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Washington in United States.png

Capital: Olympia
Largest city: Seattle
Resource Guide: RL-WA

Phone Numbers

  • Fantasy Unlimited, First & Pike, Seattle Sm/bd apparel -- 206-682-0167
  • Info on Washington swingers, etc., {SW} -- 206-976-3273
  • Karen, Redmond {Model, videos} -- 206-822-5177
  • The Kinky Hotline, Seattle {Phone Sex S/M, B/D} % PC, CC -- 206-322-2911
  • New Northwest, Seattle C, R -- 206-789-5421
  • Party Finders, Seattle Info on contacts, R {SW} -- 206-938-2959
  • Seattle Club, Seattle PC, .99/min -- 206-976-DARE
  • Seattle Kink Information Network (SKIN) Educational forum on BDSM held on the 1st & 3rd Sunday At Crossroads Learning Center Phone: (206) 368-0384
  • Sisters of Sin (SOS) Phone: 206-781-7380
  • SM/BD Phone Sex, Wash. State Female domination, CC -- 206-322-2911
  • Sunday Club, Seattle Couples & singles, R {SW} -- 206-937-6385
  • Mistress Sylvia, Seattle {DF}, B -- 206-329-1397
  • Tanya Ray, Seattle into TVs, TSs (No calls after 10 pm) -- 206-623-1549
  • Women's Welcoming Committee (WWC) (For Women) - sharing information about BDSM. Meets the first Tuesday of every month, 7-9pm at The Wet Spot.
  • The Wet Spot Seattle's Sex Positive Community Center Phone: 206-270-9746
  • Yvette's, Des Moines Massage parlor -- 206-575-1232
  • Contact Line, Seattle $1.95 min, R -- 900-568-3422


  • 98002 - Genesis, 30811 - 124th Ave., S.E., Auburn {SW}
  • 98003 - W.S.J.D., POB 8061, Federal Way several models
  • 98007 - Love Pantry, 14220 NE 20th, Bellevue Adult book store ®2631
  • 98032 - P & K, 1529 W. Meeker, #106, Kent Lingerie catalog, $5.00
  • 98028 - Fantasies, POB 82607, Kenmore AC, R ®2687
  • 98031 - C's, POB 5327, Kent {SW}
  • 98036 - New Horizons Party House, POB 2188, Lynnwood 206-745-3156 On prem Party house
  • 98046 - People's Choice, POB 5865, Lynnwood {SW} 206-778-8330
  • 98054 - The Gorian Society, POB 5268, Redondo Society of dominant men and submissive women - exclusive, C, R ®2541
  • 98072 - Ace Saddle Co., POB 733, Woodinville Leather wear for Street, Stage & Play
  • 981?? - Women's Welcoming Committee, WWC provides a safe place for Seattle-area women of any orientation to learn about BD/DS/SM and to serve as a resource for other women.(Rlzh.gifwww.halcyon.com/silver/wwc )
  • 98101 - The Crypt # One, 1310, East Union St., Seattle ®2458
  • 98101 - Fantasy Unlimited, 102 Pike St, Seattle 206-682-0167 Fetish clothing and playthings. ®SK290
  • 98101 - National Campaign for Freedom of Expression, 1402 3rd ave. #421 Seattle Phone: (206) 340-9301, organization to extend freedom of artistic expression and fight censorship.
  • 98101 - Provocative Playthings, 102 Pike St., Seattle Adult boutique
  • 98101 - The Weekly, 1931 2nd Ave., Seattle Yuppy newspaper, R, NEWS
  • 98102 - The Guide, POB 23070, Seattle Gay, bi, lesbian, TV, TS, resources {R}
  • 98102 - NLA:HQ, National Leather Assn Headquarters., POB 20674, Seattle 206-292-1025 "First Link" is the newsletter of the NLA. The best in national news! Updates on all U.S. SM organizations. The NLA offers education and loving support to all. {®)
  • 98102 - Tory, POB 20512, Seattle {DW, #}
  • 98102 - Mistress Amanda Victoria, POB 20341 Seattle 206-241-6666 "Become my slave and you will taste the ultimate in pleasure." {DW, !!, PM, ®}
  • 98102 - Powersurge '96(For Women), PO Box 23352 Seattle, A Seattle Women's SM Conference
  • 98102 - Villian, 219 Broadway E., Seattle 206-328-3184 clothing/jewelry store
  • 98103 - Emerald City, POB 31318, Seattle TC, N !!
  • 98107 - Executive Dating, POB 17566, Seattle Couples & singles {SW}
  • 98107 - Donna, 5503 17th Ave. N.W., Box P-197, Seattle {Model}
  • 98107 - Peggy Glenn, POB 17493, Seattle {Model} Busty
  • 98107 - David Morgan, POB 70190, Seattle Specializes in hand made, long lash whips of the Australian variety. Expensive, but well worth it! ®2198
  • 98108 - Playmates, 8613 14th Ave. S., #231, Seattle C, R
  • 98109 - TV Connection, POB 19515, Seattle TV/TS mag, N !!
  • 98111 - Border Riders Motorcycle Club - Portland (503) 256-0197 / Vancouver BC (604) 688- 9378 x2104PO Box 21152 Seattle, Phone: (206) 720-4774
  • 98111 - Empathy Press, POB 12466, Seattle Newsletter, TC, R
  • 98111 - Knights of Malta: Jet Chapter, PO Box 21052 Seattle
  • 98112 - Naughty Nancy, POB 22923 Seattle Phone: (206) 329-8331, custom latex clothing, straitjackets, body bags, etc.
  • 98112 - Red & Black Books, 432 - 15th Ave. East, Seattle Bookstore ®B0830
  • 98115 - Fantagraphics Books, 7563 Lake City Way NE Seattle Phone: (206) 524-1967 (800) 657-1100, publishes alternative and underground comics. No Storefront
  • 98115 - Renegade Bears (For Men), 9594 1st Ave NE #271Seattle Phone: (206) 823-6639, A club for bears, cubs, and trappers
  • 9116 - DM International POB 16188 Seattle Phone: (604) 689-13609 Publishers of kink: Taste of Latex, Bitches with Whips, Kinky People, Places and Things, and TV Connection
  • 98116 - Donna Larsen, 4128<$E1/2> California Ave SW - Suite 181, Seattle 206-938-2449 {DF} ®DD49
  • 98119 - Ingersol Gender Identity, 24 W. Lee, Seattle TS counseling
  • 98121 - D.J., 2318 2nd Ave, Seattle {Model}, into video trading
  • 98122 - Beyond the Closet Bookstore, 1501 Belmont Ave., Seattle 206-322-4509. Seattle's exclusively lesbian and gay bookstore. Carries many classics. {®}
  • 98122-3934 - Cascade Handballers, 1122 E. Pike #1135, Seattle 206-285-1122
  • 98122 - The Crypt, 1310 E. Union, Seattle 206-325-3882 Seattle's best S&M shop. These people are really into the scene. Leather clothes and toys, video sales and rentals, lingerie, magazines and much, much more. {®}
  • 98122 - Generic Leather Productions of Washington (GLPW)1122 East Pike St., #800 Seattle Phone: (206) 233-8527
  • 98122 - Eros Publishing, 1202 E. Pike st.#656 Seattle Phone:(206) 767-8269
  • 98122 - The Leather Pride Project, 122 E. Pike St. #707, Seattle 206-325-4275 Publishes bimonthly newsletter {®} (Rlzh.gifhome.aol.com/lthrpride ) ( Rlze.gif [ mailto:lthrpride@aol.com] lthrpride@aol.com )
  • 98122 - Northwest Bears - 1122 East Pike St., #802 Seattle Phone: (206) 233-1003
  • 98122 - Northwest Bondage Club, 1122 E. Pike St. #1212, Seattle 206-323-8626 A safe, clean environment with different equipment available
  • 98122 - No Safeword Writer's Group (NSWG), Seattle, A casual gathering of writers meets the 4th Monday of each month at The Wet Spot
  • 98122 - NW Bears, 1122 E. Pike St. #802, Seattle 206-233-1003 mailto:nwbears@scn.org
  • 98122-3934 - NWGRA, 1122 E. Pike #759, Seattle 206-233-8931 Northwest Gay Rodeo Association
  • 98122 - Playspace Ltd. 1512 11th st. Seattle Phone: (206) 329-0324, piercing, branding, scarification. Services for rights of passage, reclemation and joining ceremonies. Member of Association of Professional Piercers. Complies with CDC standards.
  • 98122 - Onyx Leathers, 1017 E. Pike, Seattle 206-324-6443 Tattooing, piercing, Handcrafted leather goods. {®}
  • 98122 - Outer Limits (OL), 1122 East Pike St. #1047Seattle 98122-3934, For Women - A Seattle based social and educational group for female born lesbians with an honest interest in SM
  • 98122 - Seattle Leather Mercantile, 1204 E. Pike st. Seattle Phone: (206) 860-5847, Custom Leather, boots, tshirts, embroidery, piercing, leather and boot care.
  • 98122 - Seattle Dungeon Guild, 918 E. Pike, Seattle
  • 98122-3934 - Seattle Men in Leather, 1122 East Pike St. #1199, Seattle 206-233-8141 Gay men's social club ( Rlze.gif [ mailto:scooter2@msn.com] scooter2@msn.com )
  • 98122 - Sin, 1512 11th st. Seattle Phone: (206) 621-0397 (800) 315-7466, fetish store with custon fetish wear and hardwear.
  • 98122 - Toys in Babeland, 711 E. Pike St., Seattle 206-528-2914 Books, sex toys, videos
  • 98122 - Tattoo You, 1017 E. Pike st. Seattle Phone: (206) 324-6443, tattoo and piercing.
  • 98122 - TV/TS Service, 1206 E. Pike St., Seattle 206-329-TVTS TC, N !!
  • 98122 - Washington State Mr. Leather Organization - 1122 East Pike St. #1032 Seattle 98122-3934 Phone: (206) 720-4075
  • 98122 - Wild Rose 1021 E. Pike St. Seattle Phone: (206) 324-9210, women's tavern/ cafe.
  • 98125 - PO box 25104Seattle WA 98125-2004
  • 98125 - Alternative Exchange BBS, PO box 25104 Seattle
  • 98125 - Best Visuals, POB 25614, Seattle Panty, raised skirt videos and Nipple torture videos
  • 98125 - C-Space, POB 25827, Seattle "Where the 'C' stands for Consensual." An educational forum. Information workshops every week. A great place to meet other SM'ers. No membership required.
  • 98125 - Eros Comix, POB 25070, Settle 206-524-1967 Adult comics by Eric Stanton and others
  • 98125 - Perfect Match, POB 22805, Seattle Support/social group for lesbian S&M women
  • 98125 - Perfect Match, POB 25175, Seattle C, AC, computer matching, N
  • 98133 - Love Pantry, 10333 Aurora North Seattle Adult toy store & ®2630
  • 98133 - Kathleen's Den, 19924 Aurora N., #79, Seattle 206-364-2911 Several women, referrals, contacts, etc. {C,N}
  • 98133 - Northwest Rainmakers, 10115 Greenwood N. #150 Seattle Phone: (206) 292-1411, international association for men and women who enjoy watersports and other alternative sexual activities.
  • 98133 - PsychCare NW, 2150 N. 107th st. Suite 200 Seattle Phone: (206) 362-4141, Sex therapy, counseling and psychiatry, especilly for alternate lifestylers.
  • 98138 - Original Circles, POB 58521, Seattle 206-227-0567 Off premises club holding events 2nd & 4th Sat of each month
  • 98146 - Freedom of Knowledge, POB 46156, Seattle Info about assorted sex contact clubs, groups, organizations in Oregon and Washington (Seattle 976-4878 0.75/min)
  • 98146 - Sensuous, Seattle, POB 46159, Seattle Couples & singles {SW}
  • 98155 - Rose 'n' Thorn Society, POB 55754, Seattle 206-368-9758 Dom male/sub female on swingers club Send $5 for info{®}(Rlzh.gifwww.blarg.net/~clematis ) * 98168 - Kinky Couples, POB 68164, Seattle {SW}
  • 98188 - John Stripper, POB 98791, Seattle Renowned artist - does excellent work on the subject of rubber{!, ®}
  • 98195 - Society for Human Sexuality, University of Washington, SAO 141, Box 352238, Seattle (Rlzh.gifweber.u.washington.edu/~sfpse ) ( Rlze.gif [ mailto:sfpse@u.washington.edu] sfpse@u.washington.edu )
  • 98227 - Kathy Castro, POB 5923, Bellingham Has catalog {!!, DF}
  • 98227 - Triskeli Guild, PO Box 111 Bellingham
  • 98245 - Slimwear of America, POB 997, Eastsound 206-376-5213 Rubber clothing for men and women. Catalog available. Well established, good reputation. {®}
  • 98310 - PALS, POB 914, Bremerton Swing club, couples only {SW}
  • 98362 - Intermedia, 825 E. First St., Port Angeles LOW, N
  • 98368 - M.P. Lawton, 4545 San Juan Ave., Port Townsend Spencer paddles, rubber paddles, straps, dungeon furniture, spanking stories and videos. Write for catalog.
  • 98368 - New World Rubbermen, C/0 Bill Bailey, 1602 Lincoln St., Port Townsend
  • 98373 - Models Unlimited, 11910 C Meridian E, Box 107, Puyallup {Models}
  • 98498 - NVC, POB 98477, Tacoma Lingerie sales ®2700
  • 98508 - South Sound SM Leatherfolk, PO Box 11494 Olympia Phone: (360) 786-1438
  • 98520 - New World Video, POB 858, Aberdeen Amateur videos
  • 98665 - Jaguar, 8002 N.E. Highway 99 - #44, Vancouver {Model}
  • 98666 - Travel Match, POB 1033, Vancouver Matches singles travelers, {SW}{Travel}
  • 98684 - M & M Dances, POB 84394, Vancouver 206-892-4245 Dances {SW}
  • 98907 ? Laura, POB 2141, Yakima {DF}
  • 99163 - Randy Johnson, POB 822, Pullman 509-334-3701 Randy's company, "Unicorn Enterprise" manufactures toys for the dungeon
  • 99206 - Fantasy, E. 9116 Sprague, #103, Spokane {Model} 's
  • 99207 - Dance Club, POB 7211, Spokane {SW}
  • 99207 - Friendship Club, POB 6223, Spokane {SW}
  • 99211 - Four Seasons, POB 11471, Spokane {SW} Couples only
  • 99220 - Fantasy NW Social Club, POB 2622, Spokane 509-939-2219 (ask for Bill or Shirley) Off prem Dance club for Couples and select females
  • 98227-0111 - The Triskeli Guild, POB 111, Bellingham An inclusive BDSM social group promoting an alternative lifestyle. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at a gay-friendly coffee house. $2.50/month or $25/yr mailto:sherkhan@earthlink.net http://home.earthlink.net/~sherkhan/
  • 98310 - Sherri, POB 2331, Bremerton {Model}
  • 99336 - Brass Ring, POB 6699, Kennewick {SW}
  • 98503 - Ann, POB 5291, Lacey {Model} Married, meets men

External links

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