without any soreness except that she had to sleep upon her back for some few days, for they were painful if she slept on them. That night, as I kissed her, she said, "I was very brave, wasn't I?" I said she really was, and I hoped she would be just as brave tomorrow. She said, "Why, Darling?"

I replied, "Tomorrow, I would like to do your breast nipples, and I would be delighted if you would then put your arms around me and say very softly in my ear, "Darling, will you please pierce wifie's little tits and put some silver rings through them for her?" And she replied, "And if I do, what will you do?" "I shall do just what little Effie asks, of course." I said.

She argued of course, that she had just had her ears done for me and that it was cruel to ask her more so quickly. Also that it would hurt, and certainly disfigure her breasts forever. I pointed out that our opportunity to do these things would not last forever, and with all the things to do, we must press on. I also said we could use the hypodermic to prevent any pain, to which I would also be as quick in possible. As for disfigurement, a nice gold ring or pearl stud would not disfigure anything; besides, who would be likely to see them, except myself. I told her that I had read about Parisian women with tetons, and what had they that she should not have.

She said, "We will see, when tomorrow comes, if I feel in the mood." The next evening, she donned her black velvet frock, high heels and belt, dressing up her hair to expose her ornamented ears, now ornamented in every hole, even the big ones, and of course her nose ring. With her tiny waist and high heels, she looked magnificent. Then after tea, I went into the back room to get the things ready for the operation to come, all a quiver with suppressed anticipation.

This time, instead of circles for the pig ringer, I altered it with different jaws so that it would take D shaped loops, with the straight side of the D to enter across the nipples, for the nipples were further through than her ears and I wanted the holes to be straight ones. The rings were made like the letter D, with the straight upright sharpened at one end and the far end of the curve which would eventually meet it, fin ┬¡ished in a loop, so that when the tool closed the loop up, the sharpened end would drive through the little loop and so seal it in place. They were made of the thickest silver wire, over 1/16 inch thick, so that good large holes would be produced by them when they healed and it would then be easier to commence future stretchings of the holes through the nipples, for I hoped one day to make them take rings of ½ or 5/16ΓÇ¥ thick.

I put the rings in to sterilise. They would be worn with the straight part horizontally through the nipples. When all the tools were ready and laid out I went back into the room, and putting my arms around her tiny waist I said, "What has little Effie to ask me to do to her?" And at last, after some hesitation, she kissed me, then put her lips to my ear and murmured, "Darling Bill, would you like to pierce some nice thick silver rings through your little wifie's tits? If you are, I am ready, indeed I am anxious to begin, for I am sure you will love doing it to me and I shall be thrilled to suffer it being done to me."

I stopped her lips with a kiss, as I escorted her into the other room, where the tools and rings were ready for her, saying, "Darling, I have waited years to hear you say that, and I thought I never should do so. I will do it for you as you ask me so nicely and it will give me great pleasure to do it and to see the result when it is done. I will hurt you as little as possible, but when they are done, your breast nipples will be well and truly pierced for ever."

Then I showed her the thick rings at which she gave an involuntary shudder and at the piercer also. Lifting her breasts over the top of her low cut velvet dress, I tucked a towel underneath them, in case of bleeding, for I did not know what might happen. I then kissed and fondled each swelling breast before I carefully sponged the right nipple with surgical spirit, and then carefully holding it in my rubber gloved fingers, I pricked it on one aide with the hypodermic, to give her an injection of novocaine; but not so much as I wanted to do, for the cried out with the pain of the penetration of' this sensitive spot, and wriggled the point out, but I thought I had put some in so after a minute she said it felt fairly well numbed, so that I could go on with the job, as she was now ready for it.

I manipulated her nipple and drew it out until it projected proudly forward, as if waiting for the adornment to be put in place. This was important, as I wanted to be sure that the piercing was done well down under the fleshy tip part of the nipple, where indeed it felt much thinner and would be easier to do. Also, when it was pierced low down as I intended, it would for ever hold her nipples prominently thrust outwards, for the rings would prevent them flattening inwards, as many nipples do.

I then resterilised the nipple, and picking up the piercer, with the D-ring, fully opened in place in the jaws, I pulled the nipple out as far as possible and fitted the point of the ring in at the root of the nipple. It was not easy to get it in the right place, but at last I thought I had it positioned about right, and she could see that I was nearly ready. She murmured, "You will not hurt me, will you darling?" And I said, "Not if I can help it, and I will now be as quick as I can." With that I gave the handles a quick hard pressure and felt them come together.

I saw the point of the wire pressed into her flesh until this sharpened point was driven ruthlessly and quickly through her tender sensitive breasts at the root of her nipple, and thgen it was bursting out of the other side and through the loop made to receive it. The piercing was done for good or ill, and when I took the tool away, the ring was through, not wuite square, but well through the middle and right at the root of the nipple. She gave a scream, so I had to support her, for she nearly fainted away. She murmured, "Oh! Bill! What have you done? You hurt me all over. Have you done it right?"

I kissed her passionately and said "Yes, Darling. It is done as you can see for yourself." Which she did. She locked down at her nipple and lifted it so that she could see the silver ring transfixing it, and it gave her a thrill to see it there. I gave her a little time to recover from the shock and pain of the first piercing before commencing operations on the second one. I noticed that there was practically no bleeding, except for one or two drops which seemed to come from the tip or the nipple, and these soon ceased to flow.

Then I put the second ring into the ringer, and kissed and drew at the nipple until it was drawn out as before. I then thoroughly sterilised it, sprayed it with ethyl chloride, and taking the hypodermic in one hand while I held the nipple with the other, this time I gave a good push well into the tip of her nipple, despite her cries of pain which soon stopped as I drove the plunger in to give her an adequate injection. This time the nipple did go quite numb, so far as I could discover.

Resterilised, I seized it in my left hand, working the ring into the correct position for the puncturing, as far to the root as possible, matching the first one. Then when all was ready I heard her say, "Do it quickly darling, for I cannot be brave much longer." So I gave the handles a quick, hard squeeze, saw and heard it crunch home, to bust out on the other side through the loop and the job was done. This time she only said "Oh!", and afterwards admitted that she had not felt a thing after I had put the injection in; so the anaesthetic this time proved very effective.

I kissed her passionately and my passion was returned in full, for what I had done to her breasts had turned her on to the full height of sexual passion. I called her, "My little pierced tits", which she was, for her two breasts were still projecting over the top of her low cut, black velvet dress, while through the root of each nipple, against. the white flesh was the glistening thick silver wires. HEr breasts were now pierced d would be thus mutilated for the rest of her life, and she would learn to live with them. I hoped when they were well healed, a process which I did not expect to be speedy, we could start to stretch and disfigure than, until they could take thick rings or rods, which if the treatment developed her bust, these would no doubt be conspicuous through her tight blouses or dresses.

It was a fascinating thought that then these big heavy rings would swing and drag at her breast nipples as she rides or walks or works around and this might help to develop and enlarge her breasts to a full busted size. In the next two or three weeks the piercings in ears, septum and breasts settled down, giving no trouble, so that in less than three weeks I removed the silver rings from the tops of her ears and tried an experiment with the pink perspex studs, which I had managed to turn up, although it was a ticklish job with such fragile stuff, and I spoiled several making each one, but these were in preparation for the day when I should pierce her nostrils and other places. They had tiny heads and nuts. I put them into the top holes in her ears, finding that they were quite sterile, in fact promoted healing, and practically invisible. But I did notice a curious fact about them, for after use, when worn for long periods of time, the material seemed to absorb moisture from the body, when it then increased in size by about 20%. Also it seemed to soften and become rubbery in nature. This made it possible to increase the size of the hole quite painlessly, as it was only necessary to remove the stud after a fortnight, by which time it had swollen, and replace it with a new one of the enlarged diameter of the old one, and repeat the process as often as possible, so the holes easily and painlessly became steadily larger.

Into the odd hole on the side of her ear I fitted a small pearl stud, and one in it the other side to match it, so that she went out now displaying four ornamented peircings in her ears, which attracted considerable attention and comment, for her ears were now well displayed, but she soon got used to it and became oblivious of it, as it became second nature to her to be so decorated. After some months her ears became well healed and the breast gave little trouble, but did not seem to heal through as they should, and I was later forced to do something with them, which I shall describe at a later date.

I have not said so, but before I did Ethel's nipples I had experimented on my own, and with the ringer had driven a silver wire through them, first near the tips and later on through the root. I know what she meant when she said it hurt her all over. The tip piercings pulled through after a time and went, but the root one was there for a long time. I had also experimented on my nostril, but that was before I tried pink plastic. I used a tiny silver stud and nut, but I blackened the head with sulphur so it should look like a large blackhead. Someone did notice it but I passed it off and got away with it. It made the tears come to my eyes when I did the piercing it is true, but I had no more trouble with it. In the end I took it out and let it close up.

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