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Infatuation is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoned passion or love: 'expresses the headlong libidinal attraction' of addictive love. Usually, one is inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone.


Because in common parlance, 'infatuation is extravagant or foolish love, an infatuated person, quite commonly, is someone who in over-valuing the beloved has mistaken beliefs concerning her or him'. Some consider that 'perhaps infatuation can only be distinguished from romantic love in retrospect...others suggest that infatuation may be the first step towards love...can grow into a more mature love' - marks the first stage of a relationship before 'a bumpy, but nonetheless inevitable, transition from romantic infatuation to mature intimacy'. In such a view, 'lovers begin as prolifically inventive, producing enthralling illusions about each other...only to be disappointed into truth'.

In the case of infatuation, there is usually an obsessor and an object of desire, who may or may not be attainable. In its "pure" state, infatuation is characterized by unrealistic expectations of blissful passion without positive relationship growth or development, and by a lack of the trust, loyalty, commitment, and reciprocity found in maturer love.

More information is available at [ Wikipedia:Infatuation ]

W. Parrot Model of Emotions
Primary emotions Secondary emotions Tertiary emotions
Affection adoration, affection, attraction, caring, compassion, fondness, liking, love, romance, sentimentality, tenderness,
Lust arousal, desire, ecstasy, lust, passion, infatuation
Longing longing
Contentment Contentment, pleasure, happiness
Enthrallment enthronement, rapture
Pride pride, triumph
Optimism eagerness, hope, optimism
Relief relief
Zest enthusiasm, zeal, less, excitement, thrill, exhilarating
Surprise amazement, surprise, astonishment
Irritation aggravation, irritation, education, annoyance, grouchiness, grumpiness
Exasperation exasperating, frustration
Disgust disgust, revulsion, contempt
Rage anger, rage, outrage, fury, rat, hostility, ferocity, hate, loathing, scorn, Spike, faithfulness, dislike, presentment
Envy envy, jealousy
Torment torment
Disappointment dismay, disappointment, displeasure
Neglect alienation, isolation, neglect, loneliness, rejection, home sickness, defeat, detection, insecurity, embarrassment, humiliation, insult
Sadness depression, despair, hopelessness, gloom, loneliness, sadness unhappiness, grief, sorrow, woe, Missouri, melancholy
Shame guilt, shame, regret, remorse
Suffering agony, suffering, hurt, malaise
Sympathy pity, sympathy
Horror alarm, shock, fear, fright, or Caarol, panic, hysteria, mortification
Nervousness apprehension, anxiety, distressed, dread nervousness, phobia, tenseness, uneassiness, tremor, worry, distressed, dread